Cairo embassy attack days in the making, and had nothing to do with Terry Jones

Or they planned a protest, and then they heard about this film, and got really upset...

But it's okay, I know you guys would be just as understanding if someone made a movie about Jesus portraying him as pedophile.

Really? When was the last time we tried to kill someone for that? Christ is attacked all the time. We dont murder people over it.

Or even for lil ole Joseph Smith. You libel him all the time. I dont have any desire to invade your home, burn it to the ground and kill you. Instead, Im praying for you.

Maybe it's not at all comparable to this.

The only reason why you mutants know that would be a bad idea is because there will be severe consequences. ON the flip side, I wouldn't move to SLC and open my "Mormons Suck" store.

Incidently, I don't libel Joseph Smith. Everything I point out about that guy is documented history.

Just because you want to lock him in the attic like a crazy uncle isn't my problem.

I do recall a while back, they produced a film called "September Dawn", which was a recollection of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. While badly acted and written, there were all sorts of protests by LDS when it came out.

Care to cite for us the riots, the murders, the damage caused by LDS upset with the film? Or want to admit it is not the same thing to PEACEFULLY express anger at something as opposed to killing people?
Did you NOT read Obama and Clinton's statements? Both attacked the film and its makers.

And that was bad, why?

This film was offensive, and intentionally so.

What the rioters did was wrong, but so was making this film, especially since the filmmakers had the intent to offend.
Did you NOT read Obama and Clinton's statements? Both attacked the film and its makers.

And that was bad, why?

This film was offensive, and intentionally so.

What the rioters did was wrong, but so was making this film, especially since the filmmakers had the intent to offend.

The film had nothing to do with coordinated attacks against America on the anniversary of 911.

NOTHING. It's disgusting that our own admin would seek to hide that fact, and instead blame (and thereby endanger) American citizens, citing "abuse" of freedom of speech.
Where was Hillary? Who the fuk is running all the resources we should have to be prepared for such an attack on the anniversary of 9-11? What are we dealing with? Idiots? Why the fuk do we have a secret budget to fund the biggest bureaucracy disguised as an "intelligence agency" when they haven't gotten anything right since WW2?
We need to get Joe a ticket to Cairo...

Did you NOT read Obama and Clinton's statements? Both attacked the film and its makers.

And that was bad, why?

This film was offensive, and intentionally so.

What the rioters did was wrong, but so was making this film, especially since the filmmakers had the intent to offend.

Still waiting for evidence that Christians in this Country rioted, murdered and destroyed shit cause of ANY attack on Jesus or God or the Christian religion.

Still waiting for that evidence that LDS members rioted murdered or destroyed shit in response to September Dawn.

You claimed it happened or insinuated it would.
Or they planned a protest, and then they heard about this film, and got really upset...

But it's okay, I know you guys would be just as understanding if someone made a movie about Jesus portraying him as pedophile.

The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg tells us that Sam Bacile, the maker of the film, who was initially reported to be an Israeli, isn't Israeli at all, according to Steve Klein, "a self-described militant Christian activist in Riverside, California ... who has been described in multiple media accounts as a consultant to the film." Goldberg's not the only person pointing this out, of course. But he has more:

I asked [Klein] who he thought Sam Bacile was. He said that there are about 15 people associated with the making of the film, "Nobody is anything but an active American citizen. They're from Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, they're some that are from Egypt. Some are Copts but the vast majority are Evangelical."

So the filmmakers are U.S.-based and hang in Evangelical circles. The chief publicist is a cheerleader for the GOP. Hmmm ... do we need to start asking whether Evangelical churches and the Republican Party are breeding grounds for extremism?
No More Mister Nice Blog
Where was Hillary? Who the fuk is running all the resources we should have to be prepared for such an attack on the anniversary of 9-11? What are we dealing with? Idiots? Why the fuk do we have a secret budget to fund the biggest bureaucracy disguised as an "intelligence agency" when they haven't gotten anything right since WW2?

Hillary was told in 2009 that our embassies were in danger.

Do you seriously think she gives a shit?
Care to cite for us the riots, the murders, the damage caused by LDS upset with the film? Or want to admit it is not the same thing to PEACEFULLY express anger at something as opposed to killing people?

Most of the people upset about this film didn't kill anyone, either.

In fact, probably not more than a few people were involved in the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and his party...

The thing was, the LDS were successful in getting a lot of theatres not to show it.

And frankly, as bad as the film was, it was not nearly as offensive as this film was.
So in other words, they planned to attack us on 9/11

Sure they did--they're now announcing that these were planned orchestrated attacks. The rioters in Egypt were chanting we're all Osama's--OBAMA. More than likely because Obama keeps SPIKING the ball in the end zone over the death of Osama Bin Laden.

It had NOTHING to do with the video.

Did you NOT read Obama and Clinton's statements? Both attacked the film and its makers.

And that was bad, why?

This film was offensive, and intentionally so.

