Cage fight! Dubya vs barry

There's a lot of nostalgia now for the honor and class Bush brought to the presidency. He's still out there doing bike marathons for the Wounded Warriors. He has never said a word against oblameya. Even though oblameya castigates Bush every day.

There ya go telling these freaks Dubya is too classy to fight the kenyan meathead.

Oh, I forgot to mention Barry faints at the sight of blood....

Try a pictorial comparison of obama and Putin! obama is enough to gag his own wife.
There's a lot of nostalgia now for the honor and class Bush brought to the presidency. He's still out there doing bike marathons for the Wounded Warriors. He has never said a word against oblameya. Even though oblameya castigates Bush every day.

There ya go telling these freaks Dubya is too classy to fight the kenyan meathead.

Oh, I forgot to mention Barry faints at the sight of blood....

Try a pictorial comparison of obama and Putin! obama is enough to gag his own wife.

How unAmerican do you have to be to praise the leader of the former Soviet Union in an effort to insult the president of your own country?
There's a lot of nostalgia now for the honor and class Bush brought to the presidency. He's still out there doing bike marathons for the Wounded Warriors. He has never said a word against oblameya. Even though oblameya castigates Bush every day.

Is that why he was an honored guest at the Republican National Convention last summer?

He was not at the convention because he is retired from politics and makes no political appearances.

I can't fault democrats for not believing Bush when he said he was retiring. Democrats are so used to being lied to, they can't believe it when they are told the truth. They have to make something up. Something they would rather hear.
There ya go telling these freaks Dubya is too classy to fight the kenyan meathead.

Oh, I forgot to mention Barry faints at the sight of blood....

Try a pictorial comparison of obama and Putin! obama is enough to gag his own wife.

How unAmerican do you have to be to praise the leader of the former Soviet Union in an effort to insult the president of your own country?

I am proudly UNobamamerican.
There's a lot of nostalgia now for the honor and class Bush brought to the presidency. He's still out there doing bike marathons for the Wounded Warriors. He has never said a word against oblameya. Even though oblameya castigates Bush every day.

Is that why he was an honored guest at the Republican National Convention last summer?

He was not at the convention because he is retired from politics and makes no political appearances.

Well, except for you know, that thing.

And that other thing.

And that other other thing.

He did cancel this one though.

Gotta wonder, if a guy makes no political appearances, why he's listed with the Washington Speaker's Bureau as number 6436.... :dunno:
First off there is no evidence the sissy Soetoro has ever been in a fight. Dubya on the other hand, would fight anybody in his drinking days....even tried to punch out the ol man. Soetoro was born in a hut in Kenya, and raised by white women who protected him from awful violent men like Dubya. Dubya is fearless....glanced at a menacing algore in a debate and then smirked.

Tale of the tape:

1. Bush is more aggressive.
2. Bush outweighs Obama by 30LBS.
3. Bush Hauls Lumber for fun.
4. Bush is a Country boy Cowboy.
5. Bush hangs with Chuck Norris.
6. Bush doesn't smoke, therefore more lung power/endurance.

1. Obama has a few inches.
2. Obama is skinny and weak.
3. Obama is passive, not aggressive.
4. Obama smokes.
5. Obama hangs curtains.

The clear winner here is Bush. Hands down.

Have you seen your psychologist today?

By the way --- how did you come to know how much the presidents weigh?
And what are we to make of "has a few inches"?

:eusa_whistle: [ame=]Biden assures voters Obama "has a big stick" - YouTube[/ame]
First off there is no evidence the sissy Soetoro has ever been in a fight. Dubya on the other hand, would fight anybody in his drinking days....even tried to punch out the ol man. Soetoro was born in a hut in Kenya, and raised by white women who protected him from awful violent men like Dubya. Dubya is fearless....glanced at a menacing algore in a debate and then smirked.

Tale of the tape:

1. Bush is more aggressive.
2. Bush outweighs Obama by 30LBS.
3. Bush Hauls Lumber for fun.
4. Bush is a Country boy Cowboy.
5. Bush hangs with Chuck Norris.
6. Bush doesn't smoke, therefore more lung power/endurance.

1. Obama has a few inches.
2. Obama is skinny and weak.
3. Obama is passive, not aggressive.
4. Obama smokes.
5. Obama hangs curtains.

The clear winner here is Bush. Hands down.

Have you seen your psychologist today?

By the way --- how did you come to know how much the presidents weigh?
And what are we to make of "has a few inches"?

:eusa_whistle: [ame=]Biden assures voters Obama "has a big stick" - YouTube[/ame]

this the one who couldn't find the internet number????
First off there is no evidence the sissy Soetoro has ever been in a fight. Dubya on the other hand, would fight anybody in his drinking days....even tried to punch out the ol man. Soetoro was born in a hut in Kenya, and raised by white women who protected him from awful violent men like Dubya. Dubya is fearless....glanced at a menacing algore in a debate and then smirked.

