California Leads Nation Again! 70% Dem Senate, 67.5% Dem Assembly, 1 Dem Gov, 38 Dem


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
There will likely be no Rep. Bono Mack in the new Congress from California, and maybe no Rep. Dan Lundren. Mostly, polls showed widespread unhappiness with Congress before the election. Mostly in Califonria they actually took it out in their voting.

Going in to 2012 elections, GOP California had 19 Reps. Now it is has 15, just the day after the elections!

Eleven House Races Too Close to Call; Many Headed for Recount - ABC News

The Majority overall in the new U. S. House will be less GOP than before.

The example of California--major populous--shows how that soon becomes more completely a totally irrelevant vote. LIbertarian: Only 1% of the vote in California.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Still on Prosperity Track in USA!)
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We can all see how great Cali is doing.

Must be all those Dems they keep electing to run their State.

Hope they enjoy all that prospertity coming their way.
There will likely be no Rep. Bono Mack in the new Congress from California, and maybe no Rep. Dan Lundren. Mostly, polls showed widespread unhappiness with Congress before the election. Mostly in Califonria they actually took it out in their voting.

Going in to 2012 elections, GOP California had 19 Reps. Now it is has 15, just the day after the elections!

Eleven House Races Too Close to Call; Many Headed for Recount - ABC News

The Majority overall in the new U. S. House will be less GOP than before.

The example of California--major populous--shows how that soon becomes more completely a totally irrelevant vote. LIbertarian: Only 1% of the vote in California.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Still on Prosperity Track in USA!)

that makes you proud huh? living under a one party dictatorship
They don't call it Commiefornia today for nothing and we SEE how people who has money and wants to keep is leaving..

There will likely be no Rep. Bono Mack in the new Congress from California, and maybe no Rep. Dan Lundren. Mostly, polls showed widespread unhappiness with Congress before the election. Mostly in Califonria they actually took it out in their voting.

Going in to 2012 elections, GOP California had 19 Reps. Now it is has 15, just the day after the elections!

Eleven House Races Too Close to Call; Many Headed for Recount - ABC News

The Majority overall in the new U. S. House will be less GOP than before.

The example of California--major populous--shows how that soon becomes more completely a totally irrelevant vote. LIbertarian: Only 1% of the vote in California.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Still on Prosperity Track in USA!)

that makes you proud huh? living under a one party dictatorship
They don't call it Commiefornia today for nothing and we SEE how people who has money and wants to keep is leaving..


We're actually doing quite well thank you.
There will likely be no Rep. Bono Mack in the new Congress from California, and maybe no Rep. Dan Lundren. Mostly, polls showed widespread unhappiness with Congress before the election. Mostly in Califonria they actually took it out in their voting.

Going in to 2012 elections, GOP California had 19 Reps. Now it is has 15, just the day after the elections!

Eleven House Races Too Close to Call; Many Headed for Recount - ABC News

The Majority overall in the new U. S. House will be less GOP than before.

The example of California--major populous--shows how that soon becomes more completely a totally irrelevant vote. LIbertarian: Only 1% of the vote in California.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Still on Prosperity Track in USA!)

that makes you proud huh? living under a one party dictatorship
They don't call it Commiefornia today for nothing and we SEE how people who has money and wants to keep is leaving..


We're actually doing quite well thank you.

I lived there for many years, glad I don't anymore with that government...but more power to you
There will likely be no Rep. Bono Mack in the new Congress from California, and maybe no Rep. Dan Lundren. Mostly, polls showed widespread unhappiness with Congress before the election. Mostly in Califonria they actually took it out in their voting.

Going in to 2012 elections, GOP California had 19 Reps. Now it is has 15, just the day after the elections!

Eleven House Races Too Close to Call; Many Headed for Recount - ABC News

The Majority overall in the new U. S. House will be less GOP than before.

The example of California--major populous--shows how that soon becomes more completely a totally irrelevant vote. LIbertarian: Only 1% of the vote in California.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Still on Prosperity Track in USA!)

Cali is in trouble precisely because of years of Dem Rule. Yet they keep sending them back in bigger and bigger numbers, and asking for the Feds to subsidize their Left wing State.