What the rioters did was wrong, but so was making this film, especially since the filmmakers had the intent to offend.

Still waiting for evidence that Christians in this Country rioted, murdered and destroyed shit cause of ANY attack on Jesus or God or the Christian religion.

Still waiting for that evidence that LDS members rioted murdered or destroyed shit in response to September Dawn.

You claimed it happened or insinuated it would.

Why should they have to when they scream and the people who own movie chains piss themselves?
Care to cite for us the riots, the murders, the damage caused by LDS upset with the film? Or want to admit it is not the same thing to PEACEFULLY express anger at something as opposed to killing people?

Most of the people upset about this film didn't kill anyone, either.

In fact, probably not more than a few people were involved in the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and his party...

The thing was, the LDS were successful in getting a lot of theatres not to show it.

And frankly, as bad as the film was, it was not nearly as offensive as this film was.

You don't see the difference to PEACEFUL, LEGAL protest as opposed to mobs killing, mobs rioting, mobs endangering the lives of American personnel. REALLY? You are gonna stick with that?

You claimed we did the same thing and insinuated the LDS did too, PROVIDE evidence. Or retract the bullshit claim.
Really? When was the last time we tried to kill someone for that? Christ is attacked all the time. We dont murder people over it.

Or even for lil ole Joseph Smith. You libel him all the time. I dont have any desire to invade your home, burn it to the ground and kill you. Instead, Im praying for you.

Maybe it's not at all comparable to this.

Joe just has issues with reality.

I'll ask the question again.... if a movie was made that portrayed Jesus as a pedophile, are you honestly going to claim that a lot of people wouldn't be very upset about it and few of them wouldn't go too far?

What happened in Libya was a horrible thing... (Of course, made worse by the fact everyone has heavy weaponry! The NRA must be proud.)

But this film was designed to get exactly this kind of response.

Myself, i could honestly say that "true" Christians would not go to far. I won't say we wouldn't be upset. The only ones that would go too far are people like the Westboro Church group. They're Christian in "name" only. But being upset is no where near what these terrorists have done, and want to do more. The movie of Jesus that you talk about would not put Christians into a frenzy and kill. Because we know the truth...nothing anyone can lie about will change that.
What are the odds these cretins received American Taxpayer money at one point? This was clearly an inside job. It was too well executed. Tell us again about these cretins being our "Friends." What a mess.
The only reason why you mutants know that would be a bad idea is because there will be severe consequences. ON the flip side, I wouldn't move to SLC and open my "Mormons Suck" store.

Incidently, I don't libel Joseph Smith. Everything I point out about that guy is documented history.

Just because you want to lock him in the attic like a crazy uncle isn't my problem.

I do recall a while back, they produced a film called "September Dawn", which was a recollection of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. While badly acted and written, there were all sorts of protests by LDS when it came out.

Severe consequences? Or maybe we just don't think violence is the answer when someone libels us.

And yes, you do libel him. You quote delibrately quote and cite lies.

Yeah I remember September Dawn too. We ignored it. It was badly written and acted. Not to mention completely inaccurate. We kind of let bad things die on it's own.
Joe just has issues with reality.

I'll ask the question again.... if a movie was made that portrayed Jesus as a pedophile, are you honestly going to claim that a lot of people wouldn't be very upset about it and few of them wouldn't go too far?

What happened in Libya was a horrible thing... (Of course, made worse by the fact everyone has heavy weaponry! The NRA must be proud.)

But this film was designed to get exactly this kind of response.

Myself, i could honestly say that "true" Christians would not go to far. I won't say we wouldn't be upset. The only ones that would go too far are people like the Westboro Church group. They're Christian in "name" only. But being upset is no where near what these terrorists have done, and want to do more. The movie of Jesus that you talk about would not put Christians into a frenzy and kill. Because we know the truth...nothing anyone can lie about will change that.

Good grief there are offensive movies out there NOW about Christ. Some of them are fake documentaries. Then there's the whole Monty Python thing, and Religulous and heavens knows what else.

Christians DON'T react that way to ridicule and marginalization. If we did, you'd see it now.
Good grief, how about the DaVinci project? Talk about sacreligious...
The only reason why you mutants know that would be a bad idea is because there will be severe consequences. ON the flip side, I wouldn't move to SLC and open my "Mormons Suck" store.

Incidently, I don't libel Joseph Smith. Everything I point out about that guy is documented history.

Just because you want to lock him in the attic like a crazy uncle isn't my problem.

I do recall a while back, they produced a film called "September Dawn", which was a recollection of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. While badly acted and written, there were all sorts of protests by LDS when it came out.

Severe consequences? Or maybe we just don't think violence is the answer when someone libels us.

And yes, you do libel him. You quote delibrately quote and cite lies.

Yeah I remember September Dawn too. We ignored it. It was badly written and acted. Not to mention completely inaccurate. We kind of let bad things die on it's own.

What was inaccurate. Are you saying Mormons didn't kill the Francher Party in cold blood after promising them safe passage?

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