*Biden Moves, Ashli Babbit Case To DC; For A Judge His Has In Back Pocket!*

Of all the professional police officers (100's of them) under assault that afternoon.....This one guy (Byrd) pops one off in the face a small woman. This one guy that has a (provable) history of negligence using a firearm.???? Who can say that this is legit.... and that promoting and honoring this man is not insanity?

Irrelevant, different situations. Different people. It's reasonable to fear your life is in danger by a violent mob that's violently breaking into the room you're in. That's the reason two separate investigations from two independent jurisdictions found Byrd was within his rights to resort to lethal force.
meaner gene.. your words hold wisdom. However shooting any animal at close range can (usually) easily be done in a less lethal way than shooting them in the face. Also the truth that Byrd, after the shooting, made a false radio call that THEY were being fired upon... has huge implications that he is a POS and we are all fortunate that Byrd's false radio call did not ignite deadly gun fire.
Actually you have the order of events a little mixed up.

A few minutes prior to the shooting, a police dispatcher mistakenly reported, “They’re taking shots into the House floor.”

“Lt. Byrd erroneously believed and acted on a false radio call and/or false report of shots fired on the House floor occurring before he left the House floor and moved across the Speaker’s Lobby to the adjacent Retiring Room,” the suit said.

“A reasonably prudent officer in Lt. Byrd’s position would have been aware that, in fact, the report was false and the sound heard on the House floor was glass breaking, not shots fired,” the lawsuit alleged.

It is not clear why Mr. Byrd made the statement that he was taking fire and was prepared to fire back. His radio dispatch occurred up to a minute after he fired on Ms. Babbitt, the suit said.

An unknown U.S. Capitol Police officer first reported shots fired in the U.S. House just before 2:43 p.m., followed later by Mr. Byrd’s shots-fired announcement, according to the audio recording obtained by The Epoch Times. Both reports turned out to be unfounded.
I will again state that this "heroic, celebrated officer of the law" will ultimately be exposed as the idiot that he is,.... and that he has been known for a long time to have no place whatsoever to have ever been allowed to have a gun. Yet he is the "hero"??? RIP young lady.
Why would the president of the United States care about a wrongful death civil case? He probably doesn't give a damn personally but his handlers do and he signs everything they put in front of him.
Because it's the law, cops are trained to never fire warning shots.
That's absolutely true. Warning shots imply no imminent danger. Law enforcement isn't to use deadly force, until the situation raises to the point of imminent threat to life or limb. And the response is to stop the threat, period.

Warning shots remind me of a George Carlin Hippy-dippy weatherman skit.
Police fire over the heads of rioters. Ten people on the second floor killed.
Most people are trained to shoot for "body mass". I would wager that very few training programs train to shoot for the neck. Yet we have the illustrious, celebrated officer Byrd, with plenty of time, no obstructions and no imminent threat..pointing his pistol at the woman's face and popping one off... hitting his target in the throat. RIP young lady......

False. He did not shoot her in the face nor did he shoot her in the neck. He shot her in the shoulder; which would be in the direction of her body mass but hitting the shoulder as she was facing perpendicular to him.

If you're going to debate this shooting, don't you think you should know what happened?
Why would the president of the United States care about a wrongful death civil case? He probably doesn't give a damn personally but his handlers do and he signs everything they put in front of him.
The venue of criminal cases are founded in the US Constitution, with civil law following suit. With the venue being tied to the location of the tort. And on the residence of the parties for remote actions, if they do business in several states.
I will again state that this "heroic, celebrated officer of the law" will ultimately be exposed as the idiot that he is,.... and that he has been known for a long time to have no place whatsoever to have ever been allowed to have a gun. Yet he is the "hero"??? RIP young lady.

It's been 3½ years and all the dirt on him has been made public. How much longer you reckon it's gonna take until America gives a shit?
I can debate this shooting till the cows come home. Only a fool would assume that an officer, with no direct imminent harm to himself, with no weapon visible, with multiple other officers standing by with a multitude of non lethal options....could just run up and shoot the woman in the face.... For some reason the location of this shooting makes it a "special case". "Hollowed ground", "Our most important politicians", etc... Bull hockey!!! A business owner in the midst of a riot has every bit the constitutional protections of these politicians in the peoples house. Saying that it's OK to just shoot a rioter in the face because they were rioting in the wrong place ( the place where elitist politicians were) is simply un American IMHO
It's been 3½ years and all the dirt on him has been made public. How much longer you reckon it's gonna take until America gives a shit?
This reminds me of a recent thread, where they posted 10 Georgia tabulation machines, that had missing information, incorrect, or omitted serial numbers, and other irregularities.
With a possible error of up to 20,000 votes.

But after it was posted that Georgia did a manual recount, and certified Biden's victory without using the tabulators, and the numbers only changed by single digits per district.
I can debate this shooting till the cows come home. Only a fool would assume that an officer, with no direct imminent harm to himself, with no weapon visible, with multiple other officers standing by with a multitude of non lethal options....could just run up and shoot the woman in the face.... For some reason the location of this shooting makes it a "special case". "Hollowed ground", "Our most important politicians", etc... Bull hockey!!! A business owner in the midst of a riot has every bit the constitutional protections of these politicians in the peoples house. Saying that it's OK to just shoot a rioter in the face because they were rioting in the wrong place ( the place where elitist politicians were) is simply un American IMHO
I must beg to differ. Any business has only limited effect on the country. Where an attack on any of the three branches of government, can bring the country to a standstill. Just look at the chaos when Ronald Reagan was shot. You had the secretary of state at the white house saying that he was in charge.

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