Calif now has assisted suicide...however...


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Hospitals Consider Opting Out of California’s Assisted Suicide Law

Medical leaders at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena voted behind closed doors this week for the facility’s hundreds of doctors and affiliated personnel to opt out of California’s assisted suicide law, which goes into effect June 9.

If the proposed amendment to the hospital’s medical rules is approved by the board of directors this month, Huntington will become one of the largest non-religious medical institutions statewide to turn its back on a law that Gov. Jerry Brown called “a comfort” to anyone “dying in prolonged and excruciating pain.”

The End of Life Option Act allows doctors, medical groups and hospitals to opt out of the law’s guidelines for assisting the terminally ill achieve a dignified end. Most, if not all, religious hospitals are expected to reject the law.

Of course they can reject it. Fuck the prolonged and excruciating pain. MILK those fuckers for all they are worth by keeping them alive as long as possible.
It's probably more for the patients who would go to the hospital unsure if they would live to leave.
I have no problem with giving any patient who wishes a dignified death with a doctors assistance. BUT and its a big but you really have to be so careful not to follow in the footsteps of the NHS and the "Liverpool Pathway".
I have no problem with giving any patient who wishes a dignified death with a doctors assistance. BUT and its a big but you really have to be so careful not to follow in the footsteps of the NHS and the "Liverpool Pathway".
The Netherlands is killing children who say they are depressed. Under the Goningen Protocol babies can be killed if their parents suffer because the child lives.

Relatives tired of an older relative spending that inheritance can claim incompetence and make the decision for the victim.

The more noble sounding the law, the worse the place it will take you.
If medical doctors...more than one...say you have a tumor in your head and you have 6 months to live because it is inoperable and there is nothing they can do...why turn their back on that patient by denying them a pain free out? Because the longer they keep them alive, fed morphine, in a hospital bed, the more money they can siphon off the patients insurance..or if the patient is the government.

It is cruel and doctors or hospitals that opt out.....they are scum with no souls and I hope some day they are in the same situation where a loved one or even themselves want a peaceful and quick death rather than suffer and backs are turned on them. Karma bites.
There is no answer is there? In countries that have legalized murder, it has expanded and expanded until people are being killed for nonsense. Teenagers going through normal angst are killed. Old people who are healthy but inconvenient are killed. Babies are murdered in their cribs.

It all started with providing terminally ill people a merciful end.

Yet, if we are to be a compassionate people shouldn't we kill them?
I have no problem with giving any patient who wishes a dignified death with a doctors assistance. BUT and its a big but you really have to be so careful not to follow in the footsteps of the NHS and the "Liverpool Pathway".
The Netherlands is killing children who say they are depressed. Under the Goningen Protocol babies can be killed if their parents suffer because the child lives.

Relatives tired of an older relative spending that inheritance can claim incompetence and make the decision for the victim.

The more noble sounding the law, the worse the place it will take you.
Fuck them. If someone wants to off themselves, they will find a way without their stupid meds or their finger wagglings. If I am told I have 6 months to live and it's gonna be a horrible experience....well. Fuck them. There are other ways.
There is not a doubt that doctors have always helped a patient in excruciating pain with no hope. They gave a little extra pain medication. They withheld something else.

Give people the power to murder on a wholesale basis and they will.
It's not murder if the person is already dead. And they are if they have 6 months to live and it won't be a pleasant experience.
Let's hope the mayor and police chief of San Jose California take advantage of the assisted suicide law. What they did by directing the Trump campaign attendees into that hostile crowd of Hillary and Sander's supporters was criminal .
Hospitals Consider Opting Out of California’s Assisted Suicide Law

Medical leaders at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena voted behind closed doors this week for the facility’s hundreds of doctors and affiliated personnel to opt out of California’s assisted suicide law, which goes into effect June 9.

If the proposed amendment to the hospital’s medical rules is approved by the board of directors this month, Huntington will become one of the largest non-religious medical institutions statewide to turn its back on a law that Gov. Jerry Brown called “a comfort” to anyone “dying in prolonged and excruciating pain.”

The End of Life Option Act allows doctors, medical groups and hospitals to opt out of the law’s guidelines for assisting the terminally ill achieve a dignified end. Most, if not all, religious hospitals are expected to reject the law.

Of course they can reject it. Fuck the prolonged and excruciating pain. MILK those fuckers for all they are worth by keeping them alive as long as possible.
I think 1 or 2 hospitals will accommodate.

I heard you have to be able to administer the drug yourself. That would be hard to see your loveone do it. My mom has Alzheimer's and a part of me wishes her suffering will end but I'm also cherishing every walk kiss and glance.

I think they should give it to her way down the road. When shes just sitting in a hospice bed suffering. I have guardianship and I'll know when the time is right.

But if my ma could see herself she'd take the pill now. Hell she'd have taken it a couple years ago. Im glad she didnt but if she did i wouldnt have blamed her. Anyone would.
I refuse to let anyone I love suffer and expect the same in return. Nobody would let their dog howl in pain knowing it is dying. Why would they let a human they supposedly love experience that? Selfishness, that's why. As much as it hurts me to do dogs will never suffer needlessly. Yes, it hurts. It kills a piece of my heart every time I send them off to Rainbow bridge. But by golly..they trust me to do it. THAT is love. For them. Not for self.
And plenty of people will be demanding an end to the lives of those they are just tired of having around. Even if those unwanted have a golf game in the morning.
If someone has 6 months to live, and the last few months would be excruciating agony, why would ANYONE want them to suffer that? It's mind boggling.
Because humans aren't dogs to be put down. You're a Christian and you should know that.
If medical doctors...more than one...say you have a tumor in your head and you have 6 months to live because it is inoperable and there is nothing they can do...why turn their back on that patient by denying them a pain free out? Because the longer they keep them alive, fed morphine, in a hospital bed, the more money they can siphon off the patients insurance..or if the patient is the government.

It is cruel and doctors or hospitals that opt out.....they are scum with no souls and I hope some day they are in the same situation where a loved one or even themselves want a peaceful and quick death rather than suffer and backs are turned on them. Karma bites.
Because humans aren't dogs to be put down. You're a Christian and should should know that.
I refuse to let anyone I love suffer and expect the same in return. Nobody would let their dog howl in pain knowing it is dying. Why would they let a human they supposedly love experience that? Selfishness, that's why. As much as it hurts me to do dogs will never suffer needlessly. Yes, it hurts. It kills a piece of my heart every time I send them off to Rainbow bridge. But by golly..they trust me to do it. THAT is love. For them. Not for self.
Because humans aren't dogs to be put down. You're a Christian and you should know that.
No. I am not a christian. I don't like labels and I refuse to be part of some organized bullshit.

All living things have the right to be shown mercy. If YOU are a christian, then you have much to learn about empathy.

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