California and Newsom removing suburbs and single family homes.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021

Seems newsoms biggest contributions to his recall campaign was real estate developers and they are trying to squeeze out single family homes in exchange for rental properties. Newsom just signed bills that are in the best interest of builders and developers.

Seems newsoms biggest contributions to his recall campaign was real estate developers and they are trying to squeeze out single family homes in exchange for rental properties. Newsom just signed bills that are in the best interest of builders and developers.
They can't do it unless they do infrastructure upgrades.
They want to make sure whites have no place to run to. We're just supposed to put up with all the crime and prostitution and bad behavior.
I lived in Rogers, Arkanass and in my neighborhood where I bought my first house was duplexes with single family homes, it didn't ruin the neighborhood...As far as your idea that only whites deserves decent housing gfy. I wish there was prostitution....Crime exist everywhere(potentially).
This is what multi-family housing will be like in CA.
People stacked up on each other.
Democrats hate suburbanites.

I lived in Rogers, Arkanass and in my neighborhood where I bought my first house was duplexes with single family homes, it didn't ruin the neighborhood...As far as your idea that only whites deserves decent housing gfy. I wish there was prostitution....Crime exist everywhere(potentially).
Trust me. I've been to Arkansas. There is prostitution in Arkansas. It's like personal mechanics. They're everywhere. The good ones are too expensive and the cheap ones are plentiful, but no good and sometimes do damage to your equipment, with no warranty and little recourse for the damage.
Trust me. I've been to Arkansas. There is prostitution in Arkansas. It's like personal mechanics. They're everywhere. The good ones are too expensive and the cheap ones are plentiful, but no good and sometimes do damage to your equipment, with no warranty and little recourse for the damage.
Wives come packaged like that also.

Seems newsoms biggest contributions to his recall campaign was real estate developers and they are trying to squeeze out single family homes in exchange for rental properties. Newsom just signed bills that are in the best interest of builders and developers.
Seems anyone who listens to and believes Carlson as well as Fox News has become totally brainwashed. This thread is part of the genre that is character assassinations and fear mongering. This type of thread and it's author has not provided a real assessment of the bills passed by the Assembly and signed by the Governor:

The dishonesty in this OP is typical of right wing faux conservatives and biddable fools who don't do any research on the veracity of Fox News, Carlson, Hannity and other partisan Republican talking heads.
Trust me. I've been to Arkansas. There is prostitution in Arkansas. It's like personal mechanics. They're everywhere. The good ones are too expensive and the cheap ones are plentiful, but no good and sometimes do damage to your equipment, with no warranty and little recourse for the damage.
If the prostitute did damage to your equipment maybe you forgot your safe word.
You realize that gated communities will be exempt. It's only middle class communities and low income. That's why the law affects most neighborhoods and not all.
Please post your claim with evidence.

HOA's cannot deny ADU's [well before Gov. Newsom signed SB 8, 9 & 10] though there are a few exceptions, as to height for example.

Seems newsoms biggest contributions to his recall campaign was real estate developers and they are trying to squeeze out single family homes in exchange for rental properties. Newsom just signed bills that are in the best interest of builders and developers.

Newsom is the Poster Boy for all that 'White Privilege' Democrats claim to hate; he has been a rich kid all his life, and his political career has always been dependent on wealthy white San Francisco elites. Democrats in California don't have any policies that don't enrich their elites in some way or other. Biden's eviction moratoriums do the same thing, helping reduce the competition for the giant real estate combinations by driving out the little people.
This is what multi-family housing will be like in CA.
People stacked up on each other.
Democrats hate suburbanites.

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Yes. the Red Chinese model will be the one Democrats will want to implement, as well as getting all those proles out of cars; the latter will make their limo rides around town and to the airport so much more pleasant without all those filthy lower working class types clogging up the freeways..
They can do it by simple rezoning. This is Obama. He tried it in office but couldn't get counties in most states to change their zones. Obama wanted to turn our farms into Hud housing. Biden is doing what he is told.
I had a house built in 1974 that I bought in 1986 that was a FMHA/USDA housing program where they built houses where farm fields once were....

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