California: mysterious wind borne disease causing heart failure in kids


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Since the beginning of 2019, 16 kids have been diagnosed with Kawasaki disease, according to the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency.

California: Mysterious ‘Wind-Borne’ Disease Causing Heart Failure in Kids

What is there left to say the end will be here liberal idiots and you have yourselves to thank for to death you will now bring to your own kids because you pos c words just can't leave bs alone and want to be the worlds gawd dam police, and rescuers yet ffk your own over in the same breath.

LET THEM IN , LET THEM IN........ they won't ever come right out and tell you morons these open borders are causing many diseases we are now seeing not the ffkn un vaccinated us citizens stupid asses.


You can reman a leftist stupid ass and laugh, think it's a joke, poke fun and hopefully your the first stupid fkrs to get it lol.
As long as it only happens to Cal. Kids who would in all probability grow up to be ABNORMALS anyway, it is like culling the herd....if you get my drift!
Since the beginning of 2019, 16 kids have been diagnosed with Kawasaki disease, according to the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency.

California: Mysterious ‘Wind-Borne’ Disease Causing Heart Failure in Kids

What is there left to say the end will be here liberal idiots and you have yourselves to thank for to death you will now bring to your own kids because you pos c words just can't leave bs alone and want to be the worlds gawd dam police, and rescuers yet ffk your own over in the same breath.

LET THEM IN , LET THEM IN........ they won't ever come right out and tell you morons these open borders are causing many diseases we are now seeing not the ffkn un vaccinated us citizens stupid asses.


You can reman a leftist stupid ass and laugh, think it's a joke, poke fun and hopefully your the first stupid fkrs to get it lol.

It says the cause is unknown.

I'd be more willingly to put it on 5G technology, emf and chem-trails. These are usually the talk around the water cooler for the high increased rates of all the other auto-immune diseases with no known causes.
As long as it only happens to Cal. Kids who would in all probability grow up to be ABNORMALS anyway, it is like culling the herd....if you get my drift!

As the Tech spreads, as 5G spreads, and the population density spreads, like all of these other modern day ailments, this too will as well.

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