Can anyone name the law Chris Christie supposedly broke with "Bridgegate?"

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Supposition means nothing in law...supposed a brick fell on your what! Then if after all this time they can't find a PROOF POSITIVE source connecting Christie to it, then go after the subordinates, and again, what to charge them with. It's NOT unlike the IRS scandal, with Obama shielded from investigation, is it?

It's actually very similar - they're BOTH crap.
He broke the ....
OMG Christie's getting too popular,thank god we now have something to nail him with law.
And we really don't care if he did anything wrong we just need to make the dopes out there think he did...

Who ya gonna call....

MSNBC ......
As an Independent, I'm concerned Hillary lost $6 Billion at State Dept

Don't you think a remark like this requires verification with a link from a reputable news source?

If you decide to use Fox, a second source would be good.

State Department Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton | Washington Free Beacon

Link to the Inspector General report is in this article.

so even the wingnut site admits 'six billion lost' is really, "incomplete paperwork".


Hey, it's never too early to start on your Hillary Derangement Syndrome!
He broke the ....
OMG Christie's getting too popular,thank god we now have something to nail him with law.
And we really don't care if he did anything wrong we just need to make the dopes out there think he did...

Who ya gonna call....

MSNBC ......

Not sure who you think you are fooling here.

Christie's aides engaged in some pretty petty politics over a minor point. and then Christie threw them under the bus, from claiming he didn't know the one guy who was his buddy in High School to outing the other lady's relationship in the office.

You guys need to take this as a blessing, like when Mark Sanford got caught with his mistress. Saves you embarrassment later.
Don't you think a remark like this requires verification with a link from a reputable news source?

If you decide to use Fox, a second source would be good.

State Department Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton | Washington Free Beacon

Link to the Inspector General report is in this article.

so even the wingnut site admits 'six billion lost' is really, "incomplete paperwork".


Hey, it's never too early to start on your Hillary Derangement Syndrome!

Say, genius, can the Bush administration use the same excuse? Talk about going out on the limb for B. Insane!
From your article....While the U.S. attorney is investigating the matter, there isn't an obvious federal law that has been broken.

Wondering HOW a U.S. Attorney can investigate anything without a specific crime being broken, or even hinted at? There must be some law that's in question, what is it?

I already pointed out that it's a matter of public safety. We know for sure that someone from the Chrispie Administration suggested that it was time for a traffic problem. It's in emails. Suppose there was a terrorist attack during the time three lanes of the busiest bridge in the world were closed for political retribution. Republicans wouldn't be taking it so "lightly".

Supposition means nothing in law...supposed a brick fell on your what! Then if after all this time they can't find a PROOF POSITIVE source connecting Christie to it, then go after the subordinates, and again, what to charge them with. It's NOT unlike the IRS scandal, with Obama shielded from investigation, is it?

It's not anything like the IRS scandal. First of all, the so called scandal isn't coming from an appointee from the previous administration. The guy in charge of the IRS was appointed by Bush, you know that right? Tell me you know that.
Second, people's lives weren't put into danger. A brick dropping down probably came from an old building, not political retribution.
Third, this was Crispie's inner circle. How much closer can you get?

Are you sure you thought this out? Doesn't seem like it.
Can we play the Jeopardy theme song here while we wait for proof that Christie did anything here...
Except poll well against Hillary....

Well he was until MSNBC went on their destroy all Hillary challengers crusade.
Can we play the Jeopardy theme song here while we wait for proof that Christie did anything here...
Except poll well against Hillary....

Well he was until MSNBC went on their destroy all Hillary challengers crusade.

It's been playing. During Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the so called IRS scandal. Only Republicans are tone deaf. All that cuntry music.
I already pointed out that it's a matter of public safety. We know for sure that someone from the Chrispie Administration suggested that it was time for a traffic problem. It's in emails. Suppose there was a terrorist attack during the time three lanes of the busiest bridge in the world were closed for political retribution. Republicans wouldn't be taking it so "lightly".

Supposition means nothing in law...supposed a brick fell on your what! Then if after all this time they can't find a PROOF POSITIVE source connecting Christie to it, then go after the subordinates, and again, what to charge them with. It's NOT unlike the IRS scandal, with Obama shielded from investigation, is it?

It's not anything like the IRS scandal. First of all, the so called scandal isn't coming from an appointee from the previous administration. The guy in charge of the IRS was appointed by Bush, you know that right? Tell me you know that.
Second, people's lives weren't put into danger. A brick dropping down probably came from an old building, not political retribution.
Third, this was Crispie's inner circle. How much closer can you get?

