*Biden Moves, Ashli Babbit Case To DC; For A Judge His Has In Back Pocket!*

It totally does. That violent mob was violently beating down the doors and windows just a couple of feet away from Byrd. It's a reasonable fear for his own safety if that mob were to breach the barricade. Such reasonable fear allows for lethal force to be engaged.
As in the George Floyd situation.
Sorry bout that,

1. Biden brought her case to a liberal judge in DC.
2. Snatched the case from Ashli's home town, to DC where the jury can be ruled over.
3. Its a EAST COAST, thing, juries are bought, and they are the ones guilty, but they are rich guilty.


Why do you guys hate the Constitution?
That you don't even know there were six cops leaving down those stairs reveals you don't know what you're talking about.
That you don't even know there is a Video I presented showing 3 cops at the doors on her side proves you don't know what you are talking about. The stairs is a bit removed from the doors as I recollect and I am not talking of cops on stairs.

More important is the design of those doors. They are pretty tall. I was not there to measure them, but will tell you they are tall doors. Not like in a home. Windows were broken out and she hit the person busting them. She was not interested in breaking laws. She had legall been allowed to enter the Capitol. Many legally entered it. But other than the window breakers, few were so called rioting. She did not break windows. I saw men next to the door lifting her into the windows. She was way too short to get up by herself. Now i wasted time on this. So if you want to keep lying, go for it.
That you don't even know there were six cops leaving down those stairs reveals you don't know what you're talking about.
The cops you mention understood there was no danger. Meanwhile the crooked cop aimed his gun to kill her.
That you don't even know there is a Video I presented showing 3 cops at the doors on her side proves you don't know what you are talking about. The stairs is a bit removed from the doors as I recollect and I am not talking of cops on stairs.

More important is the design of those doors. They are pretty tall. I was not there to measure them, but will tell you they are tall doors. Not like in a home. Windows were broken out and she hit the person busting them. She was not interested in breaking laws. She had legall been allowed to enter the Capitol. Many legally entered it. But other than the window breakers, few were so called rioting. She did not break windows. I saw men next to the door lifting her into the windows. She was way too short to get up by herself. Now i wasted time on this. So if you want to keep lying, go for it.

You're deranged. You said you saw 3 cops going down the stairs. There were 6 cops going down the stairs. And no one "legally" entered the building. Even trumpsters claiming cops let them in were convicted.

And you did not see any video of men lifting her into that window frame. There is no such video.

And that window was only about 2, maybe 2½, feet off the ground. Easy enough for a traitor like Benedict Babbitt to climb up without help.
The cops you mention understood there was no danger. Meanwhile the crooked cop aimed his gun to kill her.

Ass backwards. They were escorted out by 3 other heavily armed cops for their own safety because they were being threatened by a violent mob and danger was imminent.
This is where perspective makes a difference. To the officers in the hall, the crowd was moving away from them, to Byrd and the officers behind the barricade, the crowd was moving toward them.
Those in the hallway could never defend shooting someone in the back, which is why they didn't act.
The stairwell wasn't behind the crowd; it was alongside it. Babbit fell right at the head of the stairwell. The officers in the stairwell had a better view of what was going on than Byrd did.
The stairwell wasn't behind the crowd; it was alongside it. Babbit fell right at the head of the stairwell. The officers in the stairwell had a better view of what was going on than Byrd did.

Complete lie.

The truth is 4 heavily armed cops came up the stairs (1:20). Two of them escorted the other three cops (1:50), who were previously standing in front of the doors, down the stairs. A third one of the four was near a landing down the stairs (1:52). That left one other cop near the top of the stairs. The fourth of the heavily armed cops was near the top of the stairs. He was talking with a guy in a suit and a mask (1:53). Neither of whom were even looking at the doors when Benedict Babbitt was shot (1:54).

The stairwell wasn't behind the crowd; it was alongside it. Babbit fell right at the head of the stairwell. The officers in the stairwell had a better view of what was going on than Byrd did.
When I was there, honestly the exact location of the stairs was not on my mind. I wanted to get into the house of representatives to see it in person. And i did just that. I think in the Senate, I had to use the elevator as the doors to the senate were locked. The elevator takes you to the visitor gallery in the Senate. When I was there the house and Senate were off on vacations.
Complete lie.

The truth is 4 heavily armed cops came up the stairs (1:20). Two of them escorted the other three cops (1:50), who were previously standing in front of the doors, down the stairs. A third one of the four was near a landing down the stairs (1:52). That left one other cop near the top of the stairs. The fourth of the heavily armed cops was near the top of the stairs. He was talking with a guy in a suit and a mask (1:53). Neither of whom were even looking at the doors when Benedict Babbitt was shot (1:54).

Notice how short she is? Notice how there is a large wood panel below the windows? Notice suddenly she is very high up? Where she was murdered? And they say she was not boosted up? Short women like her commonly get boosted up. But not to be murdered.
Notice how short she is? Notice how there is a large wood panel below the windows? Notice suddenly she is very high up? Where she was murdered? And they say she was not boosted up? Short women like her commonly get boosted up. But not to be murdered.


By "large wood panel," you mean about 2 1/2 feet tall. easy enough for even Ashes to climb up...

Complete lie.

The truth is 4 heavily armed cops came up the stairs (1:20). Two of them escorted the other three cops (1:50), who were previously standing in front of the doors, down the stairs. A third one of the four was near a landing down the stairs (1:52). That left one other cop near the top of the stairs. The fourth of the heavily armed cops was near the top of the stairs. He was talking with a guy in a suit and a mask (1:53). Neither of whom were even looking at the doors when Benedict Babbitt was shot (1:54).

Which clearly indicated how small a threat they thought she was.

By "large wood panel," you mean about 2 1/2 feet tall. easy enough for even Ashes to climb up...

View attachment 965128
She was very short the day she got murdered. Compare that height to the railing in the hall. About 3 feet or so high!!! The bottom of the window was difficult since she was so tiny.

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