California here we come

this happened under a republican governor and notice TM completely ignores that and seems to give the dem all the credit
Oh gooie!

An economic prediction.

So we just KNOW that can't be wrong.
this happened under a republican governor and notice TM completely ignores that and seems to give the dem all the credit

They were about to do what conservatives want to do.

Then pennies fell from heaven.

So back to keeping taxes high and wastefull spending.
Sadly, I can only laugh. Lots of people are fooled by accounting trickery.

Must of hired a bunch of evul conservatives to cook the books.


Obama came outta Chicago, Chicago is in "Cook" County Il.


probably. But where's the fun in that?
So they are guessing that they will get an extra 6.6B, they don't actually know.

Libs love sceince but hate da maff.

And reading the story they plan on spending chunks of this etheral wind fall, and NOT put it all to the debt.

Conservatives call that "fuzzy math'.
Yeah.....I remember......


"This is another of conservatives’ hidden agendas: they keep promising workers that if we cut taxes on the wealthy and the economy grows, their wages will go up. But when wages even start to go up—for whatever reason—conservatives do everything they can to slow down the economy. They never openly tell the public about the second part of their strategy when they discuss taxes, economic growth and wages."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

October 06, 2003

"Investigative reporter Greg Palast reveals how Republican gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger is part of a larger scheme to help Enron and other power companies avoid paying back $9 billion in illicit profits by replacing Gov. Gray Davis."

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3 in a row even, I'm so happy haha.
How about we do the honest thing and pay for these peoples medical care like we promised them.

Now this recovery is barely in gear.

Cali will pull out of this and soar in a couple of years.

You will have moonbeam Jerry to thank.

Isn't that what they said the last time he ran the show ? And who pays for all of those unpaid benefits and unused vacation days and how ?
Economic Reality Check:

Last year, in the face of the threatened expiration of the Bush tax cuts, people who could pulled income forward. Now the taxes are being paid.

This is certainly contributing to the CA tax receipts, all of which should (but won't) be used to reduce the deficit.
Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown’s budget cuts deep, looks to extend tax hikes, reshapes government
() January 10, 2011 | 10:06 am Gov. Jerry Brown will unveil a stark budget plan for California on Monday, proposing to slash welfare spending in half, cut nearly 20% from the state's university system and reduce healthcare coverage for the poor -- while aksing that voters approve an array of tax increases.

Brown, a Democrat, said in a statement he is proposing a budget composed roughly of half cuts and half taxes to confront a budget shortfall that his office has estimated at $25.4 billion.

Brown said his $84.6-billion general fund spending plan "will be painful, requiring sacrifice from every sector of the state, but we have no choice,"
Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown’s budget cuts deep, looks to extend tax hikes, reshapes government
() January 10, 2011 | 10:06 am Gov. Jerry Brown will unveil a stark budget plan for California on Monday, proposing to slash welfare spending in half, cut nearly 20% from the state's university system and reduce healthcare coverage for the poor -- while aksing that voters approve an array of tax increases.

Brown, a Democrat, said in a statement he is proposing a budget composed roughly of half cuts and half taxes to confront a budget shortfall that his office has estimated at $25.4 billion.

Brown said his $84.6-billion general fund spending plan "will be painful, requiring sacrifice from every sector of the state, but we have no choice,"

Just curious, TM....if it's all good in Ca. to make these deep cuts in that state, and you DO approve. Why are you so against the same mindset at the federal level?
TMN posted an article from January. Well, the reality vs. the promises are quite different:

California Governor Jerry Brown unveiled a revised budget Monday that calls for a $9.3 billion tax extension, coupled with a $2.6 billion cut in spending.

Despite steep opposition from Republican lawmakers and some of his own supporters, Brown is holding firm to his belief that the state's budget crisis should be addressed with a mix of tax hikes and spending cuts. The governor did not unveil the draconian spending cuts that some observers had thought he would. Instead, he continued to press for an extension of tax hikes currently set to expire. And he still wants voters to have a say on the extension of the levies.

"I'm not going to give the Republicans a roadmap to ruin," said Brown, as he outlined his proposal to close the state's remaining $10.8 billion deficit to the press. "I'm going to give them a roadmap to success."

