Calif appeals court upholds same-sex marriage ban

The Ninth will probably overturn it. But not to worry. The Supremes aren't going to pass up a chance to hear the case. Then Scalia, Scalito and Thomas will say its not an equal protection issue. End of story....

if i read what you wrote correctly the the 9th's rulling will stand and you can marry your girlfriend
if i read what you wrote correctly the the 9th's rulling will stand and you can marry your girlfriend

No. The Supremes will overturn the 9th...

Cute re the girlfriend... isn't that like a big male fantasy thing, though.... that all girls wanna do girls? lol...

Girls ain't my thang, though. Sorry. :cheers2:
No. The Supremes will overturn the 9th...

Cute re the girlfriend... isn't that like a big male fantasy thing, though.... that all girls wanna do girls? lol...

Girls ain't my thang, though. Sorry. :cheers2:

so you belive the scotus will rule that gay marriage is not protected under the us const. and thus only a man and a woman can marry?


nah girl on girl doesn't do anything for me .... been there done that .....

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