Let's talk about migrant crime.

What's the freaking point? Do we tolerate a certain percentage of violent crime committed by illegal aliens because a doddering old fool and his giggly V.P. think open borders are a good thing? Do we want to quibble about Trump's statistics while they are stalking American citizens? What do we tell the families of mothers and young college girls who were raped and killed by illegal aliens who were released by the federal government?
See post #29. Please don't lose sight of the fact that what trump has convinced millions of Americans of is a lie.
I don’t follow Trump, I have felt the border has been an issue for years dating back before Trump ever thought of running.

One death, one crime by an illegal alien is one too many. They take advantage of our kindness and lax laws that allow them into our country. I don’t mind people immigrating into our nation, I do object to the illegal immigrants that do not respect legal immigrants who abided by the law and they certainly disrespect our laws, government and every legal citizen of the United States, thier disrespect for our country and our laws makes them bad candidates for US citizenship. Why people want to minimize this criminal activity is beyond me.

If this is just another thread to bitch about Trump, fine, I am wanting an honest discussion about why allowing people that don’t respect our laws, our people our country is tolerated, again we have legal immigrants that follow our laws and procedures to be here legally and I aplaud and encourage legal immigrants however those that disrespect our country, I see no reason in allowing them to stay in our country.
It's a top of mind issue for many Americans, especially Repubs. Why? Cuz, there is no crime wave?

Trump's claims of a migrant crime wave are not supported by national data

An NBC News review of available 2024 crime data shows overall crime levels dropping in cities that have received the most migrants.

According to a recent Pew poll, 57% of Americans said that a large number of migrants seeking to enter the country leads to more crime. Republicans (85%) overwhelmingly say the migrant surge leads to increased crime in the U.S. A far smaller share of Democrats (31%) say the same. The poll found that 63% of Democrats say it does not have much of an impact.

But despite the former president’s campaign rhetoric, expert analysis and available data from major-city police departments show that despite several horrifying high-profile incidents, there is no evidence of a migrant-driven crime wave in the United States.
“This is a public perception problem. It’s always based upon these kinds of flashpoint events where an immigrant commits a crime,” explains Graham Ousey, a professor at the College of William & Mary and the co-author of “Immigration and Crime: Taking Stock.” “There’s no evidence for there being any relationship between somebody’s immigrant status and their involvement in crime.”

Ousey notes the emotional toll these incidents have taken and how they can inform public perception, saying, “They can be really egregious acts of criminality that really draw lots of attention that involve somebody who happens to be an immigrant. And if you have leaders, political leaders who are really pushing that narrative, I think that would have the tendency to sort of push up the myth.”

Alex Nowrasteh’s paper, “Illegal Immigration and Crime in Texas,” is cited on MSNBC’s Velshi

Debunking the Myth of the ‘Migrant Crime Wave’

In the past few months, politicians and certain media outlets have latched on to a narrative that recent immigrants, especially undocumented ones, are causing spikes in crime. Instead of gathering data and examining the issue empirically, they are making this broad assertion based on highly publicized individual incidents of crime by undocumented immigrants. All acts of violence must be taken seriously. But policymakers should not attribute blame to entire classes of people when individuals commit crimes.

The research does not support the view that immigrants commit crime or are incarcerated at higher rates than native-born Americans. In fact, immigrants might have less law enforcement contact compared to nonimmigrants. Focusing on the facts is imperative, especially given that immigration has become a top issue for voters ahead of the election.

Okay, so where oh where could the idea of a migrant crime wave be coming from if not from reality? Could it be the usual suspects? Perhaps we should begin with where the term came from.

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration-Related Claims in Phoenix and Las Vegas

Study: Fox News ran nearly 400 weekday segments on “migrant crime” in the first 10 weeks of 2024

Fox News spent the first months of 2024 blaming President Joe Biden for an unverifiable surge of violent “migrant crime” as the right-wing network geared up to try to reinstall Donald Trump in the White House. In reality, immigrants commit fewer crimes on average than native-born Americans, violent crime reportedly continues to fall from its Trump-era heights, and there is no evidence of a migrant-driven crime spike.

Fox ran at least 388 weekday segments that featured significant discussion of “migrant crime” from January 1 through March 8, according to a Media Matters review. Only 11 of those segments even hinted at the idea that on the whole most migrants are not criminals (that tally includes segments criticizing politicians or journalists at other networks who made the point).

Make no mistake, in Trumpworld if the Orange Bigot says it, and Faux reinforces it, it's true. Together, they can create an alternative reality not reflective of what is going on in the real world. The believers, they don't need no stinkin' facts or evidence.

If you think this phenomenon OF MAKING SHIT UP only applies to the non-existent "migrant crime" wave, THINK AGAIN.

There have been several examples of migrant crime that make the news. And, there are many more which don't make the news. You seem to deny that illegals commit crimes that would not have been committed if they were not here in the first place.

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