Can anyone explain to me


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Why the National School Lunch Program exists?

Shouldn't poor families already be receiving aid through SNAP?

If SNAP works, why do we need the NSLP?

Why does the Fed need to be involved? Why can't the State collect the taxes and fund the programs in their own districts?

Why do we need to Fed involved in this?
Why the National School Lunch Program exists?
Shouldn't poor families already be receiving aid through SNAP?
If SNAP works, why do we need the NSLP?
Why does the Fed need to be involved? Why can't the State collect the taxes and fund the programs in their own districts?
Why do we need to Fed involved in this?

I blame the "separation of church and state" for being taken to such extremes that private groups, especially religious, cannot be entrusted to serve the local communities. Somehow there is a need to legislate on the federal level to ensure equal access, instead of trusting States to implement local programs. Because some people represent and serve through religious based groups, that isn't equal across the board. So federal laws are turned to as a 'secular' substitute for the church or charitable outreach that could provide services.

Ironically, those who do not rely on the church for representation or services, but depend on the government for provisions are equally guilty of violating church and state separation by imposing their own biases and interests on public policy at the expense of others who believe the private sector should and could handle these things more effectively.

(Also, once political and private interests start to benefit off contracts (either school or prisons or public housing) then they start defending their stakes in the programs. That becomes an endless mess, which we are seeing today. When it comes to cutting the state budgets, all groups are screaming out at the same time. If you look at the programs that don't depend on public funding, the ones already set up to be cost-effective or self-sustaining are the programs we should model after anyway!)
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Why the National School Lunch Program exists?

Shouldn't poor families already be receiving aid through SNAP?

If SNAP works, why do we need the NSLP?

Why does the Fed need to be involved? Why can't the State collect the taxes and fund the programs in their own districts?

Why do we need to Fed involved in this?

Why does it matter which program is used, if the child is feed a lunch? Do you think he will eat twice if he falls under both programs??:lol:
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You don't think it matters how tax-dollars are spent?

Show me why the program is needed? Also, show me that the Fed can run this program better and more efficiently than the States. Make your case for taking peoples' money through taxes for this program.
You don't think it matters how tax-dollars are spent?

Show me why the program is needed? Also, show me that the Fed can run this program better and more efficiently than the States. Make your case for taking peoples' money through taxes for this program.

Are you spending the tax-dollars twice when you feed the child once? Is that the problem? I think you worry about the little things in life. Does it keep you awake at night?:lol:

No program is made unless it is needed. I don't need to show you anything, and its the general welfare clause. Sigh,.....are drinking again?:lol:
Because Food stamps only go so far. The free breakfast program was established because if kids are fed in the morning, they will be able to learn. You might know this but their are people out there that are doing the best they can. Working to try and provide for their families. We keep giving corporation tax breaks and they only create low wage jobs. They have to have a place to live and something to eat.

States with the biggest poverty are usually conservative states. Leaving at the state level would have a detrimental effect. Instead of helping its people, it would help corporation pocket books. Usually Breakfast and lunch cost $4 a day ($2 bucks each meal) and thats being conservative. So if a family of 3 kids that would cost them $240/month. Thats alot of money for a family bringing in $2000 a month. Kids in America shouldn't have to starve so the people who have the ability to feed the entire nation get another break.

Its literally a drop in the bucket if that. Lets worry about the big shit like all the waste in the Military and how ONE tomahawk missile cost $1 million dollars.
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Because Food stamps only go so far.
If SNAP doesn't work, fix SNAP.
The free breakfast program was established because if kids are fed in the morning, they will be able to learn

If they're parents aren't caring for them, then encourage the parents to alert CPS
States with the biggest poverty are usually conservative states. Leaving at the state level would have a detrimental effect. Instead of helping its people, it would help corporation pocket books.

How does California running the program benefit the corporations while the Fed running it doesn't?
Usually Breakfast and lunch cost $4 a day ($2 bucks each meal) and thats being conservative. So if a family of 3 kids that would cost them $240/month. Thats alot of money for a family bringing in $2000 a month.

Isn't that what SNAP and WIC are for?
Kids in America shouldn't have to starve so the people who have the ability to feed the entire nation get another break.

Again, we have other programs in place for that
Why the National School Lunch Program exists?

Shouldn't poor families already be receiving aid through SNAP?

