How did the dems let things get to this state.?

That's what happens when their ego and arrogance blocks out anything resembling common sense.
Partly true. The real truth is -- dimocrap scum are running a GIANT scam on the American People.

At the top, people like Rachel Madcow, who gets paid 30 MILLION dollars ($30,000,000) a year for a one hour, weekly program. Nazi Pelousy, Hunter Biden..... How many others? The Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis never had a Private Sector job in his miserable fucking excuse for a life, but he and the Skunk Ape are multi millionaires now. how dos that happen? Oh, I know Bill Ayers wrote a couple books for him but that money is long gone.

At the bottom are people like I see down here daily -- Illegals that get $1,500 a Month as a stipend just for being here. And Free Health Care. Hope you don't have to go to an Emergency room any time soon. You can't near one down here.

Go look at a list of the richest Companies in the world by Market Cap. Then tell me who the Corporate Criminals are.

dimocrap scum voters are simply stupid. They voted themselves into slavery. Even Black Folks. We Republicans fought and died to end slavery and what do Black Folks do? They side with the Political Party that enslaved them. Tell me that isn't stupid. And they keep them enslaved on the Inner City Plantation.

dimocrap scum only care about them once every four years.

The dimocrap scum party is the work of satan
It's a tough call Tommy. Biden and the Dems might not be wrong to slow walk this thing.
It's only the Trumpers who are promoting the point that the dems are suffering a clusterfk while the R's march on.

I think that the dems' new candidate to be King Duck is going to insert new younger life into America's goatfk.

And if it's Kamala then she gets all Joe's supporters on top of her own!

Add to that the fact that 'we' know that Trump and JD are over the top for mature Americans, and they have a new dog race on.

NOT suggesting that I don't want Trump to be able to stop the war and bring peace to the Ukraine. Just that 'we' being on the outside looking in, we can have a clearer perspective on the insanity.

LMAO, kneepads has lower approval ratings that xiden.

It seems obvious that Joe was past his best. Where are the adults who could whisper in his ear ?
Where are the younger candidates who could step up to the plate. ?

It seems irresponsible to let things get to this mess.

Even now they are wasting time giving this fascist a free hand.. Its not just trump. Its the Supreme Court as well. The institutions of the US are falling apart on the dems watch.
Why wait till now to call a corrupt court to account ?

The US democracy needs rebuilding and it will take a lot of energy to do so. The dems seem inert in response..

They have a stronger message than trump but seem incapable of saying it out loud. They had 4 years to prepare for it. Some succession planning might have been good.

They were ignoring the smarter ones who were telling everyone that he was well past his prime 4 years ago.
It seems obvious that Joe was past his best. Where are the adults who could whisper in his ear ?
Where are the younger candidates who could step up to the plate. ?

It seems irresponsible to let things get to this mess.

Even now they are wasting time giving this fascist a free hand.. Its not just trump. Its the Supreme Court as well. The institutions of the US are falling apart on the dems watch.
Why wait till now to call a corrupt court to account ?

The US democracy needs rebuilding and it will take a lot of energy to do so. The dems seem inert in response..

They have a stronger message than trump but seem incapable of saying it out loud. They had 4 years to prepare for it. Some succession planning might have been good.

Two main reasons:
1. His advisors, his family, fellow democrats, and his bought and paid for media, all doing the big coverup - including the DNC refusing to allow others in the primary to debate Biden, which would have shown how bad Biden had become

2. his DEI choice of Kamala Harris
It seems obvious that Joe was past his best. Where are the adults who could whisper in his ear ?
Where are the younger candidates who could step up to the plate. ?

It seems irresponsible to let things get to this mess.

Even now they are wasting time giving this fascist a free hand.. Its not just trump. Its the Supreme Court as well. The institutions of the US are falling apart on the dems watch.
Why wait till now to call a corrupt court to account ?

The US democracy needs rebuilding and it will take a lot of energy to do so. The dems seem inert in response..

They have a stronger message than trump but seem incapable of saying it out loud. They had 4 years to prepare for it. Some succession planning might have been good.

