Busted… Vile Protesters With “Nazi” Signs Filmed Entering Dem Rep’s Office After Rall

The article seems to be a work in progress, but this is what I have gathered as of 8:01 am EST: one protestor is affiliated with Organizing For America (an Obama group) and one is a former member of Pelosi's staff.

And I ask again, so what?

Look, if Halvorson had gotten a dozen mall rats to carry her signs for $5 an hour, mebbe I'd agree this is a dirty trick. But I don't have any heartburn with the notion that Obama's organization lent her paid staff, or that her own paid campaign workers were there. Where else should they be?

Anyway, I thought the outrage was over the use of Nazi references....I'm still waiting to hear why that's a big hairy deal.
The issue is that a sitting Congressman is sending agents provocateurs to create a fiction about the tea parties. This is unethical and tries to create the slanderous illusion that a group is racist or a bunch of nazis when they aren't. This is despicable behavior and really, I wish there was some sort of criminal charge that could be filed against those involved.

And yes, I'd be saying this about a conservative as well. Flip the office to say James Inhofe having people going into a liberal rally doing this. Would you be so complacent about it?
I'm missing something, my Big Fizzy friend. Where did you get that these protestors were misleading people into thinking they were Tea Baggers rather than Halvorson supporters?
Ahhhh the sweet benefits of the Internet: a free and open media! The Progressives greatest defeat was loss of their Media Monopoly.
Frank, you seem especially cranky today. This is the third time you've posted on a thread without saying anything other than "progressives suck". If you have a POV on the subject of this thread, let's hear it.
My bad. I can't see video on my computer. Too slow. I mis rememberd the OP. But the issue I still have is the same. To support/create such a repugnant protest against a conservative group is still out of line.

I refer back to my previous statement then that the GOP needs to make an ad putting this event in front of every network TV watching American.... particularly in Halverson's district.
BIG UPDATE: One of the protesters has been identified. She’s one of Obama’s Organizing for America staffers. They shipped her from Missouri to Chicago for their Hitler rally.

I hope that hard earned tax dollars DIDN'T pay for her visit here!
Clearly you don't get it. No amount of explaining will show you why it is wrong for an elected official to call his opponent a Nazi, or other vile terms like that.
Sorry, we tried.


It's ineffective, obnoxious and deletrious to the common good. ....
And before you said you saw no problem with it.

Si modo, in my very first post on this thread I said "I wouldn't do it". Halvorson thinks it's an effective campaign tactic, that's on her. Personally, I think you turn off more people than you attract with that kind of hyperbole.

But she's allowed to be a lousy campaigner.
My bad. I can't see video on my computer. Too slow. I mis rememberd the OP. But the issue I still have is the same. To support/create such a repugnant protest against a conservative group is still out of line.

I refer back to my previous statement then that the GOP needs to make an ad putting this event in front of every network TV watching American.... particularly in Halverson's district.

Well, I'm all for elevating the public discourse, Fitz. I've never been all that comfy with attack ads myself. I'm just sort of mystified as to why this is so shocking to all y'all..t'aint like it's never happened before. I could find 101 images of any national candidate I wanted as Hitler this very minute...surely you know that?
Umm, but I doubt you could find 101 instances of the people calling the target hitler walking back to an electoral opponant's offices, or being discovered to work for one of the presidents pet organizations.

THAT I doubt you'll find... unless you want to talk about Nixon.
I refer back to my previous statement then that the GOP needs to make an ad putting this event in front of every network TV watching American.... particularly in Halverson's district.
I expect that that is exactly what will happen...and Halverson will likely lose the election solely based on this one incident.

Sure...some of the morally bankrupt will still vote for her, but the majority of American despise cowardly deceivers.

It's not like she can't call a press conference and say..."my opponent is a Nazi" if that's what she truly believes...but she doesn't believe it...so she slanders her opponent from the shadows...

Thankfully there are people willing to spend their precious time catching these cowards in the act.
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It'd be great if the electeds would hold themselves to a higher standard, Fitz. Most seem willing to do just about anything to win, on both sides.
I refer back to my previous statement then that the GOP needs to make an ad putting this event in front of every network TV watching American.... particularly in Halverson's district.
I expect that that is exactly what will happen...and Halverson will likely lose the election solely based on this one incident.

