California prop 23 failed with the voters


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
At the ballot box this November California voters showed that they are determined to clean up their state's deplorable air quality. They quashed Proposition 23, which would have temporarily suspended key emissions-reduction tenets in the Golden State's Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. How temporarily? Until pigs fly, or rather until the state unemployment level dropped to 5.5%--from the 12.4% it's at now.


The biggest backers of Prop 23 were Texas-based oil companies like Tesoro ( TSO - news - people ) and Valero Energy ( VLO - news - people ) and Koch Industries (owned by the Tea Party-backing billionaire Koch brothers), all of which have operations in California. Valero, for its part, put up $5 million for a media campaign attempting to convince California that the Global Warming Solutions Act is a job-killer. So too did truck drivers who spew particulates from their diesel engines while hauling loads to and from the Port of Long Beach.

If only those workers knew that their jobs were killing them. The American Lung Association says that truck drivers, dock workers and railroad workers who inhale diesel exhaust are much more likely to die from lung cancer and heart disease than the general population.


They didn't get any sympathy from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who opposed Prop. 23--and who signed the original 2006 global warming legislation. Last week Schwarzenegger, wearing a pair of tough-looking cowboy boots, celebrated the vote and lambasted the oil companies: "We made it clear if those interests push us around," he said, "we'll push back."

America's Dirtiest Cities Page 2 of 2 -
Children who live near a major highway are not only more likely to develop asthma or other respiratory diseases, but their lung development may also be stunted.

According to a study that will appear in the February 17 issue of The Lancet and now available online, researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC) found that children who lived within 500 meters of a freeway, or approximately a third of a mile, since age 10 had substantial deficits in lung function by the age of 18 years, compared to children living at least 1500 meters, or approximately one mile, away.

"Someone suffering a pollution-related deficit in lung function as a child will probably have less than healthy lungs all of his or her life," says lead author W. James Gauderman, Ph.D., associate professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. "And poor lung function in later adult life is known to be a major risk factor for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases."

USC study shows living near a highway affects lung development in children
Prop 23 was written to stop implementation C02 limits.

C02 is not pollution.
Correct. It will be interesting to see how fast the state collapses. If California actually goes through with the legislation as it exhists I forsee a mass exodus of industry away from the state and hopefully moving to my state!
Correct. It will be interesting to see how fast the state collapses. If California actually goes through with the legislation as it exhists I forsee a mass exodus of industry away from the state and hopefully moving to my state!

california has industry?!...since when...
Correct. It will be interesting to see how fast the state collapses. If California actually goes through with the legislation as it exhists I forsee a mass exodus of industry away from the state and hopefully moving to my state!

california has industry?!...since when...


Food, all the food you eat, even the garbage at the gas station, look for Bon Appetite, danish rolls, pastries, I did some work there and I dont eat there stuff. The place would not shut down while we did welding and cutting above the food production lines. Earthquake retrofits.

We also have some Aerospace and of course Silicon Valley
California's air is cleaner than its been in the last 100 years.

The Governator is an idiot, just wait until Brown takes office, thank god the democrats won, most likely we will be guaranteed that Brown will hit the federal government with the bill for the mess the terminator and the republicans made.

We are the nations welfare state and all you people get to pay our bill, for our wind power, our solar plants, for the money we borrowed to make hydrogen fuel, more complete failures, now prop 23 will bankrupt us further, and we get to hand the check to you.

Pay up, you get to pay for all your Liberal ideas by bailing out California and our illegal immigrants.

Thank you Liberals of the USA, we will spend your money wisely. We promise, honest.
Were California a seperate nation, it would be a major economic player in it's own right. They made a choice for power that does not increase the dumping of more GHGs into the atmosphere. It was a solid, responsible decision. In spite of the money thrown at them by people like the Koch brothers, the California voter did not roll over, but voted their own best interests.
Were California a seperate nation, it would be a major economic player in it's own right. They made a choice for power that does not increase the dumping of more GHGs into the atmosphere. It was a solid, responsible decision. In spite of the money thrown at them by people like the Koch brothers, the California voter did not roll over, but voted their own best interests.

Except our economy is shot, so if California was a separate (use a spell checker old crock) nation you would be reading about our bankruptcy.

If California were a separate nation we would at the mercy of other nations to provide our electricity, California must increase its power imports to make up for the loss building green energy, green energy cannot even close the gap of the increase in power we import every year.

California's choice not to build power plants dumps all our pollution in other states, if we were a separate nation we would not have that luxury.

