Can the Situation with North Korea Get Any More Confusing?

Headlines today:

China halts oil product exports to North Korea in November as sanctions bite

China halts oil product exports to North Korea in November as sanctions bite

Chinese ships accused of breaking sanctions on North Korea

Chinese ships accused of breaking sanctions on North Korea

I know, the UN will solve it!
Said no sane person ever.
The Department of something or other has known China was cheating like mad, shipping all kinds of shit to and from North Korea for ages. I saw it on CSPAN months and months ago. I guess it's pretty hard to stop. We certainly haven't done anything earnest to stop it. The UN has less ability to enforce the rules than we do. It's up to the aggrieved party to stand up to the rule breaker, and that would be us and China. But these days every country has every other country by the wallet, and no one wants to disturb good times. So nothing happens.
It's pretty much straightforward with a little bit of historical reference. After WW2, democrat bean counter Harry Truman was busy downsizing the U.S. Military and vowing to reduce the U.S. Marine Corps to a ceremonial detachment even after all the blood they shed in the Pacific War. Thanks to the incompetent "intelligence" agencies the U.S. was blindsided by N.K.'s sudden invasion of the South. Truman sent U.S. Troops to Korea on an illegal executive order and appointed a doddering old WW1 general (who retired ten years before) to run the campaign. Allied forces managed to cut the N.K. supply lines and the S.K. capital was retaken and even the N.K. capital was overrun by Allied Troops. N.K. ceased to be a threat and the conflict was over in about a year....but wait. The doddering old WW1 general who never spent a night in Korea decided that ill equipped U.S. Troops (thank you Mr. Truman) should attempt a campaign to the Yalu River to "unite the Koreas" in the winter in an area with the harshest winters on the globe. Meanwhile China warned the U.S. not to attempt to approach the Yalu River which was the China border but Truman apparently never got the memo. Ironically the Marines that dodged the downsizing bullet and saved Truman's ass in the Army's monumental retreat aka the Chosin Campaign while the doddering old WW1 general was threatening nuclear war with China. Korea lasted about three years while the U.S. media declined to criticize Truman's handling of it calling it the "Forgotten War" while the U.S. had to settle for an embarrassing "Truce" dictated by Chinese and their USSR allies at the cost of about 50,000 American lives. Fast forward to Bill Clinton's search for a legacy by "civilizing" the North Korean regime by selling U.S. nuclear technology allegedly to build an energy efficient country that would emerge into the 20th century and propel Mr. Clinton into the Nobel Prize. Clinton's plan didn't happen and N.K. turned the nuclear technology into weapons. The MSM wasn't too concerned about N.K.'s nuclear tests until a republican was elected and wouldn't you know the MSM suddenly decided that quirky N.K. regime was a threat.
Headlines today:

China halts oil product exports to North Korea in November as sanctions bite

China halts oil product exports to North Korea in November as sanctions bite

Chinese ships accused of breaking sanctions on North Korea

Chinese ships accused of breaking sanctions on North Korea

I know, the UN will solve it!
Said no sane person ever.
The Department of something or other has known China was cheating like mad, shipping all kinds of shit to and from North Korea for ages. I saw it on CSPAN months and months ago. I guess it's pretty hard to stop. We certainly haven't done anything earnest to stop it. The UN has less ability to enforce the rules than we do. It's up to the aggrieved party to stand up to the rule breaker, and that would be us and China. But these days every country has every other country by the wallet, and no one wants to disturb good times. So nothing happens.
Time to sink some Chinese ships violating the sanctions then.
Headlines today:

China halts oil product exports to North Korea in November as sanctions bite

China halts oil product exports to North Korea in November as sanctions bite

Chinese ships accused of breaking sanctions on North Korea

Chinese ships accused of breaking sanctions on North Korea

I know, the UN will solve it!
Said no sane person ever.
The Department of something or other has known China was cheating like mad, shipping all kinds of shit to and from North Korea for ages. I saw it on CSPAN months and months ago. I guess it's pretty hard to stop. We certainly haven't done anything earnest to stop it. The UN has less ability to enforce the rules than we do. It's up to the aggrieved party to stand up to the rule breaker, and that would be us and China. But these days every country has every other country by the wallet, and no one wants to disturb good times. So nothing happens.
Time to sink some Chinese ships violating the sanctions then.
Fine by me. Maybe a blockade would work, too.
What is really scary is that the recent NK defector shows signs of immunity to anthrax indicating he had been exposed. There are more WMD's than just nuclear and this is an indication NK might be working on biologicals.
What is really scary is that the recent NK defector shows signs of immunity to anthrax indicating he had been exposed. There are more WMD's than just nuclear and this is an indication NK might be working on biologicals.

Ummmm.................hate to burst your bubble, but N. Korea has already started to test fit anthrax warheads on their ICBM's.

North Korea begins testing mounting anthrax onto ICBMs, report says

North Korea is beginning tests on mounting anthrax onto intercontinental ballistic missiles that would strike the U.S., a report said on Wednesday just two days after the White House’s U.S. National Security Strategy stated Kim Jong Un is pursuing chemical and biological weapons.

The Hermit Kingdom is beginning experiments to test out if anthrax can endure immense heat and pressure it will have to endure when loaded into an ICBM and launched toward the earth’s atmosphere, Japan’s Asahi newspaper reported, citing an unidentified person connected to South Korea’s intelligence services.

“North Korea has started experiments such as heat and pressure equipment to prevent anthrax from dying even at a high temperature of over 7,000 degrees generated at the time of ICBM's re-entry into the atmosphere,” the report stated. “In part, there is unconfirmed information that it has already succeeded in such experiments.”

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