California Leads Nation Again! 70% Dem Senate, 67.5% Dem Assembly, 1 Dem Gov, 38 Dem

Cali is going to be kicking ass again soon.

You willall be looking to us on how to do it
Sure it will..... That choo-choo between Visalia and Merced is going to deliver a staggering payload of business revenue!
Cali is going to be kicking ass again soon.

You willall be looking to us on how to do it

How many BK cities do you have? What is your deficit? How many rich people and businesses have your tax and regulate policies driven out of the state? How high is the cost of living that you have to make $150K to be considered middle class? Tell me how great the flood of illegal immigration is on your economy? How about them schools in CA, worst in the nation? Thanks for playing!

CA is going down the shitter and it's nearly irreversible!
California is dying and this will only further exacerbate it. Let those fools get what they deserve.
I was not aware that the People's Republic Of Kalifornia was still part of the United States.

Thanks for the update.
You're not going to be going anywhere. You have the highest taxes in the country and you just voted to raise them and you're still 14 billion in the hole. You're getting YOUR ass kicked.
The Statue of Liberty should be moved to California, a beacon of welfare for the masses.
Cali is going to be kicking ass again soon.

Yeah, with 11% unemployment and GDP declines in double digits. We're #1 - at least for welfare recipients, and illegal aliens. We're #1 - for job losses and businesses closing. We're #1 - for sales and income tax burde

You willall be looking to us on how to do it

They can just look at Greece.
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You red states would starve if it were not for the fed taxes you get from Cali paying taxes
you also thought romoney would win the last election.

I ask again when was the last time your prediction was correct?
Cali is going to be kicking ass again soon.

You willall be looking to us on how to do it

It is far more likely down the road that CA will need some sort of federal bailout to keep from doing a Titanic, and it will likely get it under the 'too big to fail' umbrella.
A California Democrat is also running the State Treasury, and so anyone can follow along what the State Capitol was facing. Like at the federal level, the bond rating services had a dim view of the state's inability to become fiscally on-track.

PFD - History of GO Credit Ratings

Gridlock, however, is now far less likely. Bond Rating Increases are now far more likely!

Then there will be the starting up of the bids for the new construction in the Central Valley! The schedule for completion is within the next four years.

California Senate Narrowly Approves Rail Project -

So the Democratic electorate passing Proposition 30 offers revenue stability. A Democratic Super-Majority can raise taxes. The Democrats in California have already set the Central Valley to Public Works.

In business, a bankruptcy court even supervises a recovery. In California, the liberals have actually commenced--embraced in the elections--statewide supervision of creditworthy and solid recovery.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands Of Many Nations maybe now ready to defer to Senator Reid--from state where life in big city, stays in big city: Unless it involves the British Royal Heirs--maybe next time visiting Elko, instead!)
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Yeah, they don't have enough cities going bankrupt yet...Best double and triple down on the failure.

Well we haven't sold off our Capitol buildings like Arizona, we have just had to endure the last of the republican mayors who can't mayor in cut backs of a few citys.

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