Bush I and Broccoli

You have obviously misunderstood. Making kids eat broccoli will give them the incentive to succeed so they don''t have to. Actually, I like broccoli, but okra would have worked with me.

Any vegetable is tolerable with enough butter and salt...except spinach....that's a weed isn't it?

Both are good. Spinach has more iron. Broccoli has a helluva lot of C and a lot of fiber.
The only way I liked broccoli was the made my mother made it. I don't how she prepared it but it contained olive oil, garlic and some other seasoning and heated it up. Never tasted anything like it.
Marinate the broccoli florets in olive oil, salt and garlic then lay them out on a cookie sheet and roast them just until they begin to be charred. I like to sprinkle them with parmesan cheese when they are served.

Well, I had to figure it out cause I've NEVER emailed from one of these boards, so I've now copied your recipe.


PS My office was directly across from a Fresh Market and I used to go over at least a couple x a week. Got hooked on a 'BROCCOLI SLAW' they had in the deli. After the umpteenth time, the deli clerk offered that 'all it was was a prepackaged chopped broccoli slaw mixture with bottled poppyseed dressing'. I laughed, I said even I could handle that.

Put it in a bowl, pour the dressing over to taste. Mix it up. (We add a liitle ground black pepper). One detail. Leave it overnight to soak in. 3 mins. tops prep time. Even I can do it.
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I understand that you ordered that broccoli will not be served in the White House.


When I was a kid my mother used to make me eat broccoli. When I got married my wife did. When I became VP the Reagans used to love and served broccoli at dinner.

Now I am president of the United States, and I'm not going to eat broccoli.

Have a chuckle...(Bloopers)


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