If SNAP works, why do we need the NSLP?

Why does the Fed need to be involved? Why can't the State collect the taxes and fund the programs in their own districts?

Why do we need to Fed involved in this?

I do not even know why the DOE is setting policies for schools on a nationwide basis, or even why it exists. How do you expect me to tell you why the feds feel a need to feed students?
Because Food stamps only go so far. The free breakfast program was established because if kids are fed in the morning, they will be able to learn. You might know this but their are people out there that are doing the best they can. Working to try and provide for their families. We keep giving corporation tax breaks and they only create low wage jobs. They have to have a place to live and something to eat.

Why not just build large orphanages and make all children the property of the state? That would solve all the problems with with poor kids not doing as well as rich kids, would enable the government to control their lives, and solve the problem of those stupid parents who think that children should go to church and learn to think for themselves.

States with the biggest poverty are usually conservative states. Leaving at the state level would have a detrimental effect. Instead of helping its people, it would help corporation pocket books. Usually Breakfast and lunch cost $4 a day ($2 bucks each meal) and thats being conservative. So if a family of 3 kids that would cost them $240/month. Thats alot of money for a family bringing in $2000 a month. Kids in America shouldn't have to starve so the people who have the ability to feed the entire nation get another break.

That is completely false.

Even if I were to buy into the meme that poor people vote Republican, which kind of goes against everything Democrats preach, there is no proof that poor people are conservative. By the way, if you examine elections results as a factor of population you will see that the more populated an area is, the more likely it is to be Democratic. That actually gives me some interesting information, and lets me draw some very interesting conclusions.

Its literally a drop in the bucket if that. Lets worry about the big shit like all the waste in the Military and how ONE tomahawk missile cost $1 million dollars.

And Obama just fired over 100 of them in a humanitarian mission. The budget for the school lunch program was $9 billion in 2009. Guess which one of those two facts had a larger impact on your pocket.

Add enough drops to a bucket and you will eventually fill the ocean.
Why the National School Lunch Program exists?

Shouldn't poor families already be receiving aid through SNAP?

If SNAP works, why do we need the NSLP?

Why does the Fed need to be involved? Why can't the State collect the taxes and fund the programs in their own districts?

Why do we need to Fed involved in this?

Federal involvement in school lunch came into existence in 1936 first through grant for labor to prepare the food and then as an outlet for farm surpluses that had no market during the depression. Cash subsidies to schools began in 1943.

Some poor families receive aid through SNAP, some don't.

SNAP Food Stamp Program
People in Household Maximum Monthly Allotments

1 $200
2 $367
3 $526
4 $668
5 $793
6 $952
7 $1052
8 $1202
Each additional person $150
These amounts are the most SNAP food stamps you can get. The amount of SNAP food stamps you will actually get depends on your income and expenses. You are expected to spend about 30% of your household income on food.
The amount of SNAP food stamps you will actually get depends on your household's net monthly income.
The amount of SNAP food stamps you will get is the allotment shown in the table above for your household size, minus 30% of your household's net monthly income.
For example, a household of four with a net monthly income of $900 would get a food stamp allotment of $398:
Maximum allotment for household size of 4 $ 668
Subtract 30% of net monthly income (.3 x 900) - 270
Household food stamp benefit $ 398

Now, I don't know about you, but a person with a family of 4 and an income of 900 is probably finding it difficult just to pay the rent and utilities.

We need both programs to make sure that children do not attend school hungry even if their parents have a low income.

The Fed is involved because it involves the US Agricultural Dept and because the local and state entities have asked for that help. The taxes that are spent to support farm prices and school lunches have always been federal.
We need both programs

Not if SNAP works

Why not just fix one program instead of creating a new bunch of bureaucrats to pay?
The Fed is involved because it involves the US Agricultural Dept
and because the local and state entities have asked for that help.

Who did, exactly? And when? If the States can't make it work, why should we expect a bunch of bureaucrats in D.C. can?
The taxes that are spent to support farm prices

'support farm prices'

translation: artificially inflate food costs and make it more difficult for the poor to eat

Sounds like corporate welfare for today's big agra

Like destroying farm animals and crops during the great depression as Americans starved in the name of some ludicrous economic theory

and school lunches have always been federal.
Why the National School Lunch Program exists?

Shouldn't poor families already be receiving aid through SNAP?

