Can the Left define what a woman is?

Honey, I don’t consider women to be a “vessel”. You rightists? Well, you seem to think all we are good for is spreading our legs (only after marriage) and carrying your babies. A vessel of reproduction.
You forgot cooking and starting the car in winter
Not at all. Conservatives see women as human beings.

Leftists? Not so much. They insist all women are concerned about is abortion and free birth control.

Leftists see women as nothing more than their genitals. And the hell of it is, leftist women agree.

You never see leftist women protesting in brain costumes.

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Why would they wear brain costumes?? You seem to be missing the point completely
Not at all. Conservatives see women as human beings.

Leftists? Not so much. They insist all women are concerned about is abortion and free birth control.

Leftists see women as nothing more than their genitals. And the hell of it is, leftist women agree.

You never see leftist women protesting in brain costumes.

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Leftists aren’t the ones trying to legislate a woman’s genitals.
A feminist does not mean you have to be a left wing kook ya know. That is just the assumption.

The Left has destroyed every term in the dictionary though.
Yes, the left has definitely warped the definition of feminism completely out of recognition.
The Left has destroyed what is feminine, like they have destroyed everything else in the world

All that is beautiful and special and unique they have pissed on.
The hate themselves and so they have no concept of love and cannot love anything or anyone. They are simply about destruction. Until society recognizes this and actively addresses it, nothing will change.
So, Bruce Jenner is not a woman.

According to the august body of Academy Award attendees ... not only is Mr. Jenner a woman ... he is apparently the bravest woman in all of human history. So, well done, him, I suppose.

Bruce Jenner is apparently a trans woman. Whatever she calls herself isn’t bothering me. She isn’t a cisfemale. I don’t know why we need all the monikers but so what if the artist formally known as Bruce Jenner wants to be called Kaitlyn Jenner? Shit, Prince was a fucking symbol for a decade and that Bengals dude was Ocho Cinco for a while. People are odd. All of them. You and me too.

What do you care, Rowling was near-homeless on British welfare when she wrote the first Harry Potter. To you Conservatives she is a bug and not worth a damn - she was a "welfare queen".

No, she was someone who figured out a way to get OFF welfare, which is something we applaud.

You guys want the perpetual underclass, mostly for the votes.
Honey, I don’t consider women to be a “vessel”. You rightists? Well, you seem to think all we are good for is spreading our legs (only after marriage) and carrying your babies. A vessel of reproduction.

Considering if we stop reproducing we end as a fucking species, everyone who isn't a nihilist has to have the understanding to some degree that women carry the future.

Which is why women are the more valuable sex when it comes to a tribe, group or societies survival, as opposed to men. Even if sexual dimorphism wasn't a reality, it would still be men who are less valuable, and thus less of a concern when numbers of them die due to war, disease, or anything else.

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