The governor was able to minimize the size of the tax extension, originally more than $12 billion, thanks to an unexpected jump in tax collection. The updated forecast calls for an additional $6.6 billion in revenues over the next two years.

Under the new tax plan, the quarter-percentage point increase in income tax rates would be revived in 2012. It expired at the end of last year. The proposal also calls for maintaining a 1 percentage point bump in the sales tax, which lapses at the end of June. The higher rates would remain in effect through 2015....

So, there is $6.6B more in tax receipts, but only $2.6B in spending cuts, with over $9B in tax increase extensions.

Yep, politics as usual in CA.
This message is hidden because Mr. Shaman is on your ignore list.

3 in a row even, I'm so happy haha.

Isn't it just Pure BLISS?

It is nice, it was just mad spam before and you had to power scroll through it, sometimes missing a real person’s post that was lost in the commercial clown looking posts Shaman makes.

I recomend /ignore to anyone on Shaman.
Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown’s budget cuts deep, looks to extend tax hikes, reshapes government
() January 10, 2011 | 10:06 am Gov. Jerry Brown will unveil a stark budget plan for California on Monday, proposing to slash welfare spending in half, cut nearly 20% from the state's university system and reduce healthcare coverage for the poor -- while aksing that voters approve an array of tax increases.

Brown, a Democrat, said in a statement he is proposing a budget composed roughly of half cuts and half taxes to confront a budget shortfall that his office has estimated at $25.4 billion.

Brown said his $84.6-billion general fund spending plan "will be painful, requiring sacrifice from every sector of the state, but we have no choice,"

Just curious, TM....if it's all good in Ca. to make these deep cuts in that state, and you DO approve. Why are you so against the same mindset as the federal level?

HA HAhahaha a /OWND!
Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown’s budget cuts deep, looks to extend tax hikes, reshapes government
() January 10, 2011 | 10:06 am Gov. Jerry Brown will unveil a stark budget plan for California on Monday, proposing to slash welfare spending in half, cut nearly 20% from the state's university system and reduce healthcare coverage for the poor -- while aksing that voters approve an array of tax increases.

Brown, a Democrat, said in a statement he is proposing a budget composed roughly of half cuts and half taxes to confront a budget shortfall that his office has estimated at $25.4 billion.

Brown said his $84.6-billion general fund spending plan "will be painful, requiring sacrifice from every sector of the state, but we have no choice,"

Just curious, TM....if it's all good in Ca. to make these deep cuts in that state, and you DO approve. Why are you so against the same mindset as the federal level?

where Did I say it was all good?

I said it was getting better and this is one indication the cuts dont have to be so draconian.

Jerry Brown is not messing arround is he?

Im not happy about some of the cuts but you better believe I trust him more than an R who ALWAYS wants to cut everything just because of how they view things plolitically.

I posted WHAT he is doing in the face of some knowitall partisan who didnt even know what they were talking about.

YOU then ASSUMED that meant I was 100 % behid the cuts.

Im not.

You dont cut peoples pensions that they have been counting on all their lives.

The deal they signed gave them those benifits.

It would be utterly dishonest to cut what they were promised to stay at their jobs for decades.
There's a sucker born every minute. And, apparently, most of 'em are born in California.

"Expected to see" and idiots like Septic Tank take it as 'fact'. Which demonstrates the gullibility of partisan hacks very nicely.
No shit!..........Lets all celebrate while jobs and businesses continue to flee this state in droves, due to an unfriendly liberal legislated business environment, and ridiculous liberal legislated enviromental regulations.

Lets all celebrate while family farms in the Central Valley continue to fold due to the ridiculous liberal legislated cutting off of their water, to protect a stupid fish, a god damn guppy that can just as easily be farm raised.

Lets all celebrate while liberal backed Public Emloyee Unions and their members suck the life out of cities, counties and state with ridiculous and unsustainable pay and benefits.

Lets all celebrate while independent truckers, and small trucking companies are being forced out of business due to ridiculous environmental regulations at L.A. area ports....Just try driving a truck over ten years old into them. You are turned away.

Lets all live with our heads buried up our ass to the FACT that liberal legislated policies have pissed one of the great economies of the world into the fucking toilet.

Lets all celebrate our public schools being nothing but factories for the failed.....In part due to crappy teachers and oversight.

And this is just a small sampling of how liberals have screwed up a once great state.

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