Calif now has assisted suicide...however...

No. I am not a christian. I don't like labels and I refuse to be part of some organized bullshit.

All living things have the right to be shown mercy. If YOU are a christian, then you have much to learn about empathy.
It is God's decision, not ours, when a human life should end.
So...let's say you have a child and that child has a disease with no cure...and screams in pain, with only 6 months to live. You would let that child suffer, amirite?
So...let's say you have a child and that child has a disease with no cure...and screams in pain, with only 6 months to live. You would let that child suffer, amirite?
Don't forget to mention that the child is black and if allowed to live would grow up in a ghetto.
I have no problem with giving any patient who wishes a dignified death with a doctors assistance. BUT and its a big but you really have to be so careful not to follow in the footsteps of the NHS and the "Liverpool Pathway".
The Netherlands is killing children who say they are depressed. Under the Goningen Protocol babies can be killed if their parents suffer because the child lives.

Relatives tired of an older relative spending that inheritance can claim incompetence and make the decision for the victim.

The more noble sounding the law, the worse the place it will take you.

Once again you post utter nonsense. The Goningen Protocol has safeguards in place. And it is NOT about the suffering of the parents.

from: MMS: Error (an article in the New England Journal of Medicine)
"Infants and newborns for whom such end-of-life decisions might be made can be divided into three categories.1 First, there are infants with no chance of survival. This group consists of infants who will die soon after birth, despite optimal care with the most current methods available locally. These infants have severe underlying disease, such as lung and kidney hypoplasia.

Infants in the second group have a very poor prognosis and are dependent on intensive care. These patients may survive after a period of intensive treatment, but expectations regarding their future condition are very grim. They are infants with severe brain abnormalities or extensive organ damage caused by extreme hypoxemia. When these infants can survive beyond the period of intensive care, they have an extremely poor prognosis and a poor quality of life.

Finally, there are infants with a hopeless prognosis who experience what parents and medical experts deem to be unbearable suffering. Although it is difficult to define in the abstract, this group includes patients who are not dependent on intensive medical treatment but for whom a very poor quality of life, associated with sustained suffering, is predicted. For example, a child with the most serious form of spina bifida will have an extremely poor quality of life, even after many operations. This group also includes infants who have survived thanks to intensive care but for whom it becomes clear after intensive treatment has been completed that the quality of life will be very poor and for whom there is no hope of improvement.

Deciding not to initiate or to withdraw life-prolonging treatment in newborns with no chance of survival is considered good practice for physicians in Europe and is acceptable for physicians in the United States. Most such infants die immediately after treatment has been discontinued."

Please point out which of those 3 categories are based on the suffering of the parents.
I refuse to let anyone I love suffer and expect the same in return. Nobody would let their dog howl in pain knowing it is dying. Why would they let a human they supposedly love experience that? Selfishness, that's why. As much as it hurts me to do dogs will never suffer needlessly. Yes, it hurts. It kills a piece of my heart every time I send them off to Rainbow bridge. But by golly..they trust me to do it. THAT is love. For them. Not for self.

THIS!!!! Why is helping our pets acceptable and yet we demand that people watch their loved ones suffer on and on and on.
We can tell a vet to kill the cat if we can't afford to cast a broken leg.

When human beings get veterinary level care, who will stand in the position of owner and deny care.
Hospitals Consider Opting Out of California’s Assisted Suicide Law

Medical leaders at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena voted behind closed doors this week for the facility’s hundreds of doctors and affiliated personnel to opt out of California’s assisted suicide law, which goes into effect June 9.

If the proposed amendment to the hospital’s medical rules is approved by the board of directors this month, Huntington will become one of the largest non-religious medical institutions statewide to turn its back on a law that Gov. Jerry Brown called “a comfort” to anyone “dying in prolonged and excruciating pain.”

The End of Life Option Act allows doctors, medical groups and hospitals to opt out of the law’s guidelines for assisting the terminally ill achieve a dignified end. Most, if not all, religious hospitals are expected to reject the law.

Of course they can reject it. Fuck the prolonged and excruciating pain. MILK those fuckers for all they are worth by keeping them alive as long as possible.

many patients would opt to go home or to a hospice home
looks like there are a lot of suicidal people here, wanting society to accept suicide as a lifestyle choice, too afraid that maybe others will have too many unkind things to say, demanding that society change to embrace the suicidal as though it's a virtue or a sacrament to be regarded as the most noble, endearing thing ever to happen? death is so beautiful, isn't it? death is the greatest thing anyone could ever do for the world now. killing babies and old people, it's all about loving kindness...
We don't need hospitals to kill old people. We can just send death squads to their homes and shoot them in the head. But getting a doctor to commit the murder makes it cleaner, and easier on our conscience. Unless you actually have morals, in which case you realize that killing people in a hospital with a needle is just as wrong as dragging them into an alley and forcing them on their knees and shooting them execution style.
looks like there are a lot of suicidal people here, wanting society to accept suicide as a lifestyle choice, too afraid that maybe others will have too many unkind things to say, demanding that society change to embrace the suicidal as though it's a virtue or a sacrament to be regarded as the most noble, endearing thing ever to happen? death is so beautiful, isn't it? death is the greatest thing anyone could ever do for the world now. killing babies and old people, it's all about loving kindness...

For people who deal with pain, it is something to think about. I made my arrangements almost twenty years ago. When I reach my limit I'll know.

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