Be careful what you wish for.

Obama drone? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok:

Does this sound like something Obama would do...

  • Immediately end all tariffs, which serve only to increase the bottom lines of protected industries, shift labor from more efficient industries while creating a net loss of jobs, and raise prices by lowering the number of alternatives for consumers to choose among. Tariffs are a form of embargo on domestic laborers and consumers, raising the costs of doing business for importers who pass these added costs onto end-buyers.
  • Work with Congress to abolish the Patriot Act, which has unconstitutionally increased the powers and scope of the police and surveillance state.
  • Work to repeal the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 which serves as the legal justification for the surveillance abuses disclosed by Edward Snowden in 2013.
  • End the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which routinely violates our civil liberties, requires airlines to become agents of Federal surveillance, and whose screening devices, both for luggage and facial recognition, repeatedly exhibit problems that are inexcusable in relation to the taxpayer dollars spent.
  • Have any surviving Cabinet departments and Federal agencies that collect citizens’ information review why and how that information is collected, and how it is used. In many ways, privacy is a highly individual matter, and the best judge of how personal information should be used is the individual involved.
  • I will not support any new gun restrictions and will look to repeal the restrictions that exist today.
  • Close all overseas bases and immediately return active-duty personnel to domestic bases. The cost savings of doing so will be used as a one-time contribution to discharge the interest on currently outstanding Federally guaranteed student loans.
  • End aid being directed to nation-states currently at war. This includes Israel and Ukraine. While we offer moral support to our friends currently engaged with the enemy, we should not be contributing to extending the fight.

2008 supported Barack Obama

Now pull up his policies on Child Sex Changes, Open Borders and some of his other kooky positions

2008 supported Barack Obama

Now pull up his policies on Child Sex Changes, Open Borders and some of his other kooky positions

No open borders, you have been lied to once again.

  • Collaborate with Congress to return to an Ellis Island style of processing immigrants. It should be simple for those who wish to come here to work and build a better life to appear before immigration officials at an accredited port of entry, be given medical and criminal checks to assess their safety and receive a visa allowing them to immediately find employment. This is a process that should take, at most, days; not months or years.
  • Create a simpler path to citizenship for immigrants who are already here. Some eight million undocumented immigrants are currently present in our labor force, doing essential jobs, paying payroll taxes, and contributing to our economic growth. Formalizing this arrangement will not only allow them to further contribute to the economy by meeting critical labor demand and reducing inflationary pressures, it also saves taxpayers billions of dollars in enforcement costs.
  • Create a path to citizenship for both DACA-eligible residents and the children of foreign workers admitted to the US on temporary work visas. These immigrants often lose their legal status upon turning 21, robbing us of individuals educated here in America with something to offer our society.
  • Expand both the H1B visa and startup visa, which allows skilled immigrants to bring their talent and innovation to our shores. These individuals add to our economy by starting new businesses and putting more Americans to work. Fifty-five percent of American startups that are valued at over one billion dollars were founded or co-founded by immigrants.
No open borders, you have been lied to once again.

  • Collaborate with Congress to return to an Ellis Island style of processing immigrants. It should be simple for those who wish to come here to work and build a better life to appear before immigration officials at an accredited port of entry, be given medical and criminal checks to assess their safety and receive a visa allowing them to immediately find employment. This is a process that should take, at most, days; not months or years.
  • Create a simpler path to citizenship for immigrants who are already here. Some eight million undocumented immigrants are currently present in our labor force, doing essential jobs, paying payroll taxes, and contributing to our economic growth. Formalizing this arrangement will not only allow them to further contribute to the economy by meeting critical labor demand and reducing inflationary pressures, it also saves taxpayers billions of dollars in enforcement costs.
  • Create a path to citizenship for both DACA-eligible residents and the children of foreign workers admitted to the US on temporary work visas. These immigrants often lose their legal status upon turning 21, robbing us of individuals educated here in America with something to offer our society.
  • Expand both the H1B visa and startup visa, which allows skilled immigrants to bring their talent and innovation to our shores. These individuals add to our economy by starting new businesses and putting more Americans to work. Fifty-five percent of American startups that are valued at over one billion dollars were founded or co-founded by immigrants.
His own words contradict you

Panning to razor wire, the Libertarian nominee stated, “[T]these kinds of things belong more in dystopian-totalitarian states.” He added that walls “prevent commerce, these walls prevent peaceful people from being able to move freely about.”

So its you who's lying thanks for proving that

Wanna say hes not in favor of drag queen story hour and child sex changes next? Oh please allow me to keep making you look stupid
His own words contradict you

Panning to razor wire, the Libertarian nominee stated, “[T]these kinds of things belong more in dystopian-totalitarian states.” He added that walls “prevent commerce, these walls prevent peaceful people from being able to move freely about.”

So its you who's lying thanks for proving that

Wanna say hes not in favor of drag queen story hour and child sex changes next? Oh please allow me to keep making you look stupid

Because he does not want razor wire means he wants an open border?

Are you really that stupid?
Because he does not want razor wire means he wants an open border?

Are you really that stupid?
Are you? You didn't read where I quoted him or listen to him say it in the link?

Don't answer I know already
Where that was proven true and you all can't refute it? Hahahahaha
The publisher admitted it was bogus, yet you still pretend it's valid. That tells everyone all they need to know about you.

What's more, the story it spun was hilariously stupid, and normal people laughed at it. Dinesh claimed fraud was proven because the same cell phones kept passing by the drop boxes, which were in a commercial district. With lots of restaurants that offered takeout.

That's right, Dinesh never heard of "Doordash".

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