So the monster who raped a 13 year old girl in NYC has been arrested, and...

What about the other 442,753 women who were victims in the last year? Are the women being assaulted by 442,703 Donald Trump’s any better than the few dozen assaulted by immigrants?

All them were regular Americans? Anyway, we have the madmen in my country too, who claim it is OK to import rapists because there are also native ones. You know what that is? Complicity, from the gov down to the supporters.
And it is even worse, the NYPD work is in vain, the shits will be released. The force is also on the decline, many officers resign because of that.
All them were regular Americans? Anyway, we have the madmen in my country too, who claim it is OK to import rapists because there are also native ones. You know what that is? Complicity, from the gov down to the supporters.
And it is even worse, the NYPD work is in vain, the shits will be released. The force is also on the decline, many officers resign because of that.
The Democrats rely on shills like citygator to spread their disinformation across message boards. It's all part of the Democrat "Ground Game".
Yeah what's one more rape.... who cares just one more...
That's a stupid and hateful and heartless argument...
Who cares about 442,753 rape victims which are not politically convenient to care about? Heartless. Why do you reduce their victimization to a xenophobic political point on immigration?
Interesting detail from the story on ABC.

"The individual has several prior arrests since entering the U.S., sources said."

What is the matter with NYC that they actually released this Rapist instead of deporting him when they had the chance?
It's the disease called "democrat syndrome".
What about the other 442,753 women who were victims in the last year? Are the women being assaulted by 442,703 Donald Trump’s any better than the few dozen assaulted by immigrants?

You're taking quite a beating, so maybe I can help you out, bro.

You can't blame those poor "migrants" for being rapists, the age of consent in most Central and South American countries is 14 years of age, including Paraguay, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, and Ecuador. So when they cross into this country, naturally they're going to think it's alright to have sex with kids.

After all, those little ripe for the picking 14 year old girls were just asking for it, weren't they? They shouldn't have been such little sluts.

Feel free to use that for a defense, if you'd like.
All them were regular Americans? Anyway, we have the madmen in my country too, who claim it is OK to import rapists because there are also native ones. You know what that is? Complicity, from the gov down to the supporters.
And it is even worse, the NYPD work is in vain, the shits will be released. The force is also on the decline, many officers resign because of that.
So you dont care about white citizen rapists that are nearly half a million but you are appalled by a few dozen immigrant perpetrators? Seems myopic.
If you had "Illegal alien from Ecuador" on your Bingo card, you win.

Step down now, Shitshow Joe. You said "Watch me", and I think we've seen enough of what you can do to this country.

Migrant arrested in broad daylight rape of 13-year-old in New York park​

"An illegal immigrant Ecuadorian is in NYPD custody after a broad daylight sex attack in which police said a machete-wielding man approached two 13-year-olds, one a boy and one a girl, tied them together by the wrists and raped the girl at a popular park in Queens, according to sources.

An NYPD spokesperson confirmed a person of interest was in custody but declined to provide additional details.

However, law enforcement sources tell Fox News that police arrested an Ecuardorian man Monday evening in connection with the crime. He entered the country illegally in 2021."

Migrant arrested in broad daylight rape of 13-year-old in New York park

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Pew pew.....
You're taking quite a beating, so maybe I can help you out, bro.

You can't blame those poor "migrants" for being rapists, the age of consent in most Central and South American countries is 14 years of age. So when they cross into this country, naturally they're going to think it's alright to have sex with kids.

After all, those little ripe for the picking 14 year old girls were just asking for it, weren't they? They shouldn't have been such little sluts.

Feel free to use that for a defense, if you'd like.
Who’s defending rape? Oh, everyone in here that isnt appalled by rapes committed by politically convient rapists like Donald Trump. All his victims, one adjudicated, dont matter because it isnt politically convenient. But this criminal is some sign of something for you eh? Ridiculous.
Pew pew.....

I might consider your offer of employment Does it come with a 401k or retirement program? How much does it pay and when do I start? Do I get per diem travel pay? Can I have my own desk and stapler?



So you dont care about white citizen rapists that are nearly half a million but you are appalled by a few dozen immigrant perpetrators? Seems myopic.
Your statistic is not offering the actual number of rapes, nor does it say whether the perpetrators are white or not, immigrants or not. The statistic includes even verbal threats, so if someone says he is going to fuck your butt it will be in there.
Give us a more precise statistic.
And, most important, you can imprison the rapists, immigrants or not. Put them in labor camps for all I care. But it is also the obligation of the government to protect the border. Illegal entry is a crime in the US. It will get around if you let them in and thus more will come, many criminals among them.
U need to look @ this problem with the statist left THROUGH THEIR EYES. If there remains no crime too serious to prosecute then they themselves(statist left) can never be prosecuted in this life or in the afterlife. Self delusion is obviously rampant within the statist left circle.
Except…..the “crime” of paying a non-disclosure and accounting for it as Legal Expense is the one thing the Left will not tolerate…..IF it’s done by Trump.
And could Biden be ANY more out of touch regarding this shameful issue? He knows (or rather his puppeteers know) that the MAJORITY of voters want the illegals all deported, and on the heels of the report that a mother of five was murdered by an illegal savage, AND on the heels of learning that another illegal savage just raped a 13-year-old….

…Biden has a press conference in 10 minutes to announce his new EO giving amnesty to 500,000 illegals to protect them from deportation.

This is just a big middle finger to Americans. It has Obama’s stink all over it.
So you dont care about white citizen rapists that are nearly half a million but you are appalled by a few dozen immigrant perpetrators? Seems myopic.

This fellow wasn't even supposed to be in the country in the first place and he had already been arrested several times already before his latest Atrocity.

Biden is the reason he decided to come to America to pursue a life as a rapist.
This fellow wasn't even supposed to be in the country in the first place and he had already been arrested several times already before his latest Atrocity.

Biden is the reason he decided to come to America to pursue a life as a rapist.
Who's fault is the other half million?

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