California Democrat Removed From Committee After Defying Newsom


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
I imagine people all over the MSM and leftoids everywhere will be raging against this. What am I thinking? No, they won't.

A California Democratic lawmaker has been removed from an Assembly committee after voting against Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new law aimed at punishing oil companies for windfall profits.

Newly elected Assemblywoman Jasmeet Bains (D-Delano) represents a small community north of Bakersfield in central California. The region produces about 70 percent of the state’s oil.

Bains published a statement March 30, saying she was informed by the office of Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) she would be removed from the Assembly Business and Professions Committee.

“While I am disappointed, I remain firm in my commitment to serve the interests of the people I was elected to represent,” Bains said in a statement, as reported by Sacramento television station KCRA.

Despite Bains’s move, the measure easily passed the state Legislature where Democrats hold a supermajority in both chambers. ...

I imagine people all over the MSM and leftoids everywhere will be raging against this. What am I thinking? No, they won't.

A California Democratic lawmaker has been removed from an Assembly committee after voting against Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new law aimed at punishing oil companies for windfall profits.
Newly elected Assemblywoman Jasmeet Bains (D-Delano) represents a small community north of Bakersfield in central California. The region produces about 70 percent of the state’s oil.
Bains published a statement March 30, saying she was informed by the office of Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) she would be removed from the Assembly Business and Professions Committee.
“While I am disappointed, I remain firm in my commitment to serve the interests of the people I was elected to represent,” Bains said in a statement, as reported by Sacramento television station KCRA.
Despite Bains’s move, the measure easily passed the state Legislature where Democrats hold a supermajority in both chambers. ...

It's insane and very deeply disturbing how many of my fellow Californians are so unimaginably stupid that they think that having a corrupt government impose gratuitous penalties on the oil companies will help lower gasoline prices. Especially when it is that exact same corrupt government that is entirely responsible for why we pay so much more for Gasoline in this state, than anyone pays in any other state.
California is a one party tyranny. It got this way and remains this way through fraudulent election schemes. Think of that when you see Gavin Newsom.
California is a one party tyranny. It got this way and remains this way through fraudulent election schemes. Think of that when you see Gavin Newsom.

Before the election to recall the corrupt subhuman criminal piece of shit Gavin Newsom, in 2021, polling was showing it to be a very close race.

The final results were that he won, 62% to 38%.

As close as the polling was, and given that polls always tend to lean a bit to the left wrong, there is simply no way in Hell that Newsom won that by sixty something to thirty something, without some significant form of cheating going on. Just no way in Hell.

I might have believed it if he had barely won, or barely lost. But there's just no way that he legitimately won by any such margin.
We tried to recall him twice. The last time was a real kicker. There were enough signatures on the recall petition to force a special election. Then, one judge said that there were duplicates AND THREW OUT OVER 200,000 SIGNATURES. When the backers asked to see the petitions to verify, they were told they had already been destroyed. Democrats don't even try to hide the fraud any more.
It's insane and very deeply disturbing how many of my fellow Californians are so unimaginably stupid that they think that having a corrupt government impose gratuitous penalties on the oil companies will help lower gasoline prices. Especially when it is that exact same corrupt government that is entirely responsible for why we pay so much more for Gasoline in this state, than anyone pays in any other state.
I wonder if the gas companies actually like Newsom's policies. They won't lose a dime. They'll just raise their prices and a higher ratio than the penalties imposed. In the meantime ... Newsom places a greater burden on California workers while giving tourists a good reason to visit Florida instead of California.

I was born and raised in California. Glad I moved away after the Rodney King riots of the 90s. I loved Orange County, but I'll never return (unless by some miracle it returns to some semblance of normalcy).
Companies do not set the prices. The markets do. Newsome could do the right thing and go after big investors and the banks but he isn't going to do that as they are the sources of a lot of the money that funds politicians.
Companies do not set the prices. The markets do. Newsome could do the right thing and go after big investors and the banks but he isn't going to do that as they are the sources of a lot of the money that funds politicians.

They aslo are sources of goods and services that consumers need. The costs created by “going after” them as part of a corrupt, malevolent left wrong-wing agenda will end up being passed down to the consumers, exactly the same as is happening with the oil industry.

What it ultimately gets down to is that the corrupt government is robbing the people, in an indirect manner, by robbing the providers of goods and services.
I imagine people all over the MSM and leftoids everywhere will be raging against this. What am I thinking? No, they won't.

A California Democratic lawmaker has been removed from an Assembly committee after voting against Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new law aimed at punishing oil companies for windfall profits.
Newly elected Assemblywoman Jasmeet Bains (D-Delano) represents a small community north of Bakersfield in central California. The region produces about 70 percent of the state’s oil.
Bains published a statement March 30, saying she was informed by the office of Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) she would be removed from the Assembly Business and Professions Committee.
“While I am disappointed, I remain firm in my commitment to serve the interests of the people I was elected to represent,” Bains said in a statement, as reported by Sacramento television station KCRA.
Despite Bains’s move, the measure easily passed the state Legislature where Democrats hold a supermajority in both chambers. ...

the old political machine wins again

we're shocked...


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