California Bans "Coding Camps" for Not Having Education Licenses


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
Boy, instead of focusing on creating jobs, California is focused on creating unemployment with nanny-state regulations. Their new target? Coding camps. I have never heard of them before, but their mission is simple: have a 10-15 week program to teach a marketable skill.

That's right. California is cracking down on companies that are helping people get jobs.

Liberals, when will you realize that "good intentions" do not produce good results? Need I remind you of this map of blue states vs. red states when it comes to people moving?

Or other maps that show your policies fail miserably?
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So, no more workshops where people get together to learn things to help find employment. There were places to help write resumes, learn how to ace interviews and all sort of neat things to help people find jobs.

Having to have an education license is pretty strict for something that is often common sense or people sharing their experience to help others. Experience is better than a liberal education any day.

Next thing you know Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts will require leaders to have education licenses because they teach kids things to help them build confidence and expand their horizons. Camp counselors will need them since they teach children lots of things at camp.

Government regulates things out of existence, then blames the private sector. Next they tax the shit out of us when they make a vain attempt to replace the private sector programs with government ones that don't work as well.

People can't even offer food to the poor because government regulations stop them. Liberals think only government is capable when the truth is that the government is the least capable on most things.

With this administration, it seems like any job creation is viewed as a negative. Obamacare is killing jobs. Work requirements are removed from welfare. Banks are limited on the number of small business loans they can make. Nope, don't want people creating businesses and fending for themselves.
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So, no more workshops where people get together to learn things to help find employment.

Why bother with that when you can just learn how to game the system and make your living off the largesse of the state? After it's much easier to vote yourself goodies off the sweat of somebody Else's brow than to have to suffer the sweat of your own.

"The liquidation of all dissenters is the condition that will bring us what the communists call freedom." -- Ludwig Von Mises
So, no more workshops where people get together to learn things to help find employment.

Why bother with that when you can just learn how to game the system and make your living off the largesse of the state? After it's much easier to vote yourself goodies off the sweat of somebody Else's brow than to have to suffer the sweat of your own.

"The liquidation of all dissenters is the condition that will bring us what the communists call freedom." -- Ludwig Von Mises

Yup and if someone started camps to teach people how to milk the system, the libs would probably confiscate more tax money to help them. Actually, the liberals do something similar in Mexico. Ads run that teach people how easy we are to take advantage of.
Am I the only one that noticed these 10 week camps cost about $1,500.00 per week. Any one else see a huge potential for people to be ripped off? I think I need allot more information before making a judgment on this one.
Am I the only one that noticed these 10 week camps cost about $1,500.00 per week. Any one else see a huge potential for people to be ripped off? I think I need allot more information before making a judgment on this one.


The cost is irrelevant. The content is irrelevant. What they do is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that CA is shutting something down yet again simply because they want to bilk more cash and add more red tape. Fuck ‘em.

The idea that you need a special license to run a business on top of a business license is completely asinine. The state has no right demanding that you follow some random set of regulations without any cause whatsoever. Are they billing themselves as an accredited institution? Perhaps THEN they would have some sort of purpose for a specialized license. As it is, it only looks as though they are offering information for a price.
Am I the only one that noticed these 10 week camps cost about $1,500.00 per week. Any one else see a huge potential for people to be ripped off? I think I need allot more information before making a judgment on this one.


The cost is irrelevant. The content is irrelevant. What they do is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that CA is shutting something down yet again simply because they want to bilk more cash and add more red tape. Fuck ‘em.

The idea that you need a special license to run a business on top of a business license is completely asinine. The state has no right demanding that you follow some random set of regulations without any cause whatsoever. Are they billing themselves as an accredited institution? Perhaps THEN they would have some sort of purpose for a specialized license. As it is, it only looks as though they are offering information for a price.

Nothing in the video said they were shutting them down, the camps said they were unaware of the requirement. If you are going to run a for profit school there are hoops to jump through in every state, not just CA.

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