Calif. Requires Insurers to Pay for Breast Mutilation for Gender-Confused Teens


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019

Just before the end of 2020, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued an order stating that insurance companies cannot refuse to pay for a minor girl’s mastectomy just because she isn’t 18 yet. He reached this conclusion by defining the surgical removal of healthy breasts and the “creation of a male chest” as medically “necessary” for girls suffering from gender dysphoria (the painful sense of identifying with the gender opposite their biological sex) rather than “cosmetic.” This means that a gender dysphoric girl’s healthy chest would be considered “abnormal” if she identifies as male.

Progressive's are truly sick, disgusting people.
Like I said many times......
If you think the world is crazy now.......

Wait'll the Dems take charge of the entire government.

But as I've been vehemently told by many of faith on this forum......
Do nothing, say nothing.....remain passive and do not resist the evil. Jesus will have your back in the next life.

They missed the most important line...."God helps those who help themselves"
I wonder why the Founding Fathers put up a fight at all ???
Where would we be if the Founding Fathers followed these modern day passivists Christians advice ??

Just before the end of 2020, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued an order stating that insurance companies cannot refuse to pay for a minor girl’s mastectomy just because she isn’t 18 yet. He reached this conclusion by defining the surgical removal of healthy breasts and the “creation of a male chest” as medically “necessary” for girls suffering from gender dysphoria (the painful sense of identifying with the gender opposite their biological sex) rather than “cosmetic.” This means that a gender dysphoric girl’s healthy chest would be considered “abnormal” if she identifies as male.

Progressive's are truly sick, disgusting people.
Right back at your right wing nuts, you are crazy.

Just before the end of 2020, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued an order stating that insurance companies cannot refuse to pay for a minor girl’s mastectomy just because she isn’t 18 yet. He reached this conclusion by defining the surgical removal of healthy breasts and the “creation of a male chest” as medically “necessary” for girls suffering from gender dysphoria (the painful sense of identifying with the gender opposite their biological sex) rather than “cosmetic.” This means that a gender dysphoric girl’s healthy chest would be considered “abnormal” if she identifies as male.

Progressive's are truly sick, disgusting people.
Right back at your right wing nuts, you are crazy.

Sure because we don't think insurance should pay for elective crap.

Just before the end of 2020, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued an order stating that insurance companies cannot refuse to pay for a minor girl’s mastectomy just because she isn’t 18 yet. He reached this conclusion by defining the surgical removal of healthy breasts and the “creation of a male chest” as medically “necessary” for girls suffering from gender dysphoria (the painful sense of identifying with the gender opposite their biological sex) rather than “cosmetic.” This means that a gender dysphoric girl’s healthy chest would be considered “abnormal” if she identifies as male.

Progressive's are truly sick, disgusting people.
Right back at your right wing nuts, you are crazy.
How do you feel about this news story?
You aren’t actually suffering the people making these decisions are remotely conservative leaning, are you?

Just before the end of 2020, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued an order stating that insurance companies cannot refuse to pay for a minor girl’s mastectomy just because she isn’t 18 yet. He reached this conclusion by defining the surgical removal of healthy breasts and the “creation of a male chest” as medically “necessary” for girls suffering from gender dysphoria (the painful sense of identifying with the gender opposite their biological sex) rather than “cosmetic.” This means that a gender dysphoric girl’s healthy chest would be considered “abnormal” if she identifies as male.

Progressive's are truly sick, disgusting people.
Soon we will have UH and insurance companies won't have to worry about it...
These leftist wackos are hell bent on destroying civilization.
There are all kinds of body dysmorphia diagnosis. Should an anorexia seek psychological counseling.
Health Care | National Center for Transgender Equality (
Yes, someone with anorexia should seek counseling.
We shouldn’t go in and hack off body parts to make them feel skinnier, or staple up their stomach so they don’t eat.
But I’m glad you admit transgenders are mentally ill. That’s real progress. Dare I say, that’s rather progressive of you.
Like I said many times......
If you think the world is crazy now.......

Wait'll the Dems take charge of the entire government.

But as I've been vehemently told by many of faith on this forum......
Do nothing, say nothing.....remain passive and do not resist the evil. Jesus will have your back in the next life.

They missed the most important line...."God helps those who help themselves"
I wonder why the Founding Fathers put up a fight at all ???
Where would we be if the Founding Fathers followed these modern day passivists Christians advice ??
This may be until they do have total power. Then the fun and games will end by their decree. They know 1% growth is a recipe for less people. And less people to compete for the top jobs.
Just like Obamacare ran up the cost of insurance with all those worthless Libtard requirements looks like Commie California is saying "hold my beer".

Just before the end of 2020, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued an order stating that insurance companies cannot refuse to pay for a minor girl’s mastectomy just because she isn’t 18 yet. He reached this conclusion by defining the surgical removal of healthy breasts and the “creation of a male chest” as medically “necessary” for girls suffering from gender dysphoria (the painful sense of identifying with the gender opposite their biological sex) rather than “cosmetic.” This means that a gender dysphoric girl’s healthy chest would be considered “abnormal” if she identifies as male.

Progressive's are truly sick, disgusting people.
Right back at your right wing nuts, you are crazy.
How so?

Just before the end of 2020, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued an order stating that insurance companies cannot refuse to pay for a minor girl’s mastectomy just because she isn’t 18 yet. He reached this conclusion by defining the surgical removal of healthy breasts and the “creation of a male chest” as medically “necessary” for girls suffering from gender dysphoria (the painful sense of identifying with the gender opposite their biological sex) rather than “cosmetic.” This means that a gender dysphoric girl’s healthy chest would be considered “abnormal” if she identifies as male.

Progressive's are truly sick, disgusting people.
Right back at your right wing nuts, you are crazy.
So an underage girl is able to cut her tits off is normal to you? I hope the democrat party gets sued out of existence after these children grow up and realise they made a bad decision. Your party is responsible for making people let it happen.
here are all kinds of body dysmorphia diagnosis. Should an anorexia seek psychological counseling.
Psychological counseling does not require surgery that mutilates the body of a confused young girl
who might very well realize, a few years later, she made a horrible irreversible mistake, as many trans kids have.

You never fail to say the stupidest thing possible. That's quite a talent of yours.

Just before the end of 2020, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued an order stating that insurance companies cannot refuse to pay for a minor girl’s mastectomy just because she isn’t 18 yet.

Another example of a government mandate resulting in increased health care costs. Then these same people will turn around and complain about the excessive cost of health insurance and demand a public run system.
This transgender stuff involving kids is truly criminal. So someone below 18 isn’t mature enough to buy a pack of smokes or a lottery ticket. They can’t buy beer. They can’t join the military or own a gun. They can’t rent a car (until 25). The list of things they can’t do goes on and on. Hell, it’s 21 for alcohol, gun. But a minor is mature enough to have an abortion, and is also apparently old enough to opt for elective surgery and hormone therapy that is irreversible. A decision which is “life altering” in the largest sense of the word.
a kid can’t go Tom the doctor and even be seen if they are under 18 without a parents consent unless it’s life threatening, yet they can have elective procedures. Why? Well because it fits a political agenda, don’t ya know. Fucking perverse.


Just before the end of 2020, California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued an order stating that insurance companies cannot refuse to pay for a minor girl’s mastectomy just because she isn’t 18 yet.

Another example of a government mandate resulting in increased health care costs. Then these same people will turn around and complain about the excessive cost of health insurance and demand a public run system.
exactly right.
“Poison is the cure”

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