The jig is up, the number of voters that Benefit from Big Government is now to high for the rest of us to win.

The entire country will go the way of Cali now.

Democrats want a one party nation. We went through this shit four years ago and they spent four years bitching about the Republicans even after they'd won. I thnk democrats just love whining and bitching. And for the last time if Republicans wanted to be like you miserable miscreants we'd be democrats now wouldn't we?
The national elections came not even close to taking all the spending away from the shopkeepers, in the stores: Which is the GOP, Bush-Cheney, Romney-Ryan, Reagan-Bush brand, Party of Abraham Lincoln Brand. Anyone even notices that Governor Christie was supportive of. . .anyone knows(?)!

Anyone notices that Bill Clinton was actually asked to campaign for the Democrats(?)!

That could also be put into a different context(?)!

Romney-Ryan proposed a tax-cut affecting upper incomes only, and Estate Tax Breaks affecting maybe 5000 families nationwide. The 47% with no federal income tax liability were about to get nothing. Probably even Governor Christie noticed(?), and saw the scale. . .of the difference!

The shopkeepers owning the stores were about to get that. "That" was absolutely nothing. The mortgage-note holders were about to get that, just like in Bush-Cheney, Romney-Ryan, and in the Reagan-Bush plan! The increase of the magnitude was less under Reagan-Bush, reversed under Clinton-Gore, magnified under Bush-Cheney, and mopped up under Obama--and whatever it is Biden does(?). The Republicans took the "Refundable Make-Work-Pay Income Tax Credit" Away! That was worth upwards of $800.00 for customers shopping in the neighborhood stores.

Even Governor Christie helped take that away--remaining with the GOP!

Now the "payroll tax holiday" may end. That was the replacement for what was taken away. That was still for spending in the stores.

Now, in California, were there such a program: Then the Democrats would make the payroll tax more progressive, and through the initiative process! Lower incomes would have a lower rate. Upper incomes would pay a higher rate. How do we know that? Proposition 30 passed easily in California. Liberal Governor Brown has never been GOP!

The Obama-Biden agenda has millions of backers, in just one state.

Wisconsin One, in contrast, has Ryan again, supporting Bush-Cheney again!

There is a path to their madness! What if Ryan is now the nominee apparent at the GOP!?!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Old GOP path: Tire Many Moccasins! Bring out many 'Gators and rattlesnakes--sending thrill certain: Up legs of many GOP(?)!)
Tax the Rich, Tax the Rich Tax the Rich Tax the Rich

the liberalized version of a one trick pony.
There will likely be no Rep. Bono Mack in the new Congress from California, and maybe no Rep. Dan Lundren. Mostly, polls showed widespread unhappiness with Congress before the election. Mostly in Califonria they actually took it out in their voting.

Going in to 2012 elections, GOP California had 19 Reps. Now it is has 15, just the day after the elections!

Eleven House Races Too Close to Call; Many Headed for Recount - ABC News

The Majority overall in the new U. S. House will be less GOP than before.

The example of California--major populous--shows how that soon becomes more completely a totally irrelevant vote. LIbertarian: Only 1% of the vote in California.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Still on Prosperity Track in USA!)

that makes you proud huh? living under a one party dictatorship
They don't call it Commiefornia today for nothing and we SEE how people who has money and wants to keep is leaving..


We're actually doing quite well thank you.

Actually, you're not.
It's the office of the governor that has become irrelevant. He no longer has the power of veto. Democrats can do anything they want with no checks or balances.
Romney-Ryan proposed a tax-cut affecting upper incomes only

This is what drive the left,BS!! Romney repeated time and time again that he would support ta x breaks for everyone but the rich,but if you drink enough of the cool aid you will believe anything told to you.

In short what you are saying isn't true.
Before there was Edmund "Pat" Brown, there was also Alan Cranston, who would go on to become the Senator Reid of his time. California Democratic Councils became a major canvassing, get-out-the-vote mechanism. California is not labor union intensive.

So the GOP opened up local branches of another nutcase brand, "The John Birch Society," which quickly dubbed CDC, "California Democrats For Communism!" Eventually, however, The Republicans nominated Nixon for Governor. Nixon as President would open up Red China to the West!

