What Happened to the Deep State?

from someone to scared to ask a question to a lefty..lol....bulldog my ass you should be called poodle....
You have vastly overestimated the value of your opinion. candycorn doesn't constantly whine and complain about the so-called deep state. MAGAs do. Corn just asked why you have temporarily reduced the whining. Why can't you at least define what you are whining about?
You have vastly overestimated the value of your opinion. candycorn doesn't constantly whine and complain about the so-called deep state. MAGAs do. Corn just asked why you have temporarily reduced the whining. Why can't you at least define what you are whining about?
i did define it dumbass....i asked why you didnt ask the person who created the thread who asked about it....and because i asked you why you didnt ask her what it means you started farting and crying ....
Things seem to be going pretty well for the ex president....

Wasn't the Deep State supposed to lay waste to him?

"For a generation, the people who saw something like an American deep state—even if they rarely called it that—resided on the left, not the right. The 9/11 attacks triggered the rapid growth of an opaque security and intelligence machine often unaccountable to the civilian legal system. In the 2000s, the critique focused on a “war machine” of military and intelligence officials, defense contractors and neoconservative ideologues who, in some versions, took orders directly from Vice President Dick Cheney. In the Obama era, the focus shifted to the eerie precision of “targeted killings” by drones, and then the furor over Snowden, the ex-National Security Agency contractor whose 2013 leaks exposed the astonishing reach of the government’s surveillance. “There’s definitely a deep state,” Snowden told the Nation in 2014. “Trust me, I’ve been there.”

It seems odd that with about 4 months until the election that the "deep state" has seemingly vanished.

Honestly Candy, how can you even suggest that! The deep state has no political party, it wants to impose upon you whatever it wants you to do, but it needs people to run it can control, since it can not run for it self.

How many times have we all discovered, that people who did NOT run control those who did? It makes little difference if it is big pharma, regular big business, or even Wall Street clowns.

I would like to request you to think about this--------------->how much did all these politicians who never earned 2 bucks in their life in the private sector, take in from the private sector, by asking for donations to their political campaign, etc?

These people are above us, in essence, we are BELOW them; according to them, of course.

What we as voters need to realize is a disturbing fact------------->the powers that be did NOT want Kennedy! They also did not want Reagan. They did not want Clinton, nor did they want Trump. What do all these Presidents have in common economically, along with keeping the border secure? Look it up; and notice if you will, they are from different political party's.

The people who are UNELECTED officials in Washington DC, despised ALL of them. And yet, many/most of the American people loved them. YOU need to understand, that the deep state does NOT have a political party, it just has an agenda; and most of that agenda is in opposition to what you want. Their job is to MANIPULATE you to vote for whomever they think is easier to control, for them.

This is exactly why, no matter who/whom we have voted for from either political party in the recent past, has changed little to NOTHING, except for the Presidents I have sighted. If more people/voters would look closely, look back and realize that these Presidents I have mentioned were basically hung out to dry in the sun, they MIGHT actually come to the realization, that GOP and Dem mean nothing. When someone steps up to fix it as best they can, the unelected officials in power do EVERYTHING they can to stop them. Why? Because THEY, KNOW, BETTER!
Honestly Candy, how can you even suggest that!
For 8 years, all we’ve heard from the whackos on the right is about how the “deep state’ was out to get the blob. Now, with 34 felony convictions--any one of which can put him in jail and off the campaign trail, the “deep state” suddenly has gone quiet.
The deep state has no political party, it wants to impose upon you whatever it wants you to do, but it needs people to run it can control, since it can not run for it self.
Wow, you’ve created quite the boogeyman there. I should join the deep state.
How many times have we all discovered, that people who did NOT run control those who did? It makes little difference if it is big pharma, regular big business, or even Wall Street clowns.
Please give us an example and tell us who was in “control”?
I would like to request you to think about this--------------->how much did all these politicians who never earned 2 bucks in their life in the private sector, take in from the private sector, by asking for donations to their political campaign, etc?
Wow, you mean politicians asked for campaign contributions? Im stunned.
Things seem to be going pretty well for the ex president....

Wasn't the Deep State supposed to lay waste to him?

"For a generation, the people who saw something like an American deep state—even if they rarely called it that—resided on the left, not the right. The 9/11 attacks triggered the rapid growth of an opaque security and intelligence machine often unaccountable to the civilian legal system. In the 2000s, the critique focused on a “war machine” of military and intelligence officials, defense contractors and neoconservative ideologues who, in some versions, took orders directly from Vice President Dick Cheney. In the Obama era, the focus shifted to the eerie precision of “targeted killings” by drones, and then the furor over Snowden, the ex-National Security Agency contractor whose 2013 leaks exposed the astonishing reach of the government’s surveillance. “There’s definitely a deep state,” Snowden told the Nation in 2014. “Trust me, I’ve been there.”

It seems odd that with about 4 months until the election that the "deep state" has seemingly vanished.
It’s not over yet. Games are still being played
For 8 years, all we’ve heard from the whackos on the right is about how the “deep state’ was out to get the blob. Now, with 34 felony convictions--any one of which can put him in jail and off the campaign trail, the “deep state” suddenly has gone quiet.

Wow, you’ve created quite the boogeyman there. I should join the deep state.

Please give us an example and tell us who was in “control”?

Wow, you mean politicians asked for campaign contributions? Im stunned.

Candy, you are to far gone to save, seriously. I really feel sorry for you, as you are to blind to see that most of our Presidents followed the same foreign policy....from both party's.

This is actually the deciding factor if the deep state accepts you or not. As long as you fund massive new programs in defense, you are in! Do you know how DUMB these deep state/goofballs are------------>from the mid 60s to the late 70s, they actually believed that someone COULD win a nuclear exchange. Modern ideas say...........that is not going to happen. While Russia's conventional army stinks and would get rolled easily, if an all out nuclear exchange happened between the USA and them, 2/3rds to 3/4s of the earths population would cease to exist.

Point is Candy.......the deep state has ALWAYS been about mutually assured, total destruction; so when anyone comes along and proclaims that if you mess with us, we will bomb your house with conventional weapons, the deep state no lika dat. Why? Because they want to use diplomacy, not power; and their diplomacy has yet to work.......proven by Kennedy, Reagan, and Trump!

Hey Candy----------->did you know Edward Kennedy got into bed with the Russians while Reagan was President? Know why? He was afraid that Star Wars (because Kennedy actually believed it existed under a special Presidential program funded by the Whitehouse) would upset the balance of power. Kennedy did not care that it was totally 100% a defensive weapon to protect America, and neither did the Soviets. Tells everyone how Edward Kennedy and the Soviets were actually simpatico, doesn't it!

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