Fiscal conservativism is not penny wise and pound foolish.This is what Hannity and others want us to believe. The entire W 911 Zionist Fox News "Biden Republican" klan is like that....
Who outspent LBJ? W
Who is a "conservative" according to Hannity? W
Has Hannity ever pushed for fiscal conservatism? NO
Hannity just called Trump "the most conservative President" in his lifetime, more conservatism that HW and Reagan. Reagan and HW both fought for spending cuts and limited government. Trump spent 10 minutes on the phone with RINO Zionist people fraud Paul Ryan, who not only did not cut anything, but also would not fund the wall.
Trump's final two budgets were simply handed to Schumer and rubber stamped.
On a scale of 0 to 100, 100 being perfectly fiscally conservative,
Trump 6
W 0
McConnell 2
Hannity 0
Paul Ryan 0
McCarthy 0
Newt Gingrich 99
Reagan 90
HW 85
A failure to define CONSERVATIVE as FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE results in taxpayer funded OxyContin leaches like Broke Loser claiming to be "conservative" while citing W as an example of "conservative"
and an America that has gone from a Federal Debt of under $6 trillion when W was sworn in to $30 trillion today...