Businesses support for min. wage as excuse for reducing labor costs..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
As the thread" Support for Min Wage continues to grow" points out more businesses are recognizing the idiocy of raising the minimum wage as most ignorant people have no idea of the results of this supposedly "good intention" will be increased unemployment of low skilled entry level 16 to 19 year olds!

There is no logical business reason to pay a entry level hamburger flipper when an automated system can replace it now with the cost of a full time
minimum wage at $10.80 per hour reaching $25,000.
A simple automated system costing less then a one time $25,000 cost that will always be on time everyday 24 hours a day can replace that 16 year old.

So rather then fight the ignorance of the people who FEEL that there are tens of millions of people working at minimum wage let's raise the wage.
And watch the unemployment rate of 16 to 19 years climb form current 19.2% to 20 or more %!
Raising unemployment benefits, increasing welfare support, and for what?
These 16 to 19 year olds that were learning how to be on time and entry level skills will no longer have that on the job training... that didn't cost the
government one thin dime! Now these same kids will be going to "trade schools" ??? Right!
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To summarize his point:

"we pay you shit for your own good"

So? I worked at $2.50 an hour when I was 16 years old.
I learned the fundamentals of being on the job each day and working 8 hours.
That is the most fundamental training that most people get at that unskilled level.

You watch the unemployment rate drop on the 16 to 19 year olds from over 20% if the minimum wage was reduced!
Every day here in Texas I pass a cafe, bar, restaurant, store.. with HELP wanted signs.

How many of these small businesses that want to hire people will NOT be able to automate and thus not hire at $10.80/hour?

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