Canada pays 10.5 million dollar settlement with Al-Qaeda Terrorist

Probably the US should fund the lawsuit itself:

In Boumediene v. Bush (2008), the US Supreme Court held that the MCA was unconstitutional as it restricted detainees' use of habeas corpus and access to the federal courts. It determined that detainees could have access to federal courts to hear habeas corpus petitions, to restore the protection of the Constitution.

You are one dumb bitch the MCA of 2009 amended the original MCA allowing it to pass Constitutional mustard, the Boumendeine V. Bush case did not allow for or mandate federal trial of suspected unlawful alien combatant detainees it only mmandated habeaus corpus reviews by federal courts to insure there was adequate evidence to continue military detention which in Omar Khadrs case there was. His trial by military commission occurred 2 years after the Boumendeine decision and was perfectly Constitutional.

He was considered an enemy combatant under Bush. He had no rights, other than murder of a soldier, not as a POW, but as an civilian causing a murder . His confession was also coerced. There is no evidence he even threw the grenade as he was wounded.
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Probably the US should fund the lawsuit itself:

In Boumediene v. Bush (2008), the US Supreme Court held that the MCA was unconstitutional as it restricted detainees' use of habeas corpus and access to the federal courts. It determined that detainees could have access to federal courts to hear habeas corpus petitions, to restore the protection of the Constitution.

You are one dumb bitch the MCA of 2009 amended the original MCA allowing it to pass Constitutional mustard, the Boumendeine V. Bush case did not allow for or mandate federal trial of suspected unlawful alien combatant detainees it only mmandated habeaus corpus reviews by federal courts to insure there was adequate evidence to continue military detention which in Omar Khadrs case there was. His trial by military commission occurred 2 years after the Boumendeine decision and was perfectly Constitutional.

He was considered an enemy combatant under Bush. He has no rights, other than murder of a soldier, not as a POW, but as an civilian causing a murder . His confession was also coerced. There is no evidence he even threw the grenade as he was wounded.

He was not a POW or a civilian you stupid bitch he was an alien unlawful combatant and was only entitled to Article 3 protections of the Geneva Conventions which he received, he was not entitled to civilian trial he was entitled to habeas corpus and trial by military commission which he also received. The evidence that he threw the grenade is his confession, there is no evidence that his confession or guilty plea were coerced.
The Canadian Government tried to block Obama`s decision to transfer the convicted murderer Omar Khadr to a prison in Canada to serve his sentence.
However a liberal appeals court judge overturned the then conservative Canadian Government's attempt to refuse the repatriation of this scumbag.
Thus on Sept 29 2012 Khadr was flown to Canada where he filed a 20 million $ law suit against the Canadian Government for "failing to protect his constitutional rights" after his father a Taliban affiliate took him to Afghanistan to carry out his wishes.
There he succeeded in killing US Sgt. Christopher Speer but was captured in the process and wound up in Guantanamo Bay.
He accepted an eight-year sentence, not including time served, with the possibility of a transfer to Canada after at least one year to serve the remainder of the sentence
That deal was struck between this scumbag and the other scumbags, the Obama administration . The then conservative Government of Canada had no say in it.
Along came the Liberal's Justin Trudeau. His first act was to quadruple the federal budget deficit and soon after the 10 million $ payout to Khadr.
While the widow of Christopher Speer is still in limbo waiting for now liberal Government to enforce a US$134 million Utah judgment in Canada......and while the fake news media in both countries dowses their audience in hard luck stories how we are mistreating our Islamic minority and other assorted ethnic minority groups who shield those who murder even whole batches of people that happen to be a majority in the countries that gave them a home.
Since you know so much about shit slinging and finger pointing, are you at all educated in the legal aspect of the case?
No the Bush admin refused.

Omar Khadr will die as will his entire terrorist family as will the entire Trudeau government who just gave financial aid to enemies of the United States, they are all legitimate targets now and none of them are safe.
Oooooo! A toughie! What are you personally going to do?
No the Bush admin refused.

Omar Khadr will die as will his entire terrorist family as will the entire Trudeau government who just gave financial aid to enemies of the United States, they are all legitimate targets now and none of them are safe.
Oooooo! A toughie! What are you personally going to do?

