Canada intends to impose tyranny

Truly unbelievable. Will the US do the same?

Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won't Have "Freedom To Move Around"
Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won't Have "Freedom To Move Around"

And this is why we have our Constitution
That’s hilarious. Our government isn’t constrained by the Constitution.

Do you think it’s 1787?

I'm not claiming it's full proof, but those other governments get away with a hell of a lot more than they can here because of it. ie. speech codes in other countries, gun control, etc. While local jurisdictions, such as states and school boards, are allowed to require certain vaccinations, there is no federal law allowing it and any attempt would almost certainly be deemed unconstitutional.
I can’t agree. Our constitution is meaningless. It has been for some time. Our government has violated it repeatedly and is doing so every day millions of times. As such, our government is a criminal enterprise.
The UNDERSTATEMENT of the century,our constitution has been trashed and shit on by politicians for DECADES.It has not existed for that long.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Wow,desperation time is really kicking in with you now.:lmao::laughing0301: Apples and oranges,that girl had a heart problem that her loony parents thought they could heal with natural herbs and stuff, I myself hate going to the hospital and try to avoid it at all and any costs if possible myself, I first try to do cure my asthma the natural way but have the logical mindset to understand that what I totally hate to do,I have to do and then I break down and go to the hospital though if all else fails,those parents were loonies unable to understand that sometimes the natural alternative ways don’t work especially for a heart condition,that you have to go to a hospital,again you are not even on the topic here,that had nothing whatsoever to do with a vaccine,you are totally deflecting as always.:lmao::laughing0301:
Truly unbelievable. Will the US do the same?

Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won't Have "Freedom To Move Around"
Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won't Have "Freedom To Move Around"

I should have know it was zero hedge.
How about this? Does it help you?
Ontarians could face restrictions if they refuse to get COVID-19 vaccine, health minister says
Did you read her link gipper,total apples and oranges,had nothing to do with the topic whatsoever,nothing to do with deflection. :lmao: :laughing0301:
Exactly his point! What you choose is none of his business, what he chooses is none of your business.
As long as he and anyone else who is stupid enough not to do the right thing stays away from me.

I wouldn’t get near you if my life depended on it and if you took the vaccine, you wouldn’t get the virus anyway, stupid idiot. Do you ever think anything through or just spit nonsense all the time?
If you don’t like what I post, ignore me.

I think they are some of the funniest, dumbest posts on here. You are pure entertainment.
What does this girl and her parents have to do with anything? We are talking about the Covid-19 vaccine and whether a person should be made to make a decision that could possibly harm them and in the end not even help them. We are talking about taking a vaccine that is 90% effective, could have some bad side effects vs. a person getting a virus the has a 99.7% cure rate.
Take the vaccine. Problem solved.
You pathetic, statist sheep, make me sick to my stomach.
People like you is why the word "cuck" is so popular.
Weak ass bitch
Well taking the vaccine does solve the problem. I personally am not jumping up and down to take a rushed vaccine. Science does work given enough time since the fucking microwave people think shit happens over night but this is not reality. It takes time for enough data to come in to be safe
Exactly his point! What you choose is none of his business, what he chooses is none of your business.
As long as he and anyone else who is stupid enough not to do the right thing stays away from me.

I wouldn’t get near you if my life depended on it and if you took the vaccine, you wouldn’t get the virus anyway, stupid idiot. Do you ever think anything through or just spit nonsense all the time?
According to experts whom I have previously posted on here speaking in videos all they do is weaken the immune system with a vaccine like this. So, yes they will get the virus still and it will be worse for them when they get it than those of us who do not take it.
The UNDERSTATEMENT of the century,our constitution has been trashed and shit on by politicians for DECADES.It has not existed for that long.
All the more reason to get it cleaned up now while we have the chance to do it.
yeah this is out last chance we have to do that.If Trump does not rightfully get reelected,that chance is gone forever.
Hello Gipper, i was talking about the fact that the French medias are talking about the Canadians and how hard it is for them but it is hard for everyone .
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Hello Gripper, i was talking about the fact that the French medias are talking about the Canadians and how hard it is for them but it is hard for everyone .
Okay. Yes. The funny thing about that is the US mainstream media hasn’t said a word about what the Canadian government might do.
Yes, that is pretty strange because that is pretty severe plan for the Canadian and here they did talk about it but not a lot they talk more about what going on in Europe and it is not doing good.
Yes, that is pretty strange because that is pretty severe plan for the Canadian and here they did talk about it but not a lot they talk more about what going on in Europe and it is not doing good.
I believe I’ve read of demonstrations against the lockdowns in France. Is this correct?
Yes, there were some demonstration against the lock down from the owner of Sky station, Cinema, Restaurant because does people are losing everything they been close for at least a month when other place stay open .
Right now, there aren't any sporting events, concerts, etc. that can have full attendance.

You already cannot move around freely because the virus.

So if allowing full attendance for people who've been vaccinated opens up sporting events, concerts, international travel, etc., then I'm all for it.

Otherwise, we wouldn't have it anyways.

Allowing some people to attend while none, or few, could beforehand, what's the problem?

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