Bush 'tried to lure Saddam into war using UN aircraft'


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
:rotflmao: baaaaahhhhhhh :rotflmao:

By Rosemary Bennett and Michael Evans

PRESIDENT BUSH had plans to lure Saddam Hussein into war by flying an aircraft over Iraq painted in UN colours in the hope he would shoot it down, a book reveals.
Mr Bush told Tony Blair of the extraordinary plan during a meeting in the White House on January 31, 2003, six weeks before the war started, according to an updated version of Lawless World by Philippe Sands, a human rights lawyer. He says the President made it clear that he had already decided to go to war, despite still pressing for a UN resolution.

“The US was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours. If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach,” the book reports Mr Bush telling Mr Blair at the meeting.

If the U2 idea was a serious proposal, it would have made sense only if the spy plane was ordered to fly at an altitude within range of Iraqi missiles. Mr Bush’s reference in the recorded conversation to the U2 being escorted by fighter aircraft indicates that that is what he had in mind.

The U2, America’s most sophisticated aerial reconnaissance aircraft, can operate at 90,000ft, taking high-resolution photographs of targets. At this altitude, the U2 would have been beyond the range of Iraqi surface-to-air missiles.

U2s were made available to the UN weapons inspectors to help them in their search for Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD). But there has never been any suggestion until now that Mr Bush had thought about painting one of them in UN colours to deceive Saddam.

Later in the same meeting the President said it was also possible that a defector could be brought out who would give a public presentation about Saddam’s WMD, and there was a small possibility that Saddam would be assassinated.

The book also claims that the President “thought it unlikely that there would be internecine warfare between the different religious and ethnic groups”.

President Bush also made clear, according to the book which was featured on Channel 4 News, that he would go to war irrespective of whether there was a second UN resolution.

“The US would put its full weight behind efforts to get another resolution and would ‘twist arms’ and ‘even threaten’. But he had to say that if, ultimately, we failed, military action would follow anyway,” the book said.

The section of the book is based on a memo of the meeting. Mr Blair responded that he was “solidly with the President and ready to do whatever it took to disarm Saddam”. But the Prime Minister said that a second Security Council resolution would provide an insurance policy against the unexpected, and international cover, including with the Arabs.

Mr Sands’ book says that the meeting focused on the need to identify evidence that Saddam had committed a material breach of his obligations under the existing UN Resolution 1441. There was concern that insufficient evidence had been unearthed by the UN inspection team, led by Dr Hans Blix.

That was why other options, such as the aircraft in UN colours, were considered.

Last night Sir Menzies Campbell, acting Liberal Democrat leader, said: “If these allegations are accurate, the Prime Minister and President Bush were determined to go to war with or without a second UN resolution, and Britain was signed up to do so by the end of January 2003.”

He added: “By then it was clear that there was no credible evidence of weapons of mass destruction, the stated justification for the moves against Saddam Hussein. The fact that consideration was apparently given to using American military aircraft in UN colours to provoke Saddam graphically illustrates the rush to war.”

Thats very hard to believe. You cannot just paint an aircraft the colors of something else and get away with it. The UN would have to have records of its flight and when all their aircraft was accounted for after the fact....it would have easily been exposed as a fake.

Not to mention we didn't need to "lure" him to breach the conditions. He already did on an almost daily basis. By building up radar sites and tracking our aircraft in the no-fly zone he was already breaching it. The Air Force was bombing those radar sites ever since the end of the Gulf War.
...and there's NO way they could SEE how the aircraft was painted...and firing PERIOD was a violation.
If you have ever seen a U2 live, you would know that there is no way ANYONE would mistake it for anything different than a U2.


theHawk said:
Thats very hard to believe. You cannot just paint an aircraft the colors of something else and get away with it.

? Is it that hard to paint something? I mean, I'm not a painter, but I assume Hussein's troops wouldn't be able to tell the difference if the colors were slightly different shades.

We do know this, tough. When Bush was telling us he hadn't yet decided whether or not to invade Iraq, he was lying, because as we know now, he said he was going to invade Iraq no matter what.
SpidermanTuba said:
We do know this, tough. When Bush was telling us he hadn't yet decided whether or not to invade Iraq, he was lying, because as we know now, he said he was going to invade Iraq no matter what.

That's right...we know this now....

All because an anti-Bush human rights lawyer said so.

Here is an article that you might find interesting also Spidey.

After all, since someone wrote it...it must be true.




