Cage fight! Dubya vs barry

just a shine box boy

Since when is your insanity a 'Current Event'?!?! From all appearances it's been ongoing for some time now, making this thread more pertinent to the 'History" forum. :cool:

Good point. A "current event" that is neither.

It must say something about Bushites that they actually think he would get into a ring for a "cage fight". Even Bush haters give him more credit than that.

Not to mention looking up what each one weighs... that's a little kinky :eek:

"kinky"? It's well known Barry really weighs about 145 lbs because he eats arugula and sunflower seeds.....Dubya eats LIVE RABBITS and washes em down with Lone Star Beer....that's how a MAN prepares for a cage-fight.

Thanks. It's always elucidating to know what low-info voters' criteria are.
Since when is your insanity a 'Current Event'?!?! From all appearances it's been ongoing for some time now, making this thread more pertinent to the 'History" forum. :cool:

Good point. A "current event" that is neither.

It must say something about Bushites that they actually think he would get into a ring for a "cage fight". Even Bush haters give him more credit than that.

Not to mention looking up what each one weighs... that's a little kinky :eek:

"kinky"? It's well known Barry really weighs about 145 lbs because he eats arugula and sunflower seeds.....Dubya eats LIVE RABBITS and washes em down with Lone Star Beer....that's how a MAN prepares for a cage-fight.

Is that how YOU prepare, Dr. Deadly Digits? :rolleyes:

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