A responsible decision, time will tell, maybe not this week, maybe when the new governor takes over.

If California was a nation, would it allow its borders to be over run by another nation.
Well, for sure, were California another nation, we Oregonians would have to have a closed border to our south:lol:
Isn't California the number one grower of fruits and vegetables? A leading supplier of automation? A leading supplier of technology? Isn't the movie industry there like 10 or 20 billion dollars annually? One of the leading research centers in the world?

I wonder why so many Republicans hate California? Envy? After all, what comes out of Southern States?
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Isn't California the number one grower of fruits and vegetables? A leading supplier of automation? A leading supplier of technology? Isn't the movie industry there like 10 or 20 billion dollars annually? One of the leading research centers in the world?

I wonder why so many Republicans hate California? Envy? After all, what comes out of Southern States?

Yes we have many fruits, lots of vegetables, rotting away in our prisons, 27% illegal alien population in the prisons.

We have Los Angeles and Oakland, great places to die of a drive by shooting by an illegal alien gang member like the Crips or the Bloods. We also are home to the Hell's Angels and have the Vatos.

Serial killers, serial rapists, homosexual pedophiles, and a megan's law website we can track the perverts in our neighborhoods.

Hamburger is 5$ a pound

Butter is 4.50$

and gas is up to 3.49 a gallon

electric rates are high and we tax the middle class to pay the poor's electric bills.

Water rates are rising and we are forced into not using water with government mandated flow rates of faucets and toilets.

Hollywood even suggests people could use one square of toilet paper.

We also receive more federal funds for social programs than any other state.

California receives more federal money than all other states put together for green energy.

More food stamps and welfare for newly arrived illegal and legal immigrants.

The highest taxes on business, if we get to include fees and social programs.

In California we already have universal health care, all through the debate every person in California no matter the income level qualified for CalMed. California state paid medical coverage.

My cousin died of Leukemia, no insurance, first he was treated at University of San Diego, than when those treatments failed he went to the UCLA medical center and got the best treatment in the country, still died, it was the bad kind.

The government redistributed the research grants from Leukemia to AIDS, now a cure for Leukemia is further out of reach.
mdn, you Conservatives fight the very idea of universal health care. Why the hell do you expect any sympathy whatsoever if you have a family member that dies without any insurance? Not only that, but, since he got the treatment, the rest of the taxpayers ended up paying for his treatment. Typical Conservative morals, prevent any kind of meaningful health care reform, then go on the dole when you get sick.

And, once again, you are posting lies, dumb fuck. California sends more money to the federal government than it recieves.
Were California a seperate nation, it would be a major economic player in it's own right. They made a choice for power that does not increase the dumping of more GHGs into the atmosphere. It was a solid, responsible decision. In spite of the money thrown at them by people like the Koch brothers, the California voter did not roll over, but voted their own best interests.

At its height California was the 6th largest economy on Earth. It now ranks 9th or less and is falling rapidly. Next year there will be a 25 billion dollar hole in the budget and the pols will once again look to taxes to try and patch the hole. And yet more industry will leave. And the next years hole will be larger etc. Until finallly, with a massive groan, California will capsize and sink.
mdn, you Conservatives fight the very idea of universal health care. Why the hell do you expect any sympathy whatsoever if you have a family member that dies without any insurance? Not only that, but, since he got the treatment, the rest of the taxpayers ended up paying for his treatment. Typical Conservative morals, prevent any kind of meaningful health care reform, then go on the dole when you get sick.

And, once again, you are posting lies, dumb fuck. California sends more money to the federal government than it recieves.

You think anyone that doesn't love the Communist Manifesto is a dumb fuck.
Isn't California the number one grower of fruits and vegetables? A leading supplier of automation? A leading supplier of technology? Isn't the movie industry there like 10 or 20 billion dollars annually? One of the leading research centers in the world?

I wonder why so many Republicans hate California? Envy? After all, what comes out of Southern States?

The California legislature was very effective in chasing the movie industry out of the state. Now, most TV shows you watch, are being filmed in Canada, mainly Vancouver. It used to be a 20-30 billion a year industry. Now they are lucky if it's a billion a year. The technology is leaving as well. Flextronics, one of the worlds largest manufacturers, has closed all but I think 11 of its plants in the US. They have 35 plants in Guadalajara alone, as well as plants in scandanavia and china. They are slowly pulling out of the US though.
Sad too as they employ 235,000 people worldwide.

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