Can you imagine how Fox and republicans would have reacted to Michelle wearing that jacket?

You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.
Lol I’m not the one defending her and using her hotness as an excuse. That’s you.

I'm considered a liberal and a Trump-hater on here, you dolt. I don't defend Melania because of "hotness". I don't really defend her at all. I just don't think she did anything wrong, because she didn't. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to wear that ugly jacket at that particular point in time, but she, and anyone else in this country can (within reason, obviously) wear whatever the fuck they want!
lol oh so you’re sitting on the fence while also pretending her hotness is a defense?

What? Are you trolling? I said in my very first post that I don't think she's hot, which caused you to randomly start white-knighting, even though you mentioned the subject first.

Either you're one of the world's biggest idiots, a chimp with a human interpreter, or a troll. God, I hope for humanity's sake that you're trolling.
You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.
Lol I’m not the one defending her and using her hotness as an excuse. That’s you.

I'm considered a liberal and a Trump-hater on here, you dolt. I don't defend Melania because of "hotness". I don't really defend her at all. I just don't think she did anything wrong, because she didn't. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to wear that ugly jacket at that particular point in time, but she, and anyone else in this country can (within reason, obviously) wear whatever the fuck they want!
lol oh so you’re sitting on the fence while also pretending her hotness is a defense?

You gotta be kidding.

Why don't you find a cliff and jump off of it.

If I were next to you, you can bet I'd push your arrogant self-centered ass.

And then drop a boulder....just in case.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.
Lol I’m not the one defending her and using her hotness as an excuse. That’s you.

I'm considered a liberal and a Trump-hater on here, you dolt. I don't defend Melania because of "hotness". I don't really defend her at all. I just don't think she did anything wrong, because she didn't. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to wear that ugly jacket at that particular point in time, but she, and anyone else in this country can (within reason, obviously) wear whatever the fuck they want!
lol oh so you’re sitting on the fence while also pretending her hotness is a defense?

What? Are you trolling? I said in my very first post that I don't think she's hot, which caused you to randomly start white-knighting, even though you mentioned the subject first.

Either you're one of the world's biggest idiots, a chimp with a human interpreter, or a troll. God, I hope for humanity's sake that you're trolling.
Okay I’ll be the bigger man and admit you’re right. My bad.
Folks, I think you should leave Michelle out of it.

That fact that her husband was an arrogant elitist does not affect her. She is a pretty good mom and I think she cares.

I find it offensive to call her names and drag her into this shit.
I brought it up because people like you actually pretend it matters as being a First Lady. You basically never grew out of your 8th grader phase.

You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.
Lol I’m not the one defending her and using her hotness as an excuse. That’s you.

I'm considered a liberal and a Trump-hater on here, you dolt. I don't defend Melania because of "hotness". I don't really defend her at all. I just don't think she did anything wrong, because she didn't. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to wear that ugly jacket at that particular point in time, but she, and anyone else in this country can (within reason, obviously) wear whatever the fuck they want!

LOL, too funny. Now you know how many of us feel about discussing anything with a liberal.
If M.O. had worn that jacket for any visit, the right would have been all over her like white on rice. You know that's true.

Yes, M.T. can wear what she wants, when she wants. THAT particular jacket on THIS particular visit was not a good choice.
Don’t you realize how dumb and childish you come across by pretending her beauty at all matters?

You're the one that brought it up, dumbass.
I brought it up because people like you actually pretend it matters as being a First Lady. You basically never grew out of your 8th grader phase.

You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.

Hate to tell you John, it's typical of your crowd. They have no context because they are always fucking right about every fucking thing.
You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.
Lol I’m not the one defending her and using her hotness as an excuse. That’s you.

I'm considered a liberal and a Trump-hater on here, you dolt. I don't defend Melania because of "hotness". I don't really defend her at all. I just don't think she did anything wrong, because she didn't. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to wear that ugly jacket at that particular point in time, but she, and anyone else in this country can (within reason, obviously) wear whatever the fuck they want!

LOL, too funny. Now you know how many of us feel about discussing anything with a liberal.

C'mon thinker....


Billybullshit is no more liberal than I am black.

I like liberals.

Left wingers are arrogant cocksuckers.
You're the one that brought it up, dumbass.
I brought it up because people like you actually pretend it matters as being a First Lady. You basically never grew out of your 8th grader phase.

You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.

Hate to tell you John, it's typical of your crowd. They have no context because they are always fucking right about every fucking thing.

They're not my crowd. I may not like President Trump, but I've never been part of the PC crowd. And, though I don't pretend I'm brilliant, I've also never been a drooling imbecile.
Think you gotta add the clause ...

hot ** for a 48-year old woman with implants (which automatically subtract at least 1 point on a 10-point scale, even if done exceptionally well, which hers were not).

Not that I have a problem with Melania, since she pretty much keeps to herself, but "hot" is a bit too strong of a word for her. She was decently hot in the past. More like "good-looking for her age" nowadays.
Don’t you realize how dumb and childish you come across by pretending her beauty at all matters?

You're the one that brought it up, dumbass.
I brought it up because people like you actually pretend it matters as being a First Lady. You basically never grew out of your 8th grader phase.

You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.

Billybullshit gets tagged by one of his own because he won't shut his fucking mouth.

They would explode. Their collective minds would go nuts with faux outrage/glee over the political damage it would have done to democrats.

But oh no, not Melania. She’s married to Trump and is hot. Somehow that makes everything okay.
Well......we knew Michelle didn't give a it would have only reinforced what we already knew.
You’re basing that on absolutely nothing besides coming up with an excuse to criticize her. kettle.
Think you gotta add the clause ...

hot ** for a 48-year old woman with implants (which automatically subtract at least 1 point on a 10-point scale, even if done exceptionally well, which hers were not).

