California Leads Nation Again! 70% Dem Senate, 67.5% Dem Assembly, 1 Dem Gov, 38 Dem

The People's Republic of China is able to accomodate the language diversity of their one-party rule nation. The U. S. Republican Party was unable to even accomodate the relative lack of diversity among The Old Fat White People, Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts: Dumping Substance and Other Treasure Into the Sea! It turns out to have been an Older Guy Thing, all along(?)!

Democrats gain supermajority in state Senate

California now has 38 of 53 Democratic Party House Reps. California now has two out of two U. S. Democratic Senators. California has a Democratic Super-Majority in the State Senate, at 70% of membership. California has 67.5% Democratic membership in the State Assembly. California has One Democratic Governor, and mostly Democratic elected officials.

Anyone knows that California is ethnically diverse, and cultural diverse, and every so often bizzarre. In Los Angeles County, a recent ballot proposition passed asking porn stars to actually put a rubber on it. There is a senior House Republican, Issa, from San Diego(?)! Many producers may actually be ready to move(?!)

School is probably more fun in One-Party Rule California, especially during the current events part of the day! A variety of issues can easily be undressed(?). . .so to speak. . .under One Party Rule.

CNBC kept on running the stupid ad from the old suck railing against what he called "Socialism." Mainly he was more likely opposed to garden variety European Authoritarian regimes.

The United States is no stranger to that modus operandi. The Ivy League, even in the United States--can itself reward the already prosperous government contractors following "The Reagan Revolution." The same Ivy League can turn on a dime and reward the already prosperous government employee unions, following Obama's "Hope and Change!" The Monarchists and the European Socialists were able to follow along more or less the same math: Each rewarding one group, over the other. The method common to all is fixed percentage income increase, following the pre-ancient math found in Matthew 25::14-30, Catholic and Protestant editions alike.

One Party rule at RNC has now been shown to be adult, male and white. One Party rule at DNC has been shown to embrace a more diversity-based agenda.

First, however, Obama-Biden also created a new Socialist, more market-friendly, incomes-raising-based economy with the "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit!" Even the 47% with no Federal Income Tax Liability got an extra $400.00 per adult. Index that, and there is even basis for a National COLA! The Republicans famously took that away, but agreed to a 2% Payroll Tax Holiday, now subject of negotiations about the "Fiscal Cliff." Both sides had agreed to it. Both sides will likely agree to restore it. So far, both sides have agreed to take that away, too! Both sides agreed to defense contractor cuts, which will likely not happen, either.

One Party Rule, with diversity factions, is not so great a fear as the one-party rule by the one tiny faction, now a Splintering Tea Bag, way too overused. California so far intends more of a bills-paying, creditworthy, outcome as its contribution to the One Party Concept! California is following along a more incomes-based agenda, following a credit market worthiness agenda.

Then there is other compare and contrast!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Not One Party Rule. Lands Of Many Nations Mainly Language and Cultural Traditions, Diverse!)

LMAO Must be why Cali's economy is in the toilet and both business and people are leaving in droves.

Its such a great place to live, pay taxes and do business.
California is dying and this will only further exacerbate it. Let those fools get what they deserve.

Yup. The Dems who run the State have done such a great job.

Kinda wonder why the voters in Cali keep electing those assholes to run the State into the ground??
Indeed. The real question in all of this is who will they blame it on?


Because Texas is "stealing" all the businesses from California.

That will probably sell to the people of Cali. An enemy they can't touch or see because they will all be too broke to leave Cali but they can hate from afar for all of life's troubles. Democrats in Cali have this down to a Science.
This will end well. What's the old saying, give someone enough rope...

You don't understand California.

What we did is recreate the PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional.) The majority demographic prefers the PRI, so that's what we have.

The PRI ruled for 80 consecutive years in Mexico. I think California Dems will rule forever

All those RINOs, compassionate conservatives and churches must be proud. This is open borders at work

The GOP has lost NM and Nevada. Just wait Texas and Arizona to become blue in 10-15 years
And broke. With 10.2% unemployment Ca. just passed massive new tax increases to pay for social welfare programs it cannot afford which will chase even more employers out of Ca. requiring still more tax increases to pay for welfare services for the newly unemployed and so on. This is because Democrats care about the people.

Jerry Brown BRAGGED about driving the oil companies out of California. The agenda of the state is to end all private business once and for all.

theres a petroleum sur tax in that bill too;)
California is a bad example to emulate.

Obamination will be telling Americans to bail out their ass in 1-2 years just like GM. "They are too big to fail."
California now has 38 of 53 Democratic Party House Reps. California now has two out of two U. S. Democratic Senators. California has a Democratic Super-Majority in the State Senate, at 70% of membership. California has 67.5% Democratic membership in the State Assembly. California has One Democratic Governor, and mostly Democratic elected officials.
So when the state's economy continues to fail, who will you blame it on?
you also thought romoney would win the last election.

I ask again when was the last time your prediction was correct?

I said to myself yesterday, "Truthmatters will say something amazingly stupid"...and you did!
#1 in fiscal dysfunction and municipal bankruptcy too!
...unlike the demagogues on the right who tell everyone of course there is a free lunch, you don't have to pay taxes, pot holes fix themselves.

What kind of horseshit is that?

It's the left that believes in the free lunch. There are some of you idiots who don't have a clue where government money comes just want your free healthcare and free birth control and free phones.

That's why you always fuck up economies. Liberalism is unsustainable.
California is dying and this will only further exacerbate it. Let those fools get what they deserve.

I take umbrage at that...:lol:

anyway, it is what it is, they have 2 special elections sit up and those seats will go dem and give them the super-supra majority, they can raise taxes at will, first bus. they plan on ?

getting rid of the bus. property tax protection, alike to Prop they can jack them thru the roof.

great, drive more bus out of the state:clap2:lus we now have the highest income tax ( 12.3%) and state sales tax in the country.....

this state will be in one big Detroit in, oh, 10-15 years......
Liberals figuratively beat their dog -- then wonder why the dog runs away.

Liberals simply can't be trusted to run an economy. Liberals simply can't be trusted to run a Little League bake sale, either.
Many thanks to the Pub default immigration "system", the Howard Jarvis tax system, and of course the Booosh Depression...
California is dying and this will only further exacerbate it. Let those fools get what they deserve.

I take umbrage at that...:lol:

anyway, it is what it is, they have 2 special elections sit up and those seats will go dem and give them the super-supra majority, they can raise taxes at will, first bus. they plan on ?

getting rid of the bus. property tax protection, alike to Prop they can jack them thru the roof.

great, drive more bus out of the state:clap2:lus we now have the highest income tax ( 12.3%) and state sales tax in the country.....

this state will be in one big Detroit in, oh, 10-15 years......

That's true.

I love California, but the first thing I think about when I hear the word "California" is "basket case." That's probably unfair but it is my initial reaction.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a big hand out to DC from California within the next decade to bail the state out.

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