Can you Stabilize the Budget as if you were President?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Here is a web site that has a quiz to see if you can Stabilize the Budget given the choices of Obama and Congress. I don't think its all that tough.

"No Action" will mean that by 2018 the Debt becomes 100% of GDP, totally unacceptable.

Your objective is to manage the Budget to keep the Debt at 60% of GDP by 2018.

Just click on the "Stabilize the Debt" link on the top/right of this web page...good luck
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget |
The questions and assumptions are BS. No wonder we have problems. Reducing the tax on corporations will not cost anything. Likely the lower tax will bring in more revenue than the higher one did.
Even under the erroneous assumptions and limited choices offered I was able to "stabilize" the budget less than halfway through the list.
The only way the budget is ever going to get stabilized is for the government to begin acting like any other "normal" family in America. If you don't have the money to spend, you keep your ass home and watch tv. You can't write checks for more than what's in the bank in the real world.
The questions and assumptions are BS. No wonder we have problems. Reducing the tax on corporations will not cost anything. Likely the lower tax will bring in more revenue than the higher one did.

"Rabbi" is sending us more dispatches from fantasy land, I see.
The only way the budget is ever going to get stabilized is for the government to begin acting like any other "normal" family in America. If you don't have the money to spend, you keep your ass home and watch tv. You can't write checks for more than what's in the bank in the real world.

The only thing more moronic than "the government should be ran like a business" is "the government should be ran like a family".
Ran the numbers using the Republican proposals. Debt increased to 86% of GDP.
The questions and assumptions are BS. No wonder we have problems. Reducing the tax on corporations will not cost anything. Likely the lower tax will bring in more revenue than the higher one did.

"Rabbi" is sending us more dispatches from fantasy land, I see.

Where were you in the 1960s, 1980s and 2000?
And the site didnt even offer real savings possibilities. Get rid of Fannie/Freddi. Get rid of HUD. Get rid of National COuncil on the Arts. Get rid of student loan programs.
There are so many programs that gov't has no business doing and could be cut we could have an entire thread just on the first page.
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The only way the budget is ever going to get stabilized is for the government to begin acting like any other "normal" family in America. If you don't have the money to spend, you keep your ass home and watch tv. You can't write checks for more than what's in the bank in the real world.

The only thing more moronic than "the government should be ran like a business" is "the government should be ran like a family".

So I guess you think the way the government is behaving financially is ok. Your logic is what is moronic.
The only way the budget is ever going to get stabilized is for the government to begin acting like any other "normal" family in America. If you don't have the money to spend, you keep your ass home and watch tv. You can't write checks for more than what's in the bank in the real world.

The only thing more moronic than "the government should be ran like a business" is "the government should be ran like a family".

So I guess you think the way the government is behaving financially is ok. Your logic is what is moronic.

I don't think the current policy is the problem. It's the rampant overspending during the good time that's the problem, not spending during the bad times to increase demand and stabilize unemployment.
The only thing more moronic than "the government should be ran like a business" is "the government should be ran like a family".

So I guess you think the way the government is behaving financially is ok. Your logic is what is moronic.

I don't think the current policy is the problem. It's the rampant overspending during the good time that's the problem, not spending during the bad times to increase demand and stabilize unemployment.

Do you have any idea how many factories and jobs were moved overseas in the last 20-years or so? The DC whores gave tax breaks as bribed by Wall Street to move jobs to cheap labor w/o considering the consequences to the US economy (The Service Economy Hoax). Look which country is creating wealth and is lending the US money, now that we're a debtor nation, like Greece....
I'd rather take the word of the Treasury.

Revenue Act of 1964: 9% decline
Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981: 13% decline
Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001: 4% decline
Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003: 3% decline

The mehodology was flawed and some of his statements were frankly incomprehensible to anyone who speaks English.
Try here:
Tax Cuts vs. Government Revenue [Mackinac Center]
So I guess you think the way the government is behaving financially is ok. Your logic is what is moronic.

I don't think the current policy is the problem. It's the rampant overspending during the good time that's the problem, not spending during the bad times to increase demand and stabilize unemployment.

Do you have any idea how many factories and jobs were moved overseas in the last 20-years or so? The DC whores gave tax breaks as bribed by Wall Street to move jobs to cheap labor w/o considering the consequences to the US economy (The Service Economy Hoax). Look which country is creating wealth and is lending the US money, now that we're a debtor nation, like Greece....
Tax breaks were not influential in these decisions at all. In fact it was a combination of factors:
Cheaper transportation costs
Higher regulatory costs from OSHA and the like
Higher wage rates, in part due to min wage and union wage rules
Increased communication
Higher liability from law suits.
Can you Stabilize the Budget as if you were President?

Not without pissing off a good amount of the country. That's really the problem. Everybody bitches about the spending, but the three largest expenditures that make up over 2/3 of the Federal budget are military spending, Social Security, and Medicare. Talk about cutting military spending and half the nation goes into cardiac arrest. Talk to all of the Baby Boomers and senior citizens if they're willing to accept massive cuts in Medicare and Social Security and see what answer you get.

Unless we as a people are willing to make big sacrifices in those three programs any talk of reducing the debt and projected deficits is a waste of time.
Here is a web site that has a quiz to see if you can Stabilize the Budget given the choices of Obama and Congress. I don't think its all that tough.

"No Action" will mean that by 2018 the Debt becomes 100% of GDP, totally unacceptable.

Your objective is to manage the Budget to keep the Debt at 60% of GDP by 2018.

Just click on the "Stabilize the Debt" link on the top/right of this web page...good luck
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget |

Yeah--you cut it in HALF--meaning everything from defense spending to education is on the chopping block. DO IT--DO IT--DO IT.
Here is a web site that has a quiz to see if you can Stabilize the Budget given the choices of Obama and Congress. I don't think its all that tough.

"No Action" will mean that by 2018 the Debt becomes 100% of GDP, totally unacceptable.

Your objective is to manage the Budget to keep the Debt at 60% of GDP by 2018.

Just click on the "Stabilize the Debt" link on the top/right of this web page...good luck
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget |

Tax cuts increase the deficit?

No thanks
Here is a web site that has a quiz to see if you can Stabilize the Budget given the choices of Obama and Congress. I don't think its all that tough.

"No Action" will mean that by 2018 the Debt becomes 100% of GDP, totally unacceptable.

Your objective is to manage the Budget to keep the Debt at 60% of GDP by 2018.

Just click on the "Stabilize the Debt" link on the top/right of this web page...good luck
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget |

Tax cuts increase the deficit?

No thanks

Nope--your theory has been proven WRONG time and time again. Tax cuts actually bring more tax revenue into the treasury than raising taxes.

For instance--you take my grandparents. They would hang onto a stock from birth to death--because they didn't want to pay 30% on the capital gains. When Bill Clinton lowered that capital gains tax rate--they found out very soon--that Americans were selling their stock--to buy something else--again and again--actually stimulating the economy in the process--and PAYING more taxes overall.

With more money in Americans POCKETS--it ALWAYS results in an economic boom to all. To add the ONLY people that need to be paying more in taxes is the 45% of this nation that haven't been for many years. They fall under the bar and they should pay some. By making them pay some--stimulates them into doing more.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. Adrian Rogers, 1931

It's high time that this country STOPS punishing success, while rewarding FAILURE.
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