California Leads Nation Again! 70% Dem Senate, 67.5% Dem Assembly, 1 Dem Gov, 38 Dem

And broke. With 10.2% unemployment Ca. just passed massive new tax increases to pay for social welfare programs it cannot afford which will chase even more employers out of Ca. requiring still more tax increases to pay for welfare services for the newly unemployed and so on. This is because Democrats care about the people.

And the most puzzling thing is that the new demographic doesn't even understand about politics, they wouldn't care less .... they only want to know one thing: which party is the one who will give more "freebies".

That's the new USA kind of demographic.

Hard to get used to but I think is here to stay :(
"First, however, Obama-Biden also created a new Socialist, more market-friendly, incomes-raising-based economy with the "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit!" Even the 47% with no Federal Income Tax Liability got an extra $400.00 per adult."

Zippity do da zippity a, my oh my what a wonderful day.
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And broke. With 10.2% unemployment Ca. just passed massive new tax increases to pay for social welfare programs it cannot afford which will chase even more employers out of Ca. requiring still more tax increases to pay for welfare services for the newly unemployed and so on. This is because Democrats care about the people.

And the most puzzling thing is that the new demographic doesn't even understand about politics, they wouldn't care less .... they only want to know one thing: which party is the one who will give more "freebies".

That's the new USA kind of demographic.

Hard to get used to but I think is here to stay :(

these 18-24 years olds that turned out again for obama, don't realize and cannot fathom, they are selling their own worth down the road for a kiss and a promise today.........
And broke. With 10.2% unemployment Ca. just passed massive new tax increases to pay for social welfare programs it cannot afford which will chase even more employers out of Ca. requiring still more tax increases to pay for welfare services for the newly unemployed and so on. This is because Democrats care about the people.

And the most puzzling thing is that the new demographic doesn't even understand about politics, they wouldn't care less .... they only want to know one thing: which party is the one who will give more "freebies".

That's the new USA kind of demographic.

Hard to get used to but I think is here to stay :(

these 18-24 years olds that turned out again for obama, don't realize and cannot fathom, they are selling their own worth down the road for a kiss and a promise today.........

what do they care.... most wont stay in this state anyway.
I'm not sure where the conservative know it alls get their information (well, Odd-dude makes it up) but CA is in recovery.


Yeah, it's just yellow rain, you're not pissing down our backs. I'll keep that in mind.

Housing, construction, employment are all showing improvement and now the D's can actually govern without the obstruction of the R's; time will tell if cutting taxes is the panacea for civilization that those on the right believe it is.

11% unemployment is something you socialist can be proud of.

Published: March 2, 2012 Updated: March 5, 2012 8:31 a.m.
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Report: 254 companies left California in 2011 Calif. lost most jobs, firms in recession
69 more companies move jobs, facilities out of California
Are California businesses closing or leaving?
2010 total: 204 companies leave California


2011 total: 254 companies leave California | moved, companie - Business - The Orange County Register

Prop 30 passed, yes the citizens of CA actually voted to increase their taxes, the other benefit is an anonymous source tracked to the St. of Arizona tossed $11 million into the no on 30 race the last week and got nothing for their investment in ideology. Gov. Brown is a no nonsense leader and tells people like it is; unlike the demagogues on the right who tell everyone of course there is a free lunch, you don't have to pay taxes, pot holes fix themselves.

Moonbeam is a 60's radical who is on the leash of the public employee unions. Prop 30 funds the pensions of the fat cat public employees, including CALPERS and CTRS. Not one dime will go to a classroom - ever.

Prob 30 increases the power of the public masters over the peasantry and will drive yet more small business from the state. Small business is the direct target of prop 30 predation. The non-incorporated small business is the cash cow to be slaughtered on behalf of the greedy public employees, leading to even less jobs and economic activity, as California continues to fall into an economic abyss.

Those who think business will leave CA because taxes are too high are drinking the kool-aid. Why would a smart business owner leave 38 million customers? Those that do will quickly be replaced by new and smarter businesses, and as the gateway to the far east CA's future is bright.

Standard and Poors REDUCED the bond rating of the state AFTER the prop 30 passage.

Everything you claim is a demonstrable lie.

Bond-rating agency sees fork in road for California finances -

254 company's left California? LMAO!! That isn't even a spit in the ocean son. To begin with less than 254 left as the article states "In 2011, 254 California companies moved some or all of their work and jobs out of state." So some of those businesses are still here.

But lets shock you into reality. We have 3.5 million businesses in California, and another 2.8 million establishments. California is the 8th largest economy in the world with a gross state product of over $1.9 trillion, 13.06% of the United States gross domestic product (GDP). In 2011, California exported $159.4 billion in products to 227 foreign economies.

So if a few businesses trickled out the door, big deal!!!:D Millions more stayed, thousands more started up. Hell, we had 511,000 new consumers born in 2011.:lol::lol: Stop the terrorism of CA dude!!!
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And broke. With 10.2% unemployment Ca. just passed massive new tax increases to pay for social welfare programs it cannot afford which will chase even more employers out of Ca. requiring still more tax increases to pay for welfare services for the newly unemployed and so on. This is because Democrats care about the people.

And the most puzzling thing is that the new demographic doesn't even understand about politics, they wouldn't care less .... they only want to know one thing: which party is the one who will give more "freebies".

That's the new USA kind of demographic.

Hard to get used to but I think is here to stay :(

these 18-24 years olds that turned out again for obama, don't realize and cannot fathom, they are selling their own worth down the road for a kiss and a promise today.........
Too bad cons were not thinking that when they ordered up 2 wars & borrowed from commies to fund them, then gave massive tax cuts, and bail outs to Wallstreet and bankers, etc. Where were the kids then?:D
And broke. With 10.2% unemployment Ca. just passed massive new tax increases to pay for social welfare programs it cannot afford which will chase even more employers out of Ca. requiring still more tax increases to pay for welfare services for the newly unemployed and so on. This is because Democrats care about the people.

And the most puzzling thing is that the new demographic doesn't even understand about politics, they wouldn't care less .... they only want to know one thing: which party is the one who will give more "freebies".

That's the new USA kind of demographic.

Hard to get used to but I think is here to stay :(

You must be new to America, I take it? Where did you come from where the government didn't have benefits for the people? Somalia? Nope, they fund education and health. I give up!!!
that, Stanford & Berkeley are all we got.:lol:

You know, if we could cut this state in half, the lower portion would be a red state.

I'm just sayin....

Orange County, Riverside County, SB County, SD County, Kern....
And broke. With 10.2% unemployment Ca. just passed massive new tax increases to pay for social welfare programs it cannot afford which will chase even more employers out of Ca. requiring still more tax increases to pay for welfare services for the newly unemployed and so on. This is because Democrats care about the people.

Jerry Brown BRAGGED about driving the oil companies out of California. The agenda of the state is to end all private business once and for all.
California has more people getting public benefits than are paying taxes into the system. We get more every day mainly through illegal immigration. Democrats do not want business in the state. They just don't. Jerry Brown has wanted higher unemployment since he was governor the first time. There never will be a program in the state that benefits taxpayers. The takers now have total control and can vote themselves anything they want. As the democrats now have supermajorities in both the house and senate, the governor's office itself has no power. He can no longer veto. Control is in the "central committee".
This will end well. What's the old saying, give someone enough rope...

You don't understand California.

What we did is recreate the PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional.) The majority demographic prefers the PRI, so that's what we have.

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