Tale of the tape:

1. Bush is more aggressive.
2. Bush outweighs Obama by 30LBS.
3. Bush Hauls Lumber for fun.
4. Bush is a Country boy Cowboy.
5. Bush hangs with Chuck Norris.
6. Bush doesn't smoke, therefore more lung power/endurance.

1. Obama has a few inches.
2. Obama is skinny and weak.
3. Obama is passive, not aggressive.
4. Obama smokes.
5. Obama hangs curtains.

The clear winner here is Bush. Hands down.



This just has to have been lifted from Freepers...

hardly they aren't that childish, dailykos is more like it..
First off there is no evidence the sissy Soetoro has ever been in a fight. Dubya on the other hand, would fight anybody in his drinking days....even tried to punch out the ol man. Soetoro was born in a hut in Kenya, and raised by white women who protected him from awful violent men like Dubya. Dubya is fearless....glanced at a menacing algore in a debate and then smirked.

Tale of the tape:

1. Bush is more aggressive.
2. Bush outweighs Obama by 30LBS.
3. Bush Hauls Lumber for fun.
4. Bush is a Country boy Cowboy.
5. Bush hangs with Chuck Norris.
6. Bush doesn't smoke, therefore more lung power/endurance.

1. Obama has a few inches.
2. Obama is skinny and weak.
3. Obama is passive, not aggressive.
4. Obama smokes.
5. Obama hangs curtains.

The clear winner here is Bush. Hands down.

Have you seen your psychologist today?

By the way --- how did you come to know how much the presidents weigh?
And what are we to make of "has a few inches"?

:eusa_whistle: [ame=]Biden assures voters Obama "has a big stick" - YouTube[/ame]

:rofl: Thanks.

TMI though.

BTW WTF is a "cage match" anyway? Is this like one of those gay wrestling things they're always advertising on TV?
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Have you seen your psychologist today?

By the way --- how did you come to know how much the presidents weigh?
And what are we to make of "has a few inches"?

:eusa_whistle: [ame=]Biden assures voters Obama "has a big stick" - YouTube[/ame]

:rofl: Thanks.

TMI though.

BTW WTF is a "cage match" anyway? Is this like one of those gay wrestling things they're always advertising on TV?

I'd go with WWE style, since the OP "knows" who will win, and is allowing weapons. {steel-toed boot}

In an MMA octagon fight, there would be a LOT of booing, as neither one actually knows how to fight.
Although Stephanie thinks I'm "childish" I got a nice lil stringer of carp here for a newcomer.
In any manner of fighting... Bush would win BIG!

Barry has always had homely liberal women fight his battles for him...
First off there is no evidence the sissy Soetoro has ever been in a fight. Dubya on the other hand, would fight anybody in his drinking days....even tried to punch out the ol man. Soetoro was born in a hut in Kenya, and raised by white women who protected him from awful violent men like Dubya. Dubya is fearless....glanced at a menacing algore in a debate and then smirked.

Tale of the tape:

1. Bush is more aggressive.
2. Bush outweighs Obama by 30LBS.
3. Bush Hauls Lumber for fun.
4. Bush is a Country boy Cowboy.
5. Bush hangs with Chuck Norris.
6. Bush doesn't smoke, therefore more lung power/endurance.

1. Obama has a few inches.
2. Obama is skinny and weak.
3. Obama is passive, not aggressive.
4. Obama smokes.
5. Obama hangs curtains.

The clear winner here is Bush. Hands down.

Since when is your insanity a 'Current Event'?!?! From all appearances it's been ongoing for some time now, making this thread more pertinent to the 'History" forum. :cool:
Since when is your insanity a 'Current Event'?!?! From all appearances it's been ongoing for some time now, making this thread more pertinent to the 'History" forum. :cool:

Good point. A "current event" that is neither.

It must say something about Bushites that they actually think he would get into a ring for a "cage fight". Even Bush haters give him more credit than that.

Not to mention looking up what each one weighs... that's a little kinky :eek:
Since when is your insanity a 'Current Event'?!?! From all appearances it's been ongoing for some time now, making this thread more pertinent to the 'History" forum. :cool:

Good point. A "current event" that is neither.

It must say something about Bushites that they actually think he would get into a ring for a "cage fight". Even Bush haters give him more credit than that.

Not to mention looking up what each one weighs... that's a little kinky :eek:

"kinky"? It's well known Barry really weighs about 145 lbs because he eats arugula and sunflower seeds.....Dubya eats LIVE RABBITS and washes em down with Lone Star Beer....that's how a MAN prepares for a cage-fight.

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