*Biden Moves, Ashli Babbit Case To DC; For A Judge His Has In Back Pocket!*

Who the hell has to put up with being sprayed this way by Cops?
Rioters and thugs who overrun policed lines and beat the shit out of the cops who were there to protect our lawmakers.

I'd like to see them try again in '25 after Benedict's next defeat.
Sorry bout that,

1. Biden brought her case to a liberal judge in DC.
2. Snatched the case from Ashli's home town, to DC where the jury can be ruled over.
3. Its a EAST COAST, thing, juries are bought, and they are the ones guilty, but they are rich guilty.

No justice, no pea…ahh fuck it, it’s only Progressive Fascism
Not a smart decision that's for sure. Also having seen the video for the first time there's no question that breaking and entering was present. I don't know about the laws in DC but I do know if it was in Texas All the people on the other side of the window would be shot with impunity.
How can you only just now have seen this video?
How can you only just now have seen this video?
To be honest I have pretty much stayed away from the issue because I never agreed with the trespassing in the first place.
I don't believe it was singularly done.... additionally, it's ridiculous to blame anybody but the people who were there in person for what happened.

As I have already said on numerous occasions trespassing on federal property is just plain stupid.
One thing I am certain of.... Byrd is going to look very very bad when the truth about him is revealed. He was the idiot that left his gun in the public bathroom where it was eventually found by the janitor. He was that idiot that shot several rounds at a car fleeing a scene. He was also the idiot that was the ONLY officer to fire a gun that day. He was also the idiot that, AFTER shooting the girl in the face, made a radio call announcing that THEY were under fire! This radio call is recorded and it is an obvious lie he told to cover his guilty ass. That radio call lie could have sparked tons of deadly fire.
And who "ruled" his point blank shooting of an unarmed physically constrained woman "clean"? Pelosi? Al Sharpton?
HITF do you not know this by now?
WITF are you arguing about something you admit you know nothing about?

USCP Completes Internal Investigation into the January 6 Officer-Involved Shooting​

Department of Justice Closes Investigation into the Death of Ashli Babbitt​

The narrative of "What would you have done if she was breaking into your house?"??? Consider that just outside your window were several uniformed officers with rifles standing next to her, and inside your house there were several officers with their guns pointing at her. AND then you ran right up to her and shot her in the face. Think about that for a minute. Would you be given a pay raise and a medal....or be in big trouble?
To be honest I have pretty much stayed away from the issue because I never agreed with the trespassing in the first place.
I don't believe it was singularly done.... additionally, it's ridiculous to blame anybody but the people who were there in person for what happened.

As I have already said on numerous occasions trespassing on federal property is just plain stupid.
Well, as you’ve found today. There are insights to be gained by being informed and keeping up with changes.
Making arguments without having a clear understanding is never a good idea.
The courtroom will reveal everything. Byrd may not face any consequences,... but everyone will know (including his friends, family and co-workers) what a complete idiot this guy is. Hopefully he will be kept away from guns in the future.
She could not retreat. And 3 cops who should have protected her moved away a matter of feet to allow the black cop to kill her. She was boosted into the window.


She couldn't retreat?? Are you out of your fucking mind? Seconds earlier, SIX cops left and walked down the stairs behind her. She could have left with them.
President at the time Donald Trump lawfully gave speeches. And crowd so loved him they filled arenas. Some of them encountered cops roughing them up. Some were bear sprayed by cops. Who the hell has to put up with being sprayed this way by Cops?

The violence started with Trump's thugs who knocked out a cop at one of the outer barricades.

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