During all that time, the Brown Liberal Legacy was created: More or Less like the Catholic Church of the Renaissance. Public Works in California flourished, and so did California. Many even became very smart. There is no Ivy League, for Example in California.

So the new transportation program is now some giant train in the Central Valley. The apparent idea will be to help covert over to non-fossil fuels.

Other states actually followed the Brown Liberal Legacy of California. Soon that is likely to happen again.

In contrast: The Republicans did Reagan-Bush. Clinton-Gore did the damage control after that. Governor Christie might actually have been heaping praise on the First African American President in US history.

Then the Republicans did Bush-Cheney, which was Reagan-Bush-Only-Worse.

The Democrats went a half-shade darker after that: And Picked an allegedly first Kenyan-American President in US history(?) Governor Christie, of the Party of Abraham Lincoln, would eventually become very impressed!

So the Republicans then proposed Reagan-Bush-Even-Worse-Than-It-Was-Even Worse-Before! They were even blatant about it! 47% of the United States was to be shipped off to Afghanistan, or somwhere. The new GOP didn't seem to know where that was, so they seem to have settled on Benghazi instead. All of America is now intended to be sent to war in that little town!

California is way better off!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now to prosper--understanding better how real markets work(?)!)
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The People's Republic of China is able to accomodate the language diversity of their one-party rule nation. The U. S. Republican Party was unable to even accomodate the relative lack of diversity among The Old Fat White People, Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts: Dumping Substance and Other Treasure Into the Sea! It turns out to have been an Older Guy Thing, all along(?)!

Democrats gain supermajority in state Senate

California now has 38 of 53 Democratic Party House Reps. California now has two out of two U. S. Democratic Senators. California has a Democratic Super-Majority in the State Senate, at 70% of membership. California has 67.5% Democratic membership in the State Assembly. California has One Democratic Governor, and mostly Democratic elected officials.

Anyone knows that California is ethnically diverse, and cultural diverse, and every so often bizzarre. In Los Angeles County, a recent ballot proposition passed asking porn stars to actually put a rubber on it. There is a senior House Republican, Issa, from San Diego(?)! Many producers may actually be ready to move(?!)

School is probably more fun in One-Party Rule California, especially during the current events part of the day! A variety of issues can easily be undressed(?). . .so to speak. . .under One Party Rule.

CNBC kept on running the stupid ad from the old suck railing against what he called "Socialism." Mainly he was more likely opposed to garden variety European Authoritarian regimes.

The United States is no stranger to that modus operandi. The Ivy League, even in the United States--can itself reward the already prosperous government contractors following "The Reagan Revolution." The same Ivy League can turn on a dime and reward the already prosperous government employee unions, following Obama's "Hope and Change!" The Monarchists and the European Socialists were able to follow along more or less the same math: Each rewarding one group, over the other. The method common to all is fixed percentage income increase, following the pre-ancient math found in Matthew 25::14-30, Catholic and Protestant editions alike.

One Party rule at RNC has now been shown to be adult, male and white. One Party rule at DNC has been shown to embrace a more diversity-based agenda.

First, however, Obama-Biden also created a new Socialist, more market-friendly, incomes-raising-based economy with the "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit!" Even the 47% with no Federal Income Tax Liability got an extra $400.00 per adult. Index that, and there is even basis for a National COLA! The Republicans famously took that away, but agreed to a 2% Payroll Tax Holiday, now subject of negotiations about the "Fiscal Cliff." Both sides had agreed to it. Both sides will likely agree to restore it. So far, both sides have agreed to take that away, too! Both sides agreed to defense contractor cuts, which will likely not happen, either.

One Party Rule, with diversity factions, is not so great a fear as the one-party rule by the one tiny faction, now a Splintering Tea Bag, way too overused. California so far intends more of a bills-paying, creditworthy, outcome as its contribution to the One Party Concept! California is following along a more incomes-based agenda, following a credit market worthiness agenda.

Then there is other compare and contrast!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Not One Party Rule. Lands Of Many Nations Mainly Language and Cultural Traditions, Diverse!)
Yeah, they don't have enough cities going bankrupt yet...Best double and triple down on the failure.

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