If SNAP works, why do we need the NSLP?

Why does the Fed need to be involved? Why can't the State collect the taxes and fund the programs in their own districts?

Why do we need to Fed involved in this?

Because the FEDS have the dough (or at least the ability to borrow the dough) and the States really don't.
Why the National School Lunch Program exists?

Shouldn't poor families already be receiving aid through SNAP?

If SNAP works, why do we need the NSLP?

Why does the Fed need to be involved? Why can't the State collect the taxes and fund the programs in their own districts?

Why do we need to Fed involved in this?

Because the FEDS have the dough (or at least the ability to borrow the dough) and the States really don't.

If they're borrowing it, they don't have it.

If we don't have the money, then you have to ask whether we can afford to do it, regardless of how much it might warm your heart

And the Fed has no wealth it doesn't take from the People anyway; why couldn't they instead entrust it to to the States, where they have more of a voice?
We need both programs

Not if SNAP works

Obviously SNAP doesn't "work" as outlined in the table. How would you feed a family of four on 900 in cash and 368 in foodstamps?

Why not just fix one program instead of creating a new bunch of bureaucrats to pay?
Because there aren't enough votes in Congress to address the issue of low wages not keeping up with housing bubbles or rising costs?

The Fed is involved because it involves the US Agricultural Dept
Why? Who did, exactly? And when?

It originally started in the 30's during the Depression, with the Aq Dept providing surplus farm goods to the school systems to allow students to have at least one good meal and give farmers a market for their commodities after the price hit the floor. It expanded in WWII then became more cash oriented when the war effort started soaking up the excess farm output.

If the States can't make it work, why should we expect a bunch of bureaucrats in D.C. can?

Since the states asked for the help in the 30's and haven't decided they can run it better without federal dollars and asked to be removed from the program. I would actually say it HAS worked pretty well, even with the evil Fed involvement.

The taxes that are spent to support farm prices

'support farm prices'

translation: artificially inflate food costs and make it more difficult for the poor to eat

Sounds like corporate welfare for today's big agra

Like destroying farm animals and crops during the great depression as Americans starved in the name of some ludicrous economic theory

My understanding of price supports in ag is to continue to be a global food exporter, which gives us quite a bit of leverage on the world stage and makes sure we are never dependent on other nations for our food.

and school lunches have always been federal.

Although both State and local legislation authorized local school districts to provide meals for children through various means, it soon became evident that local governments and school district boards could not provide the funds necessary to carry the increasing load. Supplementary contributions by charitable organizations and individuals did not suffice. Aid from Federal sources became inevitable.

The earliest Federal aid came from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in 1932 and 1933 when it granted loans to several towns in southwestern Missouri to cover the cost of labor employed in preparing and serving school lunches. Such Federal assistance was expanded to other areas in 1933 and 1934 under the operations of the Civil Works Administration and the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, reaching into 39 States and covering the employment of 7,442 women.
School Lunch Program
Once again, I must point you to the history of the program to answer why.
The important thing to look at here isn't weather they should have a school lunch program (which they shouldn't), or not. It is weather people are consistant with their morality.

You can't be against abortion, and then against the school lunch program that makes no sense. What? you want the child born so he/she can starve.

It's like all the other people saying, "we need are schools to perform better but we're cutting the education budget." How does that thinking jive?

Look, I come from a long line of lunch bag toters, and cereal eaters. Parents need to get off their asses and start being a parent. Feeding your kid is a part of that, it's why you get the food stamps in the first place. Quit worrying so much about the kids, thats their parents job.
you don't think it matters how tax-dollars are spent?

Show me why the program is needed? Also, show me that the fed can run this program better and more efficiently than the states. Make your case for taking peoples' money through taxes for this program.

are you spending the tax-dollars twice when you feed the child once? Is that the problem? I think you worry about the little things in life. Does it keep you awake at night?:lol:

no program is made unless it is needed. i don't need to show you anything, and its the general welfare clause. Sigh,.....are drinking again?:lol:

the Constitution's "division and separation of powers" should mean that the States are responsible for their school programs, without financial support from the Feds. The DOE should be more about raising the quality of education than wasting money on items that should be a State or local school district concern.
For example, the movie "Waiting for Superman" seemed to show that unions are more of a hindrance to a quality education than a help. Maybe the States need to manage their budgets better, especially wrt unions.

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