Not make direct statements of specific intent to murder someone over the internet so terrorist sympathizing scum like you can report me to authorities.
No the Bush admin refused.
He sure did....refuse to shut down Guantanamo Bay where Khadr would still be if it were not for Obama
Bush Decides to Keep Guantánamo Open
Bush Decides to Keep Guantánamo Open
Obama: We need to close Guantanamo Bay
WASHINGTON—President Obama said Tuesday that his administration would re-engage Congress on closing the U.S. military-run detention center at Guantanamo Bay, calling the facility a "recruitment tool for extremists" and suggesting it is undermining U.S. security.
"It needs to be closed," Obama said at a White House news conference marking the first 100 days of his second term. "I'm going to go back at this."
Obama had vowed in his 2008 presidential campaign to close Guantanamo during his first year in office but failed to get it done in his first term.

on Sept 29 2012 Khadr was flown to Canada where he filed a 20 million $ law suit against the Canadian Government for "failing to protect his constitutional rights"
And who was President on Thursday , July 02, 2015 - 5:32 PM ?
Utah judge awards $134M in suit over death of soldiers
And now Obama's darling :

Is smiling from ear to ear :

While the Taliban and the rest of this scum slits throats from ear to ear
Trump would have settled this case in a more cost effective way.
A Tomahawk Cruise missile costs about 1.5 million and a Hellfire missile only $115 000.
The MOAB he dropped costs about $ 170 000 and took out a whole clusterfuck of Khadrs

If T does anything like that , the world is watching, and maybe someone will drop one on us. We invade other countries and expect none of our military to get killed or mained. Are you for real?
You live under a rock? He already did !
And the Russians scrammed to get the f- out of the way when they were put on notice that 59 cruise missiles are on their way to Shayrat air base"
We invade other countries and expect none of our military to get killed or mained
"Mained"? None of the people in France, England, Germany or Sweden got "mained" because they invaded another country.
Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly deliberately killed and "mained" children in Stockholm and so did the other Muslim bastard in Manchester. That one cooked his Ammonium Nitrate/ Diesel fuel and stank up the entire Building inhabited by Muslims for several weeks before the attack. None complained about the stench but dollars to donuts many of them knew from their fav-internet sites how to make an IED and that it's not very likely that somebody stank up their building because he was using Diesel instead of cooking oil to deep fry fish and chips. So who invaded who in Sweden ?
The Muslim extremists are invading us; first by stealth and during Obama's term right out in the open.
Am I for real ?...asks a dizzy bitch who has no idea what its like in the line of fire unless maybe somebody shoves the barrel of a gun down your loud mouth to shut you up while they rape you in one of their sanctuaries.
Maybe you should get some of these on ebay....just in case:
German designer creates 'anti-rape pants' after sexual assaults in Germany
the market of deterrence'
German designer creates ‘anti-rape pants’ after spate of sexual assaults in Cologne at New Year
A lock prevents the pants being torn down while the alarm sounds if they are cut
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No the Bush admin refused.

Omar Khadr will die as will his entire terrorist family as will the entire Trudeau government who just gave financial aid to enemies of the United States, they are all legitimate targets now and none of them are safe.
If they were in Tel Aviv instead of Toronto you could bet on it !
No the Bush admin refused.

Omar Khadr will die as will his entire terrorist family as will the entire Trudeau government who just gave financial aid to enemies of the United States, they are all legitimate targets now and none of them are safe.
Oooooo! A toughie! What are you personally going to do?

Not make direct statements of specific intent to murder someone over the internet so terrorist sympathizing scum like you can report me to authorities.

Because non-specific threats against the members of the Canadian government is acceptable?
No the Bush admin refused.

Omar Khadr will die as will his entire terrorist family as will the entire Trudeau government who just gave financial aid to enemies of the United States, they are all legitimate targets now and none of them are safe.
Oooooo! A toughie! What are you personally going to do?

Not make direct statements of specific intent to murder someone over the internet so terrorist sympathizing scum like you can report me to authorities.

Because non-specific threats against the members of the Canadian government is acceptable?

In the U.S. it is. Trudeau gave $10 million in financial aid to AQ, he deserves to die.
No the Bush admin refused.

Omar Khadr will die as will his entire terrorist family as will the entire Trudeau government who just gave financial aid to enemies of the United States, they are all legitimate targets now and none of them are safe.
Oooooo! A toughie! What are you personally going to do?

Not make direct statements of specific intent to murder someone over the internet so terrorist sympathizing scum like you can report me to authorities.

Because non-specific threats against the members of the Canadian government is acceptable?

In the U.S. it is. Trudeau gave $10 million in financial aid to AQ, he deserves to die.
Nah Trudeau is just naive but a a true gentleman. I did meet him in person while he campaigned and he invited me up on the stage from where he addressed a large gathering on the Indian Reservation where I lived till my (Native American Wife) died. I asked him some very direct questions to which he gave some very honest answers and made promises that he did keep. Had I asked him about Khadr he would have answered truthfully I am sure but none of that came up during the entire campaign.I wanted to know if he was for building the Keystone pipeline and he explained for almost 15 minutes that it would benefit Canadians...which took a lot of guts to say in an Indian Reservation with next to no police protection and knowing how much of a hot button issue that is among the Ojibwe Nations. He has guts and although I totally disagree with most of his policies I can't help but admire Justin because of that. Hey he was challenged to a fist fight by one of our conservative Senators who had a black belt...while all Trudeau had were ballet lessons. I lost quite a few bucks when Justin KO'd Brazeau:

After what he did regarding Khadr I would like to have a go at him but he would quite likely finish me off much the same as I`ll just have to do it the old fashioned way at the ballot box.