1) Biden is a self-riotous sumbitch who was too prideful to not run again;

2) The problem is not the SCOTUS so much as it is the Congress throwing together sounds good legislation for decades without clearly defining much, leaving it to the bureaucrats to try to actually translate into rules and regulations. Both parties are guilty of this.

3) Trump is not a fascist. He barely did anything significant as President other than tax cuts and tweet tweet.

4) Both parties are out of touch with normal every day people. The right is currently ruled by religious zealots and the left is largely ruled by atheist zealots.

5) america will be fine. All the important crap happens at the state and local level. National politics is Kabuki theatre. We just need our share of the newly invented money, otherwise DC is useless.
Yeah, that's what you commies claim, but if the decisions had gone the other direction you wouldn't be saying shit. I haven't seen one decision that wasn't based on sound legal reasoning.

You wouldnt.. bur you have limited powers of reasoning
It seems obvious that Joe was past his best. Where are the adults who could whisper in his ear ?
Where are the younger candidates who could step up to the plate. ?

It seems irresponsible to let things get to this mess.

Even now they are wasting time giving this fascist a free hand.. Its not just trump. Its the Supreme Court as well. The institutions of the US are falling apart on the dems watch.
Why wait till now to call a corrupt court to account ?

The US democracy needs rebuilding and it will take a lot of energy to do so. The dems seem inert in response..

They have a stronger message than trump but seem incapable of saying it out loud. They had 4 years to prepare for it. Some succession planning might have been good.

The rest of us knew he was incapacitated back in 2020. You thick fuckers just found out 3 weeks ago. LOL!

The DNC hid Biden's condition from dolts like you for 4 years. And you bought it hook, line, and sinker because you're dumber than dogshit.
He got the most votes in history, he got more then Obama even! He won the primaries!

Why now are the dems turning their back on xiden and democracy??
1) Biden is a self-riotous sumbitch who was too prideful to not run again;

2) The problem is not the SCOTUS so much as it is the Congress throwing together sounds good legislation for decades without clearly defining much, leaving it to the bureaucrats to try to actually translate into rules and regulations. Both parties are guilty of this.

3) Trump is not a fascist. He barely did anything significant as President other than tax cuts and tweet tweet.

4) Both parties are out of touch with normal every day people. The right is currently ruled by religious zealots and the left is largely ruled by atheist zealots.

5) america will be fine. All the important crap happens at the state and local level. National politics is Kabuki theatre. We just need our share of the newly invented money, otherwise DC is useless.
Lets hope so. It still seems amazing that the US is left with such a poor choice.
Lets hope so. It still seems amazing that the US is left with such a poor choice.
That's a different story than why so many Americans would vote for a person like Trump (or against the Democrats).

We're getting shit candidates because our electoral "system" incentivizes and rewards the very worst impulses of its participants. It serves the whacked out wings of the parties, not the center left or center right.

And since we clearly don't care enough to do anything about it, to fix this "system", we'll just keep getting shit.
It seems obvious that Joe was past his best. Where are the adults who could whisper in his ear ?
Where are the younger candidates who could step up to the plate. ?

It seems irresponsible to let things get to this mess.

Even now they are wasting time giving this fascist a free hand.. Its not just trump. Its the Supreme Court as well. The institutions of the US are falling apart on the dems watch.
Why wait till now to call a corrupt court to account ?

The US democracy needs rebuilding and it will take a lot of energy to do so. The dems seem inert in response..

They have a stronger message than trump but seem incapable of saying it out loud. They had 4 years to prepare for it. Some succession planning might have been good.

Just another political example, showing if one party runs somebody not worth a crap (like trump) the other party feels no pressure to run anybody much better, unless forced to by circumstance. It was like that in 2016 with Hillary running, so the Reps could let trump run.
Lets hope so. It still seems amazing that the US is left with such a poor choice.
It is a testament to how irrelevant the Presidency is in peace time. To be honest, George H. W. Bush was probably the last President we had who was well-qualified to be President.
I don't see a party out there anymore that stands with labor. So we are going to need to pass more laws protecting the people who built the nation.

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