Can anyone explain Hamas' strategy on October 7th?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
What did they think the outcome would be after they did a barbarian style attack on innocent Jews at a music festival? Was that supposed to signal a coordinated multi-front attack on Israel? Did Hezbollah and their other supporters leave them hanging out to dry? If so why? Do their leaders relaxing in Qatar have something else up their sleeve? This makes no sense. Anybody have any theories?
What did they think the outcome would be after they did a barbarian style attack on innocent Jews at a music festival? Was that supposed to signal a coordinated multi-front attack on Israel? Did Hezbollah and their other supporters leave them hanging out to dry? If so why? Do their leaders relaxing in Qatar have something else up their sleeve? This makes no sense. Anybody have any theories?
They are about genocide. Period. And to draw Israeli response while hiding behind civilians.
What did they think the outcome would be after they did a barbarian style attack on innocent Jews at a music festival? Was that supposed to signal a coordinated multi-front attack on Israel? Did Hezbollah and their other supporters leave them hanging out to dry? If so why? Do their leaders relaxing in Qatar have something else up their sleeve? This makes no sense. Anybody have any theories?
They did it to show the lengths they are willing and intending to go. Their intent being to destroy Israel as a country, and the very existence of Jewish people living in Israel. Further, that there can be no "two state" solution if Israel is one of the states, and failing to have Israeli government close, disband and abandon the region. They are willing to and will inhumanly, wantonly, slaughter hundreds of unarmed Israeli citizens in their homes, going door to door and at a peaceful music festival, as well as using rape, infanticide, and torture. As well as mass kidnapping of civilian hostages for the purpose of using as human shields. It was a message by HAMAS, there can be no quarter given whether military, civilian, man, woman, child or infant, due to the practice of their interpretation of their religion and their utter disregard of human life.

I understood their message perfectly. That is why I think Israel is justified to go any lengths necessary to wipe out the terrorist organization of HAMAS from the face of the earth.
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What did they think the outcome would be after they did a barbarian style attack on innocent Jews at a music festival? Was that supposed to signal a coordinated multi-front attack on Israel? Did Hezbollah and their other supporters leave them hanging out to dry? If so why? Do their leaders relaxing in Qatar have something else up their sleeve? This makes no sense. Anybody have any theories?
You might need to ask Netanyahu and his cronies - they created, financed Hamas - and give them daily instructions since latest 2005.
What did they think the outcome would be after they did a barbarian style attack on innocent Jews at a music festival? Was that supposed to signal a coordinated multi-front attack on Israel? Did Hezbollah and their other supporters leave them hanging out to dry? If so why? Do their leaders relaxing in Qatar have something else up their sleeve? This makes no sense. Anybody have any theories?
I have a couple theories...

1 - I think Iran never expected Hamas to be as successful as they were. They werent supposed to get away with a 1,000+ deaths massacre and walk off with 300 hostages. The expectation probably was that Israel would get a bloody nose, they would counter strike like usual, then that would be the end of it. Instead it was a wild success and now Israel requires Hamas's utter destruction.

2 - Iran knew it would be a massacre and they didnt give a shit about Israel wrecking the Palestinians afterwards.

Peronally, i think it was theory 1. This whole thing backfired on Iran. They are now going to lose one of their favorite toys (Hamas). I promise you that Iran is not happy with Israels response. They are not happy about Israel cleaning up their entire Gaza problem.
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What did they think the outcome would be after they did a barbarian style attack on innocent Jews at a music festival? Was that supposed to signal a coordinated multi-front attack on Israel? Did Hezbollah and their other supporters leave them hanging out to dry? If so why? Do their leaders relaxing in Qatar have something else up their sleeve? This makes no sense. Anybody have any theories?

They thought Israel would react back, kill loads of Palestinians and then Hamas' response would be to point out how bad Israel is and try and get China and Russia to support them, perhaps turn the tide in Europe and most importantly the US.

It's a narrative thing. The people of Palestine aren't important to Hamas.
They did it to raise their popularity.