Are you sure you thought this out? Doesn't seem like it.

I said it's NOT unlike the IRS scandal, with Obama shielded from investigation, and it surely is. It's not quite identical, both had the very highest of operatives taking the Fifth, although, because of B.Insane's position of president, and not a governor, he's able to have more subordinates under him as a buffer.

Douglas Shulman , former IRS head is not registered as a Democrat or Republican, but the fact that Shulman had donated to the Democrat National Committee in the 2004 election and not to the Republican's is hereby noted. Look that up if you haven't thought this out before! FYI, Defense Sec. Hagle was a Republican Congressman that Obuma appointed in 2013! It works both ways.

What lives put in danger? Was anyone killed besides a woman in an ambulance, who's daughter said ....

Woman Says Lane Closings Were Not to Blame for Her Mother’s Death, “I honestly believe it was just her time,” said Vilma Oleri, whose mother, Florence Genova, died on the morning of Sept. 9,

If there were no deaths, or even physical injuries there is NO CRIME!

Emails reveal Lois Lerner wrongfully used IRS to aid FEC ...

As did Christie's subordinate! In horseshoes, this would be a "LEANER!" But you can try to refute anything here! Or, you can fade away!
From your article....While the U.S. attorney is investigating the matter, there isn't an obvious federal law that has been broken.

Wondering HOW a U.S. Attorney can investigate anything without a specific crime being broken, or even hinted at? There must be some law that's in question, what is it?

I already pointed out that it's a matter of public safety. We know for sure that someone from the Chrispie Administration suggested that it was time for a traffic problem. It's in emails. Suppose there was a terrorist attack during the time three lanes of the busiest bridge in the world were closed for political retribution. Republicans wouldn't be taking it so "lightly".

Just think if a meteor was hurling through space during the Monday to Friday rush hours...

Still no link to the Gov...No matter how hard the lefties try to destroy the guy in order to get Hillary and nice smooth ride to the WH....

Nice try Libs..your tactic is working so far.
But that's to be expected with low information voters.

Don't forget you have an Indy voter who voted for Barry, and could vote for Hillary on your side! I do not think this is an ideological issue. It is a question of facts, and the letter of the law. In my opinion the OP is correct.

And, Benghazi? Another one of those ridiculous issues Republicans that make Indy's think Republicans are grasping in desperation. File Benghazi with Acorn and the Birther issue. NO ONE CARES. And it makes Republicans look petty.


Again, I could vote Republican.
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Supposition means nothing in law...supposed a brick fell on your what! Then if after all this time they can't find a PROOF POSITIVE source connecting Christie to it, then go after the subordinates, and again, what to charge them with. It's NOT unlike the IRS scandal, with Obama shielded from investigation, is it?

It's not anything like the IRS scandal. First of all, the so called scandal isn't coming from an appointee from the previous administration. The guy in charge of the IRS was appointed by Bush, you know that right? Tell me you know that.
Second, people's lives weren't put into danger. A brick dropping down probably came from an old building, not political retribution.
Third, this was Crispie's inner circle. How much closer can you get?

Are you sure you thought this out? Doesn't seem like it.

I said it's NOT unlike the IRS scandal, with Obama shielded from investigation, and it surely is. It's not quite identical, both had the very highest of operatives taking the Fifth, although, because of B.Insane's position of president, and not a governor, he's able to have more subordinates under him as a buffer.

Douglas Shulman , former IRS head is not registered as a Democrat or Republican, but the fact that Shulman had donated to the Democrat National Committee in the 2004 election and not to the Republican's is hereby noted. Look that up if you haven't thought this out before! FYI, Defense Sec. Hagle was a Republican Congressman that Obuma appointed in 2013! It works both ways.

What lives put in danger? Was anyone killed besides a woman in an ambulance, who's daughter said ....

Woman Says Lane Closings Were Not to Blame for Her Mother’s Death, “I honestly believe it was just her time,” said Vilma Oleri, whose mother, Florence Genova, died on the morning of Sept. 9,

If there were no deaths, or even physical injuries there is NO CRIME!

Emails reveal Lois Lerner wrongfully used IRS to aid FEC ...

As did Christie's subordinate! In horseshoes, this would be a "LEANER!" But you can try to refute anything here! Or, you can fade away!

It's not anything like the IRS scandal. First of all, the so called scandal isn't coming from an appointee from the previous administration. The guy in charge of the IRS was appointed by Bush, you know that right? Tell me you know that.
Second, people's lives weren't put into danger. A brick dropping down probably came from an old building, not political retribution.
Third, this was Crispie's inner circle. How much closer can you get?

