Canadian wrestling legend Pat Patterson, the first ever Intercontinental Champion, has died at 79

Never had a chance to see him in the ring. But always heard his name mentioned in any discussion of of pro wrestling
Patterson was a tremendous competitor, by any definition of the word. He had some outstanding feuds in his career and moved to the announce table late in his career. One of his last great battle was with King Kong Mosca, who banged him in the head with a water pitcher while he was announcing and he came back into wrestling to do battle even though Mr. Mosca was a lot bigger.
Patterson was a predator faggot, who sexually abused and bullied young talent.

Fuck Pat Patterson.

he sure dresses like one!

i'm gonna go full Hogan on him

you know something Kevin Nash, after i drop the big legdrop on ya, you're gonna crumble and fall swiftly at my feet!


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