*Biden Moves, Ashli Babbit Case To DC; For A Judge His Has In Back Pocket!*

That's absolutely true. Warning shots imply no imminent danger. Law enforcement isn't to use deadly force, until the situation raises to the point of imminent threat to life or limb. And the response is to stop the threat, period.

Warning shots remind me of a George Carlin Hippy-dippy weatherman skit.
Police fire over the heads of rioters. Ten people on the second floor killed.
Law enforcement isn't to use deadly force, until the situation raises to the point of imminent threat to life or limb.
Tell Byrd that.
meaner gene types words that often seem to hold no weight.
6th amendment (note for criminal trials only)
... the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed,...
Bro made my point in post #186 Of course a trained LEO will never fire a warning shot or shoot his weapon in any other attempt than to kill the person he is shooting at...no LEO is ever trained to shoot at the legs etc. That being said... what Byrd did was way out of line for any "other situation". Claiming that this was a "special situation" requires one to believe that our "leaders" are special. American patriots may not be ready to believe this narrative.
We also saw the BLM riot videos, where 90% of the people were peacefully protesting. That doesn't negate the percent of people who set buildings on fire, looted, and carried out total mayhem.

Some people being peaceful, doesn't negate those that weren't.
90% peaceful. Hahaahahahahahahahaaaaa.
Bro made my point in post #186 Of course a trained LEO will never fire a warning shot or shoot his weapon in any other attempt than to kill the person he is shooting at...no LEO is ever trained to shoot at the legs etc. That being said... what Byrd did was way out of line for any "other situation". Claiming that this was a "special situation" requires one to believe that our "leaders" are special. American patriots may not be ready to believe this narrative.
The leaders are special, in that they have a constitutional role.
Imagine if a hostile country managed to kidnap half the members of the house of representatives.

Clearly an act of war, but with half the members missing, the government could never declare war. Nor authorize the funds with which to fight a war.
IMHO the owner of a convenience store in America is every bit as important as any "leader" when it comes to violence from violent rioters. This view may be disputed, but I hold to my beliefs.
Bullshit. There isn't a single video showing anyone boosting her up. In fact, everyone else was backing down because some saw the gun. A guy standing right next to her gave an interview moments later stating how they were trying to pull everyone back because a cop drew his gun.

Sad that you feel compelled to lie like that.
I have posted the video at least a dozen times.

She couldn't retreat?? Are you out of your fucking mind? Seconds earlier, SIX cops left and walked down the stairs behind her. She could have left with them.
I saw video of 3 cops walking down those stairs. Proving there was no danger to the criminal cop who murdered Ashli.
You know they have video of her climbing through the window right?
Again here is my problem. I have actually been where she was murdered. I know the video shows her being boosted unless you prove to me she could leap that high.
90% peaceful. Hahaahahahahahahahaaaaa.
according to Pew surveys the BLM protests became more peaceful over time. Between May 25 and June 4, 2020, 89% of protest demonstrations were non-violent while later between June and September 2020 more than 96% of BLM associated protests were non-violent [16].
Here's what actually happened. A violent mob was smashing through doors, windows and barriers to get to members of congress. And a cop stopped them.

Did you notice the entire heavily armed tactical team within six feet of Babbit who didn’t seem to think she was much of a threat? They took no action until after she was shot. The only person who seems to have thought she was a threat was the guy who had the habit of forgetting his duty weapon in public restrooms. The first incident would have gotten him a long suspension without pay or terminated in any real police department. Instead the Capital Police ignored the serious safety violation. As far as I can find out, the Capital Police have never prosecuted any officer for misconduct towards a taxpayer.
It totally does. That violent mob was violently beating down the doors and windows just a couple of feet away from Byrd. It's a reasonable fear for his own safety if that mob were to breach the barricade. Such reasonable fear allows for lethal force to be engaged.
Then why didn’t the thousand of cops all across the nation who were in danger from violent rioters shoot any of them? They were in far more danger than Byrd was.
The leaders are special, in that they have a constitutional role.
Imagine if a hostile country managed to kidnap half the members of the house of representatives.

Clearly an act of war, but with half the members missing, the government could never declare war. Nor authorize the funds with which to fight a war.
For about forty eight hours until the various governors appointed temp replacements and they flew to DC.

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