Not that I have a problem with Melania, since she pretty much keeps to herself, but "hot" is a bit too strong of a word for her. She was decently hot in the past. More like "good-looking for her age" nowadays.
Don’t you realize how dumb and childish you come across by pretending her beauty at all matters?

You're the one that brought it up, dumbass.
I brought it up because people like you actually pretend it matters as being a First Lady. You basically never grew out of your 8th grader phase.

You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.

Billybullshit gets tagged by one of his own because he won't shut his fucking mouth.

So classic! Man you really need a life lol
I brought it up because people like you actually pretend it matters as being a First Lady. You basically never grew out of your 8th grader phase.

You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.

Hate to tell you John, it's typical of your crowd. They have no context because they are always fucking right about every fucking thing.

They're not my crowd. I may not like President Trump, but I've never been part of the PC crowd. And, though I don't pretend I'm brilliant, I've also never been a drooling imbecile.

I am a conservative.

I never have been and still not a fan of Trumps.

But I wanted the SCOTUS so he got my vote.

I went to the booth, pulled the lever, went outside and vomited.

Our process and dickheads like BillyBS have reduced our political discussion to this.

Don't know if you have ever seen his threads where he has openly stated that republicans should not be allowed to vote.

Folks, I think you should leave Michelle out of it.

That fact that her husband was an arrogant elitist does not affect her. She is a pretty good mom and I think she cares.

I find it offensive to call her names and drag her into this shit.

I don’t think the first lady’s should be drugged through the mud. They are good mothers and separate people from their husbands. It’s a shame that partisans drag them into the fray.
Don’t you realize how dumb and childish you come across by pretending her beauty at all matters?

You're the one that brought it up, dumbass.
I brought it up because people like you actually pretend it matters as being a First Lady. You basically never grew out of your 8th grader phase.

You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.

Billybullshit gets tagged by one of his own because he won't shut his fucking mouth.

So classic! Man you really need a life lol

Sorry Billy,

You've been outed. Can't keep your fucking mouth shut because you know it all.

to quote "no wonder people consider you a clown".
You're actually fucking retarded.

"Talks about how 'hot' she is, bringing it into the conversation"

I comment on what you initially referenced in your OP.

"Hey, stop taking about her physical appearance, scumbag!"

Jesus Christ ... no wonder people consider you a clown.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.

Hate to tell you John, it's typical of your crowd. They have no context because they are always fucking right about every fucking thing.

They're not my crowd. I may not like President Trump, but I've never been part of the PC crowd. And, though I don't pretend I'm brilliant, I've also never been a drooling imbecile.

I am a conservative.

I never have been and still not a fan of Trumps.

But I wanted the SCOTUS so he got my vote.

I went to the booth, pulled the lever, went outside and vomited.

Our process and dickheads like BillyBS have reduced our political discussion to this.

Don't know if you have ever seen his threads where he has openly stated that republicans should not be allowed to vote.

Oh I totally stand by that. Just for a decade though. Once the adults take over for awhile, then the kids can get their privileges back.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.
Lol I’m not the one defending her and using her hotness as an excuse. That’s you.

I'm considered a liberal and a Trump-hater on here, you dolt. I don't defend Melania because of "hotness". I don't really defend her at all. I just don't think she did anything wrong, because she didn't. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to wear that ugly jacket at that particular point in time, but she, and anyone else in this country can (within reason, obviously) wear whatever the fuck they want!

LOL, too funny. Now you know how many of us feel about discussing anything with a liberal.

C'mon thinker....


Billybullshit is no more liberal than I am black.

I like liberals.

Left wingers are arrogant cocksuckers.

Drawing some pretty fine lines there. Are you thinkin libertarian?
Who lets that kind of thing happen? You'd think someone might have said something about hey, maybe you might not want to wear that jacket.
Lol how do you not get that me bringing up her attractiveness was because you and other childish RWs think it matters? Yeah she’s hot but I wouldn’t consider bringing this up when discussing her decorum. That’s what you did.

If you don't want to talk about it, here's a brilliant idea ... DON'T FUCKING BRING IT UP!!

Were you dropped as a baby? Or was it a post-birth abortion attempt? If so, one can only regret that the mission ended in failure.

Hate to tell you John, it's typical of your crowd. They have no context because they are always fucking right about every fucking thing.

They're not my crowd. I may not like President Trump, but I've never been part of the PC crowd. And, though I don't pretend I'm brilliant, I've also never been a drooling imbecile.

I am a conservative.

I never have been and still not a fan of Trumps.

But I wanted the SCOTUS so he got my vote.

I went to the booth, pulled the lever, went outside and vomited.

Our process and dickheads like BillyBS have reduced our political discussion to this.

Don't know if you have ever seen his threads where he has openly stated that republicans should not be allowed to vote.

Oh I totally stand by that. Just for a decade though. Once the adults take over for awhile, then the kids can get their privileges back.

And like I told you before.

You want my voting rights, come and get them.

But you better bring an army and a gun.

Only a lefty could be so openly arrogant.

Having proven you are fucking just can't shut up.

I stand by my offer to help you off a cliff at the Grand Canyon too.
They would explode. Their collective minds would go nuts with faux outrage/glee over the political damage it would have done to democrats.

But oh no, not Melania. She’s married to Trump and is hot. Somehow that makes everything okay.

Melania would do just about anything to get away from that fat fuck, you know she don't want that disgusting slob touching her, thats why he pays for porn stars. Why she wore that jacket was probably fatso's idea anyway. She is just a mindless bimbo who does as she is told.

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