Canadian Police officer assessed by creepy fake psychologist after complaining of sexual harassment


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The gangs all here, Peel Region Police, Toronto Police, RCMP, we're only missing the creepy OPP in this article. No nation destroys the image of "policing" more than Canada.

You want to see how corrupt, covert police states operate? Someone makes an allegation and the police look to make sure they control the narrative, how they can label you, find out information about you in your most intimate moments. Worse yet, our healthcare providers and others in the country willingly help the police pull such ruses, though I don't know if this is the case here. This is worth the read, the CBC are good at one aspect, investigative reporting.

Years later for this investigation, she met the person who was supposed to be her therapist. Guess what? Both of them said they had never met the other. In other words, she was sent to an imposter who wrote the report under the real therapists name. You can speculate why that is, as I have above knowing how our countries police operate.

Welcome to declining Canada. We were never like you, our police are never your allies. They are a cult and the are very selective about who they choose to help them keep power. We won't even be in the G7 in 25 years.

The Ottawa Police Service will launch a criminal investigation after a former officer called for a probe into what appears to be a fraudulent report by someone posing as a psychologist who was assessing her ability to work on patrol.

Const. Kimberly Cadarette said she was ordered into therapy by OPS managers in 2007 to determine if she was fit for duty after complaining to the chief about sexual harassment and bullying by members of her platoon.

Following that complaint, she said, she was told to visit Dr. Ron Frey, a certified psychologist, for weekly sessions at a designated time and location. Her nine-page psychological report bears Frey's electronic signature and is written on his company letterhead. Frey is a psychologist who has worked with the Department of National Defence and the RCMP.

Frey, however, said in an interview that he did not write the report.

Staff working with the OPS wellness program had known about the possible fraud for eight months, but there was no apparent move toward an investigation until CBC made inquiries.

In order to verify details, CBC News arranged for the therapist and the officer to meet in person. In an astonishing moment captured on video, both Cadarette and Frey denied ever meeting face-to-face until then.

"I don't even know what to say right now. It's ruined me," Cadarette said as she burst into tears upon realizing the man in front of her was not the therapist who treated her 14 years earlier


After a year and a half with the Ottawa Police Service, Cadarette transferred to Peel Regional Police in 2008. She still works with the force in the Greater Toronto Area. Cadarette believes details of the OPS fraudulent report leaked out, tainting her career.

"We're 2021 and this happened in 2007 and to this day I'm still referred to at work as crazy and I can't be trusted. So this has never left me."

Cadarette wants Ottawa police to find the imposter.

The OPS said it was made aware last November of a potential fraud involving the use of the name of a doctor participating in their wellness program.

Initially, the force had said there was no criminal investigation underway, but reversed course after CBC sent an email to Chief Peter Sloly on Tuesday inquiring about the possibility of an internal investigation.
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