He is not a liar like Obama was. just a bit misguided
A former Guantanamo Bay prisoner who pleaded guilty to killing a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan received a multimillion-dollar payment from Canada, a government official said Thursday.

The official told the Associated Press that Omar Khadr had been given the money. A separate government official also familiar with the deal, which is expected to be announced Friday, said Khadr was given about $8 million.

Canada and Khadr’s lawyers negotiated the terms last month, based on a 2010 court ruling that Canadian officials violated his rights at Guantanamo.

The Canadian Supreme Court ruled that Canadian intelligence obtained evidence from Khadr under “oppressive circumstances,” such as sleep deprivation, during interrogations at the detention center in 2003, and then shared that evidence with U.S. officials.

Khadr was 15 when he was captured by U.S. troops following a firefight at a suspected Al Qaeda compound in Afghanistan that resulted in the death of U.S. Special Forces medic, U.S. Army Sgt. First Class Christopher Speer. Khadr, who was suspected of throwing the grenade that killed Speer, was taken to Guantanamo and ultimately charged with war crimes by a military commission.

The Canadian-born Khadr pleaded guilty in 2010 to charges that included murder and was sentences to eight years plus the time he had already spent in custody. He returned to Canada two years later to serve the remainder of his sentence and was released in May 2015 pending an appeal of his guilty plea, which he said was made under duress.

His lawyers filed a $20 million wrongful imprisonment lawsuit against the Canadian government, arguing the government violated international law by not protecting its own citizen and conspired with the U.S. in its abuse of Khadr.

The widow of Speer and another American soldier blinded by the grenade in Afghanistan filed a wrongful death and injury lawsuit against Khadr in 2014 fearing Khadr might get his hands on money from his $20 million wrongful imprisonment lawsuit. A U.S. judge granted $134.2 million in damages in 2015, but the plaintiffs acknowledged then that there was little chance they would collect any of the money from Khadr because he lives in Canada.

Khadr's lawyers have long said he was pushed into war by his father, Ahmed Said Khadr, whose family stayed with Usama bin Laden briefly when Omar Khadr was a boy. Khadr's Egyptian-born father was killed in 2003 when a Pakistani military helicopter shelled the house where he was staying with senior Al Qaeda operatives.

After his 2015 release from prison in Alberta, Omar Khadr apologized to the families of the victims. He said he rejects violent jihad, and wants a fresh start to finish his education and work in health care. He currently resides in an apartment in Edmonton, Alberta.

Well, isn't that nice ? The jihadist lunatic has apologized (Note: apologies are designed for the benefit of the apologizer) Is Kahadr so apologetic that he is giving some of his multimillion haul to Speer's widow and kids, who really are in a financial fix now ? I haven't heard that to be the case.

Wow. Kill an American soldier fighting for Osama bin Laden and your country (Canada) will pay you $8 Million. Makes you wonder if Canada is an ally, or what the hell they are.

Omar Khadr: Ex-Gitmo detainee who killed US soldier receives millions from Canada
Gee, guess we need to go to war with Canada as well.
Trudeau tells ya all you need to know...
Canada awards Canadian-born, US Troop-murdering Gitmo terrorist millions in lawsuit over 'violated rights', refuses to freeze money to compensate US victims / family of victims...

Omar Khadr: Canada pays ex-Gitmo detainee who killed US soldier millions, but soldier's widow may never see a dime

"Canada agreed to pay the former Guantanamo prisoner a reported $8 million in a lawsuit alleging civil rights violations. The settlement included an apology.

The Canadian-born Khadr was 15 in 2002 when he tossed a grenade in a firefight that killed U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Speer, a special forces medic.

Tabitha Speer, the soldier's widow, and Layne Morris, who was blinded in the firefight, won a $134 million wrongful-death default judgment against Khadr two years ago in Utah.

Lawyers for the widow and Morris requested an order freezing Khadr’s assets, but last week a Canadian judge threw out the request, calling it “extraordinary."

Holding a Canadian-born terrorist accountable for killing / blinding US troops is 'extraordinary'? No, PAYING a terrorist millions for being incarcerated for his terrorist acts is.
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