Sure...some of the morally bankrupt will still vote for her, but the majority of American hate deceivers.

She has the right to mount a losing campaign, Missourian.
It'd be great if the electeds would hold themselves to a higher standard, Fitz. Most seem willing to do just about anything to win, on both sides.
Since people will not hold their elected officials to a higher standard, law must be made to prevent them from allowing the corrupt to continue, or the potential for corruption to spread.

Goes back to term limits. Almost every single corrupt politician, unless they went in corrupt, usually has spent 3 terms in elected office.
well now, calling the NAACP, Pelosi, lefties. we can't hear you..:eusa_whistle:

What a complete shock…
Vile protesters with Nazi signs were caught on film returning to Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office this week after protesting in front of Americans for Prosperity offices in Chicago.
YouTube - Halvorson Nazi Protest
Rep. Debbie Halvorson‘s office organizes a protest on September 15, outside an American for Prosperity Event, featuring images of her opponent Adam Kinzinger and other prominent conservative figures including Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin as Nazis.

read the rest here with comments.
Gateway Pundit

i hate this type of stuff.

most conservative republicans are NOT nazis
just like most liberals and democrats are NOT nazis

bush was NOT a nazi
clinton was NOT a nazi
obama is NOT a nazi

I'm sure you are just as appalled when glenn beck and rush limbaugh refer to obama and liberals as nazis.....


Oh I don't know, Bush might have been a nazi.
It'd be great if the electeds would hold themselves to a higher standard, Fitz. Most seem willing to do just about anything to win, on both sides.
Since people will not hold their elected officials to a higher standard, law must be made to prevent them from allowing the corrupt to continue, or the potential for corruption to spread.

Goes back to term limits. Almost every single corrupt politician, unless they went in corrupt, usually has spent 3 terms in elected office.

I could get behind term limits, Fitz. I'm not sure how that'd impact candidate speech any, but I have seen them go into effect in Florida. Overall, I'd say the effect was positive.
I refer back to my previous statement then that the GOP needs to make an ad putting this event in front of every network TV watching American.... particularly in Halverson's district.
I expect that that is exactly what will happen...and Halverson will likely lose the election solely based on this one incident.

Sure...some of the morally bankrupt will still vote for her, but the majority of American hate deceivers.

She has the right to mount a losing campaign, Missourian.
Hell, she even has a right to lie bald-faced and cowardly attack her opponent under the guise of a grass roots protest.

Luckily there a people willing to discover the truth...and they have the right to destroy her with it.

The differnce is Halverson's right puts her squarely in the wrong...and if you can't see that then Rabbi is correct...you are the problem.
Am I not speaking English? I have said if she snagged a bunch of mall rats and paid them to hassle her opponent as a grass roots group, that'd be a dirty trick. Do you have ANY evidence she did? What is this vile, evil, sneaky, dirty thing you believe she's done?

Mebbe it's just me, but this is a pretty typical campaign event from where I'm sitting. I'm wondering WTF...why's everyone else all excited?
Am I not speaking English? I have said if she snagged a bunch of mall rats and paid them to hassle her opponent as a grass roots group, that'd be a dirty trick. Do you have ANY evidence she did? What is this vile, evil, sneaky, dirty thing you believe she's done?

Mebbe it's just me, but this is a pretty typical campaign event from where I'm sitting. I'm wondering WTF...why's everyone else all excited?

From someone who didnt know Mexico produced oil and the head of an agency needed Senate confirmation, your lack of upset here does not surprise me.
Sad, really.
Agency heads do not need Senate confirmation, The Rabbi, at least not as a matter of constitutional law. We gonna chew that rag again?

Every time I ask "what's the deal" someone on this thread tells me it's o-b-v-i-o-u-s. Well, sorry, not to me. So can you spell it out.

What did Halvorson do that you find so "vile"?

Agency heads do not need Senate confirmation, The Rabbi, at least not as a matter of constitutional law. We gonna chew that rag again?

Every time I ask "what's the deal" someone on this thread tells me it's o-b-v-i-o-u-s. Well, sorry, not to me. So can you spell it out.

What did Halvorson do that you find so "vile"?

Forget it. Nothing to see here. Just move on.

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