USMB is living proof that they were successful.
so true----the motivation was INSPIRATION---muzzies are INSPIRED by the scent of
blood. In order to train dogs do the PAVLOVIAN THING----reward the dog for SITTING
WHEN YOU SAY SIT!!!! For muslims the smell of human blood is THE REWARD
One of the biggest mistakes the visitors made was not tipping the Border Security and Guards for obeying the official Stand Down ordered by the Israelis on Freedom Fighters entering Israel and then returning .

Proving how politeness can go a long way. Hopefully a lesson learned for next time .

An hour before the ceasefire: the terrorist tunnel in Shifa was destroyed
Troops of the 36th Division and the Yahalom were operating in the heart of Gaza until they received the order to stop • An underground tunnel was destroyed and several other shafts discovered inside the hospital • Now, the troops have already positioned themselves on the defense lines • Gaza residents have begun to return to their homes, the IDF spokesman warned in Arabic: The war is not over - don't move north" •
What did they think the outcome would be after they did a barbarian style attack on innocent Jews at a music festival? Was that supposed to signal a coordinated multi-front attack on Israel? Did Hezbollah and their other supporters leave them hanging out to dry? If so why? Do their leaders relaxing in Qatar have something else up their sleeve? This makes no sense. Anybody have any theories?
Their objective was to get Israel to react viciously and perhaps indiscriminantly. They then probably hoped the Arab world would side with them and join their fight.
What did they think the outcome would be after they did a barbarian style attack on innocent Jews at a music festival? Was that supposed to signal a coordinated multi-front attack on Israel? Did Hezbollah and their other supporters leave them hanging out to dry? If so why? Do their leaders relaxing in Qatar have something else up their sleeve? This makes no sense. Anybody have any theories?

Who are their "other" supporters?
They wanted to stop the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, ie, stop ME peace process, and hopefully spark a broader war. They've said these things.
Thats not true

Its a lib lie

Sorry. It is true. In 1987 Palestinian Christians and Muslims tried to stop the formation of Hamas. The Episcopal diocese in Jerusalem lead the effort.

The Israeli government funded and encouraged Hamas to pit them against the PLO and Fatah.

That's why it's been so weird all these years. Hamas has done nothing except hurt the Palestinians. They break the peace, Israel attacks with devastating retaliation force.
I believe Hamas was using discontent over Netanyahu and conservative's judicial reforms as cover to incite hate. Leaders of hate groups need to incite hate else they have nobody to lead.

In the past year, former and current defense officials issued a number of public and private warnings concerning the ramifications of the judicial reform on the defense establishment. Shortly before the vote on the reasonableness standard in July, Netanyahu refused to meet with IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, despite a request by the IDF to hold the meeting before the vote.

Sa'ar's first letter to Netanyahu was sent on March 19, a week before the first attempt to approve the first part of the judicial reform and the attempted removal of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The second letter was sent on July 16, a week before the vote on the reasonableness standard. The two letters included an appendix of raw intelligence information, including a short analysis warning of the imminent danger of military escalation.

IDF intelligence warned Netanyahu
so true----the motivation was INSPIRATION---muzzies are INSPIRED by the scent of
blood. In order to train dogs do the PAVLOVIAN THING----reward the dog for SITTING
WHEN YOU SAY SIT!!!! For muslims the smell of human blood is THE REWARD
The Arabs don't support Hamas. They are Muslim Brotherhood.. the Gulf states and Egypt reject them.
What did they think the outcome would be after they did a barbarian style attack on innocent Jews at a music festival? Was that supposed to signal a coordinated multi-front attack on Israel? Did Hezbollah and their other supporters leave them hanging out to dry? If so why? Do their leaders relaxing in Qatar have something else up their sleeve? This makes no sense. Anybody have any theories?
They knew Israel would react by kicking their butts
There was no ”win” outcome for Hamas

I think they were trying to mess up the Israel/Saudi peace process …which they did Bigly

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