Explaining Immigration Policy (in four commentaries)

ILLEGALS crime is off the charts what are you smoking?
You may have a point worth considering. Can you produce the charts?
Never mind the fact that there shouldn't be even 1 goddamn crime against an American.
That's N.A. to any sane discussion.
These filthy shits shouldn't even be in our country. Deport all 9 million then deport another 9 million and keep on deporting their worthless asses until none remain!!!
So you aren't bothered by the 13 year old's rape or the women who have been killed and stores that are being robbed out of business... maybe you are the one who should check your emotions and see why you have none...
This girls life would not have been ruined it our borders were secure.,.. period....
And of course if you have unchecked immigration and we don't know who's coming we will obviously have more crime to answer your stupid heartless question...
The attitude is quite disturbing.
Did you know that MILLIONS of illegals participate in a tax credit refund SCAM that cost American taxpayers BILLIONS each year? Millions and millions of illegals do it. Some pulling down refunds north of $20,000? These are not a people who respect the law, obviously they broke it jumping our border. They will scam, steal, sell drugs, drive piss ass drunk, no insurance no drivers license. These are NOT immigrants.
You may have a point worth considering. Can you produce the charts?

That's N.A. to any sane discussion.

You need to step away, go educate yourself on this topic then return because you know jack shit. Multiple states gathered the data, just in Texas alone illegals have committed hundreds of thousands of crimes and clog Texas prisons. The federal government and many states intentionally AVOID gathering data on crimes illegals commit, they don't want that reported. That throws a monkey wrench into the pro-illegals narrative.

I'll make it simple for you, how many American women and girls need to be RAPED and MURDERED before you agree to deport this scum? Pick a number?
Seriously though, if 330 million Americans were replaced by an equal number of illegal immigrants, would there be a negative or a positive effect on crime?

Don't allow emotions to run wild over feigned concern for one 13 year old victim!

IF political motivated concerns could be set aside, there could perhaps be more concern over all the mass shootings by Americans themselves.

To begin with, stop blaming the guns!

So your 'reasoning' is that we should put up with poor, diseased, drug laden, and criminal 'immigrants' and be willing to accept that a percentage of Americans will be harmed or killed because..... why? Labor shortage?? Where are your stats for that? I see plenty of people laying around on their asses collecting from the gooberment, that don't give a damn about working for a living. I would rather have a labor shortage than letting in all kinds of criminal garbage from all over the world, do you know what this is costing the American tax payer? Take your bullshit and peddle it somewhere else.
Did you know that MILLIONS of illegals participate in a tax credit refund SCAM that cost American taxpayers BILLIONS each year? Millions and millions of illegals do it. Some pulling down refunds north of $20,000? These are not a people who respect the law, obviously they broke it jumping our border. They will scam, steal, sell drugs, drive piss ass drunk, no insurance no drivers license. These are NOT immigrants.
You're referring to a few isolated incident by many millions of good people.

And I'll have to leave it at that because you're only getting yourself more upset and agitated.

I hope you find that a satisfying way of winning the debate!
I've never attempted to say that the D party is guilt free.

Due to no serious efforts to legalize mass immigration into America, I find it hard to believe that the two major parties aren't in cahoots on the issue.

These hardworking and optimistic people are filling job vacancies in America as fast as they arrive.

All during the International Cricket World Championships I've been watching, there have been Canadian government ads trying to convince Indians and Pakistanies to come to Canada.

I think we would/will take some of yours too!

(don't be concerned with prepositions with me. I know you know)

Where's your proof that they are 'hard working' and 'optimistic'? Where's your proof of any labor shortage?
Once again, are you willing and ready to start arresting and prosecuting the illegal employers to get immigration truly under control?

Yes or no?

Is that supposed to be some kind of an ultimate 'gotchya' question. :auiqs.jpg:

The answer is yes. Happy now?
You're referring to a few isolated incident by many millions of good people.

And I'll have to leave it at that because you're only getting yourself more upset and agitated.

I hope you find that a satisfying way of winning the debate!
Enough with your lies, it's millions of illegals running this scam not a few. A HUGE percentage of them are criminals. This has been reported by NBC. This problem debated multiple times in congress. The facts are not in dispute. There you have been bitch slapped by FACTS now run away.
I'm no more concerned with those events than you are. They are only relevant to you and those of your political persuasion because you're on political campaign of demonizing immigrants.

Did you express any concerns over the deaths of 20 or more American children shot dead in mass shootings?

According to statistics, the child's life was at greater risk of being shot by Americans.

You can't make your case based on a few isolated incidents by 89 million immigrants. (politicalchic's number)

Keep it polite or we'll have to call it off.

Every single one of them committed a crime when they illegally crossed our border.
2. For half a century the Democrat Party has worked assiduously to corrupt the immigration policies of the nation. For most of our existence, the majority of immigrants have come from the very same nations, or at least continents, as those who settled the country.
That was then..... Democrats knew what they were doing when they passed the 1965 immigration law that altered the flow from European immigrants to the flood from third world nations.

Fact-check: Is Venezuela sending prisoners to the US ...

Texas Standard

https://www.texasstandard.org › stories › fact-check-is-ve...

Oct 12, 2022 — “DHS confirms that Venezuela empties prisons and sends violent criminals to our southern border,” Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, tweeted on Sept ...

Fuck me you people are stupid. Where do you imagine a lot of the DNA of Latin America is from? :dunno:
You're referring to a few isolated incident by many millions of good people.

And I'll have to leave it at that because you're only getting yourself more upset and agitated.

I hope you find that a satisfying way of winning the debate!

They have NO RIGHT to be here, period. Why don't we just move the entire population of the planet to the US? 🤡

Good, send everyone currently on welfare to those states, problem solved. Are we still paying welfare and unemployment? I guess not since there is 100% employment. 🤡

So these immigrants are skilled and educated labor that can fill the so called empty positions as well, right?
Dem's don't give a shit. Americans killed, murdered, raped, tortured, assaulted, robbed, scammed by illegals and Democrats don't give a shit. Makes you wonder who is worse, the filth illegals or the Democrats right?
Seems the tide is turning, even in deep blue cities. Dem politicians are giving all the assistance and jobs to the illegals, rather than citizens.
Seems the tide is turning, even in deep blue cities. Dem politicians are giving all the assistance and jobs to the illegals, rather than citizens.
The same thing played out in Germany when it's government let illegals invade. The RAPES of German women began immediately.
Apparently none of them have jobs because they are costing us hundreds of billions of dollars. FREE housing, food, money, healthcare etc. just remember it was FREE when you get amnesty and vote Dem.

Yes, let's hear Donald's 'reasoning' for that.

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