YEAGER, Texas -- Marauding UFOs recently attacked a Texas air show, thinking vintage biplanes would be easy pickings.

"We would have been vaporized if it weren't for the intervention of some quick-thinking Angels," stunt pilot Col. Pete Newman, USAF, Ret. told Weekly World News.

"Our annual vintage World War I dogfight had just become airborne at the Yeager Air Grounds," Newman said.

"Bill, Jerry and I were flying low above the grandstands so folks could get a good look at us. As we began to climb we were suddenly intercepted!

"Preceded by a flesh-rattling hum, three UFOs descended majestically from the low clouds. They were the size of oil tankers and coming in fast!

"Two UFOs quickly cornered Bill. He looped, pushed his stick forward and went into a dive to lose them. He almost succeeded . . .

"Meanwhile I had troubles of my own. A second UFO was firing ray beams at me from its underbelly!" Newman said.

"As I glanced behind me, I saw that Bill's cockpit was empty! The aliens had abducted him!

"His biplane corkscrewed down and smashed into an empty hangar, erupting in flames!

"If only we had ammo instead of blanks!" Newman remembered thinking at the time. "I'm not sure lead would have worked against those big shiny ships, but at least we wouldn't have felt so helpless.

"I pushed my nose up and headed for a third UFO hovering above. I came in directly under the belly gun. Apparently, that was a blind spot.

"Jerry followed my lead. I was looking to ram the alien mother ship kamikaze-style before it could hurt anyone on the ground. We were betting those ETs didn't know that maneuver. Jerry and I both had chutes. We could hit the silk right before impact.

"Suddenly, the struts of our wings and the fabric of our fuselages were buffeted by level five wind shear! My heart was in my throat as a shattering sonic boom followed. A moment later, four Air Force F-16s were scorching toward the saucers at the speed of sound."

Unknown to the preoccupied biplane pilots, their Air Force co-stars, the world famous Angel Squadron, had taken to the air. They were approaching like a flying arrowhead in a tight, deadly formation.

"The F-16s headed straight at the invaders," Newman continued. "The A-Squad leader opened fire on the UFOs and the other half-dozen jets followed. The Air Force was packing some serious heat-seekers and gave the aliens a taste of its state-of-the-art missiles.

"The UFOs immediately retreated straight up. The F-16s followed and continued to fire at those chicken-yellow extraterrestrials. The crowds cheered as our boys gave chase!

"We knew the outcome all along," Newman said. "The F-16s had a home-atmosphere advantage. Dodging and evading the ray-gun blasts, the jets pursued their quarry to the upper atmosphere when the UFOs suddenly went hyperlight and vanished. The Angels returned to earth, emitting bursts of red, white and blue smoke as they descended. Then they went into their formation flying show as if nothing had happened.

"Incredibly, the aliens were so scared they de-abducted Bill, who was standing on the airfield. He waved us in as we approached. There were tight embraces and back-slaps all around as we exited our planes.

"I deeply appreciate what the young flyboys did for us, but I can't help but wonder if Jerry and I could've taken the UFOs by our lonesomes," Newman said.

"Maybe those alien space bullies will return next year and we'll get a chance to find out."

SpidermanTuba said:
? Is it that hard to paint something? I mean, I'm not a painter, but I assume Hussein's troops wouldn't be able to tell the difference if the colors were slightly different shades.

No self-respecting air-defender waits to SEE the aircraft before he shoots it. Especially w/ SAMs, excluding shoulder-fired.

Have you ever tried to get eyes on an approaching hostile? I have. Trust me, you won't be sitting there thinking anything about the damn COLOUR of the aircraft.

And a U-fucking-2? those bitches fly so high NO OBSERVER would be able to see it.
SpidermanTuba said:
? Is it that hard to paint something? I mean, I'm not a painter, but I assume Hussein's troops wouldn't be able to tell the difference if the colors were slightly different shades.

If you would had read my next sentence, you would understand why just painting an aircraft isn't going to allow you to get away with it. I didn't say the troops wouldnt had shot it down. I was saying that after the fact the UN would easily find out all of their U2s are accounted for...
theHawk said:
Not to mention we didn't need to "lure" him to breach the conditions. He already did on an almost daily basis. By building up radar sites and tracking our aircraft in the no-fly zone he was already breaching it. The Air Force was bombing those radar sites ever since the end of the Gulf War.

Abso-frickin-lutely what I was gonna say.

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