Can the Left define what a woman is?

Sure ”an adult female human being”. A child female human is a girl.

So, Bruce Jenner is not a woman. By every observable biological criterion, he is male. He is even known, on at least half a dozen occasions, to have successfully performed the male role in the human reproductive process.

Can you bring yourself to agree with this?
Funny thing, on the one hand, Leftists want us to think that women are oppressed, but on the other hand, want us to think that gender is a choice

So apparently, people choose to be oppressed.

Rightists want us to think women are vessels. Nuff said.
If you're a man, and you want to marry, enjoy normal marital relations with your wife, and perhaps even have a family, then it really helps to know what is and is not a woman.
Not really. All you’re looking for is a suitable vessel.
If you're a man, and you want to marry, enjoy normal marital relations with your wife, and perhaps even have a family, then it really helps to know what is and is not a woman.
Not really. All you’re looking for is a suitable vessel.

What a degrading view of womanhood, you must have, to put it that way.
Wasn’t me that put it that way. It was your team, boyo.

I see a post of yours falsely trying to put those words into my side's mouths, but you're the only one here who has actually said it.

It's probably better to just speak for yourself and don't try to speak for others, especially on the side that you oppose. You just make yourself look incredibly stupid and dishonest when you try to tell us what our position is, especially when you are that spectacularly wrong.

But then everyone here already knows that you are that stupid and dishonest, so I guess you really don't have much to lose.
I see a post of yours falsely trying to put those words into my side's mouths, but you're the only one here who has actually said it.

It's probably better to just speak for yourself and don't try to speak for others, especially on the side that you oppose. You just make yourself look incredibly stupid and dishonest when you try to tell us what our position is, especially when you are that spectacularly wrong.

But then everyone here already knows that you are that stupid and dishonest, so I guess you really don't have much to lose.
Honey, I don’t consider women to be a “vessel”. You rightists? Well, you seem to think all we are good for is spreading our legs (only after marriage) and carrying your babies. A vessel of reproduction.
Honey, I don’t consider women to be a “vessel”. You rightists? Well, you seem to think all we are good for is spreading our legs (only after marriage) and carrying your babies. A vessel of reproduction.

Like I said, when you try to speak for someone else, you usually come across as stupid and dishonest. Of course, you are stupid and dishonest, so there probably isn't any way you'd come across otherwise, but you're not even trying to avoid it.

And you do not ever get to call me “honey”. You and I will never be in any sort of relationship that entitles you to address me in such a manner.
Like I said, when you try to speak for someone else, you usually come across as stupid and dishonest. Of course, you are stupid and dishonest, so there probably isn't any way you'd come across otherwise, but you're not even trying to avoid it.

And you do not ever get to call me “honey”. You and I will never be in any sort of relationship that entitles you to address me in such a manner.
There is a saying:

You can still get arrested for wiggling your junk in public... so apparently ... there must be some practical definition.
Getting arrested for wiggling whatever you got under the hood is the crime. Doesn’t have anything to do with gender or sex
If you're a man, and you want to marry, enjoy normal marital relations with your wife, and perhaps even have a family, then it really helps to know what is and is not a woman.
That’s great. If you can’t figure that out after a date and a simple conversation then I’d say you have some issues
So, Bruce Jenner is not a woman. By every observable biological criterion, he is male. He is even known, on at least half a dozen occasions, to have successfully performed the male role in the human reproductive process.

Can you bring yourself to agree with this?
Bruce Jenner is apparently a trans woman. Whatever she calls herself isn’t bothering me. She isn’t a cisfemale. I don’t know why we need all the monikers but so what if the artist formally known as Bruce Jenner wants to be called Kaitlyn Jenner? Shit, Prince was a fucking symbol for a decade and that Bengals dude was Ocho Cinco for a while. People are odd. All of them. You and me too.
Not really. All you’re looking for is a suitable vessel.
Who here have called women "a vessel" and what the hell does that even mean?

Coyote did. She's trying to accuse us on the right of holding a degrading view of women, but it's Coyote who is actually expressing this degrading view.

An example of psychological projection.

Coyote did. She's trying to accuse us on the right of holding a degrading view of women, but it's Coyote who is actually expressing this degrading view.

An example of psychological projection.

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See, I should have been talking to you a long time ago

Now what the hell was Biden projecting with the hairy legs speech along with black children he called "roaches"?
Rightists want us to think women are vessels. Nuff said.
Not at all. Conservatives see women as human beings.

Leftists? Not so much. They insist all women are concerned about is abortion and free birth control.

Leftists see women as nothing more than their genitals. And the hell of it is, leftist women agree.

You never see leftist women protesting in brain costumes.

vagina costumes.jpg

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