can I sue an Illinois policeman for blackmail?


Sep 16, 2013
I was once romantically involved with a cop. While drunk, he recorded and had taken pictures of us having sex along with my state id. He's been threatening to release these images and videos for over a year, recently when I refused to have sex with him and threatened to tell his wife if he doesn't stop contacting me. He knows the law and has been telling me that he can legally release these images. Even going as far as sending me texts messages with the videos and images being uploaded into a site and sending the link to my friends and family and job via Facebook. Can anything be done to assist me? Is this legal.? I did not consent and asked him several times to q not release these images
The "fact" that is person is a policeman is immaterial in as much as this is a bargaining chip in your favor for him to cease this activity. He clearly is attempting to blackmail you. He is using an unauthorized communication' and uploading of information, generally there are criminal implications, however, you must inform him in writing that he does not have your consent. See the laws in your state. California has a statute that specially speaks to this situation.
CAL. PEN. CODE § 631 : California Code - Section 631

Naturally I question your veracity as this is your first post and I have nothing to compare your statement to. I will impart a story which also colors my perspective:

I was closing down my practice and had one last client which was actually a favor to a friend who was a third party. It was a female and she asked me to intervene in a situation where she was filmed having sex without her consent and the person she was having this sexual experience with was distributing the film. As I picked up my phone to contact the film distributor to inform him to cease this activity...the client stopped me and said, " I do not want him to stop, I want a share in the profits". I closed the office, early and went home with a smile on my face and wiser for the experience...:lol:
[MENTION=40540]Connery[/MENTION] i was the one intoxicated. He sent me text messages that stated what he would do if i were to contact his wife. He also provided screenshots of him uploading the video to the website. The entire altercation happened via text, every threat! He even went onto my Facebook page, got the names of my parents and siblings, name of my job and stated that his intentions are to ruin my reputation. I actually stated several times that i did not and do not consent. I asked him several times to stop texting me, i informed him that I'd report him to the independent internal affairs, he laughed and said " this isn't blackmail, I have the legal right to retaliate to protect myself." I assumed it was correct. I found out I could make a complaint but I just want to know if I can sue him.
[MENTION=40540]Connery[/MENTION] i was the one intoxicated. He sent me text messages that stated what he would do if i were to contact his wife. He also provided screenshots of him uploading the video to the website. The entire altercation happened via text, every threat! He even went onto my Facebook page, got the names of my parents and siblings, name of my job and stated that his intentions are to ruin my reputation. I actually stated several times that i did not and do not consent. I asked him several times to stop texting me, i informed him that I'd report him to the independent internal affairs, he laughed and said " this isn't blackmail, I have the legal right to retaliate to protect myself." I assumed it was correct. I found out I could make a complaint but I just want to know if I can sue him.

I gave the customary USMB welcome...some free stuff and a lead. Here is another tidbit, be careful who you engage with it may come back to bite you.

You sound like you know what to just do it.

1. Contact an attorney;

2. Do not go to his job yet ...keep him working so he can pay the damage award you no doubt will seek plus legal fees.
@Connery i was the one intoxicated. He sent me text messages that stated what he would do if i were to contact his wife. He also provided screenshots of him uploading the video to the website. The entire altercation happened via text, every threat! He even went onto my Facebook page, got the names of my parents and siblings, name of my job and stated that his intentions are to ruin my reputation. I actually stated several times that i did not and do not consent. I asked him several times to stop texting me, i informed him that I'd report him to the independent internal affairs, he laughed and said " this isn't blackmail, I have the legal right to retaliate to protect myself." I assumed it was correct. I found out I could make a complaint but I just want to know if I can sue him.
Welcome to USMB, tonilanders. I'm sorry you're being harassed by this world-class creep.
[MENTION=40540]Connery[/MENTION] Thank you so much for your advice. Really appreciate your help.
Would anyone happen to know what kind of case this is and what type of attorney I will need to retain?
You could always forward those text messages to the chief of police and threaten suit against the city.

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