California cops object to being judged by anyone but cops.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
California’s Legislature retired for the session without passing legislation to make it possible to strip problem officers of their required state certifications. The measure would remove California from the short list of states that do not have such a process.

The main objection from the various Police Unions was that cops would not make up a majority of the board that made such determinations.

You see. Only cops can be allowed to decide when other cops are a problem. We can not allow anyone else to decide any such thing.
California’s Legislature retired for the session without passing legislation to make it possible to strip problem officers of their required state certifications. The measure would remove California from the short list of states that do not have such a process.

The main objection from the various Police Unions was that cops would not make up a majority of the board that made such determinations.

You see. Only cops can be allowed to decide when other cops are a problem. We can not allow anyone else to decide any such thing.
That's kinda like saying only politicians should be allowed to judge other politicians.

Maybe the civilian Joe Public ought to be in charge of reviewing everything, police guilt, politician performance, benefits and when they deserve a raise.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Maybe on juries we can place a majority that have been arrested themselves.
Does anyone really believe any cop could get a fair trial in Commiefornia?

A better decision would be to move all trials to more neutral states.
Does anyone really believe any cop could get a fair trial in Commiefornia?

A better decision would be to move all trials to more neutral states.

Things are changing everywhere mate. Even in Georgia.


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