Rudi Giuliani Disbarred In New York.

Whether he owes $1.2 billion or $1.3 billion, after selling all of his assets?

Yes, we will see.
Yep, we’ll see. Nothing else we can do.

If he ends up poor and penniless living in a gutter, then you all can do your happy dance…and you’ll be able to pat yourselves on the back some more.

Enjoy it! You’ve earned it
That’s the problem.

Criminals like Trump and Giuliani aren’t held accountable for their crimes.

I know..I know..but what about the criminals on the left? Oooh, that’s right, they don’t exist, right? The left never has done anything wrong, pure as the driven snow I tell ya, never a bad thought crossed their minds.

I say nail them, and nail them good, because eventually these tactics are going to come back on the democrats and they will have no excuses.

that is if the repubs even grow a pair and start holding the left accountable like they do to the right.
In my humble opinion, and I could be wrong, but don't think so......

Anway, in my humble opinion the avatar for 'Sans Souci' is a scaredy-cat incel who is afraid of articulate confident adult women.

Or so it seems.
And if true, it is so sad.
Duckspeak. Try English.

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