*Biden Moves, Ashli Babbit Case To DC; For A Judge His Has In Back Pocket!*

Of all the professional police officers (100's of them) under assault that afternoon.....This one guy (Byrd) pops one off in the face a small woman. This one guy that has a (provable) history of negligence using a firearm.???? Who can say that this is legit.... and that promoting and honoring this man is not insanity?
Most people are trained to shoot for "body mass". I would wager that very few training programs train to shoot for the neck. Yet we have the illustrious, celebrated officer Byrd, with plenty of time, no obstructions and no imminent threat..pointing his pistol at the woman's face and popping one off... hitting his target in the throat. RIP young lady......
Sorry bout that,

1. Biden brought her case to a liberal judge in DC.
2. Snatched the case from Ashli's home town, to DC where the jury can be ruled over.
3. Its a EAST COAST, thing, juries are bought, and they are the ones guilty, but they are rich guilty.

What Ashley babbit case?

She was shot committing a felony. End of story.
The truly sad part is that the capitol cop who shot
her never gave a warning ... Like STOP! or I'll shoot.
Why her anyway.She was smack dab in the middle of the
crowd storming ahead into the capitol rotunda.
A. They were all shouting stop or we will shoot.

B. She was at the front of a mob baying for congressional blood.

She was shot attempting to overthrow the government. You guys are extrememly fortunate she wasn't just one of dozens.
A small woman climbing through a window. Perhaps kicking her face? Using a chair to smack her in the face, and countless other ways that are typically used to stop criminals before shooting them in the neck? Every bullet that anyone shoots, is a bullet that he alone is accountable for...."Be sure of your target and what is behind it"... that lesson went right out the "window" in Byrd's mind when he killed this woman. Actually he is fortunate that that bullet did not injure other people (or even himself for that matter).
Maybe he was pissing his pants
Post #145 is so pathetic. I truly hope this one single post (#145) may force some people to look for truth.
Byrd was the only one that might have been "pissing his pants". Just look at all the other professional law enforcement officers that were controlling their use of deadly force on that afternoon. Byrd was the only one that shot a woman in the face...he got a pay raise and a medal.
Most people are trained to shoot for "body mass". I would wager that very few training programs train to shoot for the neck. Yet we have the illustrious, celebrated officer Byrd, with plenty of time, no obstructions and no imminent threat..pointing his pistol at the woman's face and popping one off... hitting his target in the throat. RIP young lady......
I'm sure she wasn't stationary. So who knows what he was aiming at. Someone was entering through a smashed window, to attack the congresspeople he was tasked with protecting.
I'm just surprised that there was that much restraint in the use of deadly force.
Ironically if you look at the video, shortly after the shooting, an officer in full riot gear and carrying a sub-machine gun showed up. And I can just imagine the carnage had he opened fire.
Everyone else in the world has seen the videos of people casually strolling through the building. Why haven’t you?
We also saw the BLM riot videos, where 90% of the people were peacefully protesting. That doesn't negate the percent of people who set buildings on fire, looted, and carried out total mayhem.

Some people being peaceful, doesn't negate those that weren't.
conflating ANTIFA and BLM again?

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meaner gene.. your words hold wisdom. However shooting any animal at close range can (usually) easily be done in a less lethal way than shooting them in the face. Also the truth that Byrd, after the shooting, made a false radio call that THEY were being fired upon... has huge implications that he is a POS and we are all fortunate that Byrd's false radio call did not ignite deadly gun fire.

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