Are you sure you thought this out? Doesn't seem like it.

I said it's NOT unlike the IRS scandal, with Obama shielded from investigation, and it surely is. It's not quite identical, both had the very highest of operatives taking the Fifth, although, because of B.Insane's position of president, and not a governor, he's able to have more subordinates under him as a buffer.

Douglas Shulman , former IRS head is not registered as a Democrat or Republican, but the fact that Shulman had donated to the Democrat National Committee in the 2004 election and not to the Republican's is hereby noted. Look that up if you haven't thought this out before! FYI, Defense Sec. Hagle was a Republican Congressman that Obuma appointed in 2013! It works both ways.

What lives put in danger? Was anyone killed besides a woman in an ambulance, who's daughter said ....

Woman Says Lane Closings Were Not to Blame for Her Mother’s Death, “I honestly believe it was just her time,” said Vilma Oleri, whose mother, Florence Genova, died on the morning of Sept. 9,

If there were no deaths, or even physical injuries there is NO CRIME!

Emails reveal Lois Lerner wrongfully used IRS to aid FEC ...

As did Christie's subordinate! In horseshoes, this would be a "LEANER!" But you can try to refute anything here! Or, you can fade away!


You have a hard time reading English, or if there is something you don't understand, such as the woman who died in the ambulance's family felt she was about to die, no matter what, being she was well into her 90's, perhaps you'll elucidate!
Not a fan of the Fat Man's but as far as I can tell, inconvenience was the only thing that happened!
I'm no lawyer or legal expert, but try this law on for size...

New Jersey Statutes - Title 2C The New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice - 2C:27-12 Crime of corruption of public resources; grading. - New Jersey Attorney Resources - New Jersey Laws

Interesting, I don't see what they call a crime as still being tied to Christie himself. By crime, perhaps you could explain, is this a misdemeanor, or a felony?
MSNBC has covered this non stop for weeks...
And still no proof that Christie ordered it or knew about it and looked the other way.
But still MSNBC has him tied to it.
In your opinion...has all the information been discovered?

Has everyone been interviewed?

Do we have all the facts on this case?
I already pointed out that it's a matter of public safety. We know for sure that someone from the Chrispie Administration suggested that it was time for a traffic problem. It's in emails. Suppose there was a terrorist attack during the time three lanes of the busiest bridge in the world were closed for political retribution. Republicans wouldn't be taking it so "lightly".

Just think if a meteor was hurling through space during the Monday to Friday rush hours...

Still no link to the Gov...No matter how hard the lefties try to destroy the guy in order to get Hillary and nice smooth ride to the WH....

Nice try Libs..your tactic is working so far.
But that's to be expected with low information voters.

Don't forget you have an Indy voter who voted for Barry, and could vote for Hillary on your side! I do not think this is an ideological issue. It is a question of facts, and the letter of the law. In my opinion the OP is correct.

And, Benghazi? Another one of those ridiculous issues Republicans that make Indy's think Republicans are grasping in desperation. File Benghazi with Acorn and the Birther issue. NO ONE CARES. And it makes Republicans look petty.


Again, I could vote Republican.

People died and were mutilated in Benghazi during a terrorist attack while the president was eating pizza and figuring out the next day's talking points. The Attorney General authorized the shipment of about 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and a Border Patrol officer was killed with one of them and perhaps hundreds of innocent Mex citizens. Isn't it more important than a traffic jam? I hope Christie learned a lesson though. It doesn't pay for a republican to pretend to be a democrat and take long moonlight walks with the socialist president. He is still a republican and a target for the left leaning media. It's almost laughable that the low information left really get's their news analysis from the comedy channel.
MSNBC has covered this non stop for weeks...
And still no proof that Christie ordered it or knew about it and looked the other way.
But still MSNBC has him tied to it.
In your opinion...has all the information been discovered?

Has everyone been interviewed?

Do we have all the facts on this case?

As with the IRS scandal, as long as people refuse to talk and plead the 5th, you can't force them to testify. You may be able to bring up contempt petitions, but that's about it.
MSNBC has covered this non stop for weeks...
And still no proof that Christie ordered it or knew about it and looked the other way.
But still MSNBC has him tied to it.

Can you provide a link illustrating how, exactly, is msnbc tying Christie to it?

What I've seen is msnbc providing new information on the case and pointing inconsistency from the Christie camp.

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