Can you reach your representatives?


Feb 14, 2011
I emailed my GOP legislators in Washington to tell them I supported them in holding the line in the budget debate.

I decided to go ahead and email our Democratic senator, Tammy Baldwin, also and was faced with a long site message saying how the shut down hindered her from serving us and the law required her to close her office.

I finally got down to where I could leave an email message. I did so. The automated response I received after that was just more about how she couldn't help me. One line of the email said, "My offices are closed and phones will not be answered."

That reminded me of something I heard a week or two ago where someone in California called their representatives and found all the Democrat lines closed and all the Republican lines open.

So I called my congressman and my Republican senator to see if their lines worked. They did. I thanked them for being there and again expressed my support. Then I called Tammy Baldwin's line and found someone there in spite of what the email said. I reread her web page and found that it did say, "Given the limited staff available, we are doing our best to answer phone calls." So perhaps they were originally completely shut down and reconsidered that and just forgot to change their automated email message.

So at the moment, there is mainly a cosmetic difference in their accessibility. Can phone and email all my legislators, with the Democrat legislator putting up a negative front and the others not making any apparent changes.

What have you noticed in your area?
et al,

I don't really think it matters if the average Joe Citizen can reach their Congressman or Senator. They don't listen. They are self-centered, utilitarianism, that act in their own best interest. They do not act in the best interest of the nation or the constituents.

When it comes time for re-election, I will vote against them; all of the incumbents. They, have time and again, abrogated their responsibility and duties under the Constitution; to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves, and our Posterity for its citizens.

If I were the President, the first set of lights I would shut-off tomorrow morning would be to the Capitol Building and all the House and Senate Office Buildings; especially that candy-ass little underground train they ride. I would declare a national emergency, and order all the executive branch of government back to work, and then tell Treasury to borrow what money was necessary to keep the Government running.

The Congressional Oath of Office: said:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

I may not like Obamacare. I may not like the Party of the President, or even the President. But in America, there is a way to achieve change. And attempting to shutdown the government is not the way. That is not the way to "faithfully discharge the duties of the office as members of Congress."

VOTE THEM OUT! Every last one of them.

Most Respectfully,

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