Cancer Patient - Obamacare took Doctor, Insurance...

There are parts of this account that just don't sound right.

The guy lives in San Diego and goes to Stanford for medical treatment? That's an eight hour drive. They have state of the art medical in San Diego, so why travel so far?

Just doesn't make sense.
Don't know. My mother in law lived in West Virginia and was operated on in Mayo Clinic.
I don't see your point/what the problem is...
Don't know. My mother in law lived in West Virginia and was operated on in Mayo Clinic.
I don't see your point/what the problem is...

Yeah, I can see going to a major medical center for a specific operation or if that type if medical care is not available in the area close to where one lives. But, reading the article, it sounds like he is going to Stanford for regular, ongoing treatment. And it's not like San Diego lacks major medical centers.... They have excellent availability to good medical care there.

Either the article is leaving out some critical information as to why he gets treated at Stanford, or the guy is just trying to use his illness to bash the ACA.
Don't know. My mother in law lived in West Virginia and was operated on in Mayo Clinic.
I don't see your point/what the problem is...

It oes not matter where one lives when they have stage 4 cancer - they go where they can be helped.
Or, rather they could have before this crap obamacare ruined their chances to survive.
Either the article is leaving out some critical information as to why he gets treated at Stanford, or the guy is just trying to use his illness to bash the ACA.

So this guy, with cancer, loses his doc and his insurance - all for the sake of "bashing" the ACA?

That's a serious stretch, asswipe.

Either the article is leaving out some critical information as to why he gets treated at Stanford, or the guy is just trying to use his illness to bash the ACA.

So this guy, with cancer, loses his doc and his insurance - all for the sake of "bashing" the ACA?

That's a serious stretch, asswipe.


you are talking to a leftard obamacare worshiper.

they situation described in the article is exactly why this crap should be repealed - it will prevent people to get treatments they need - the very suposed reason it was enacted.
cancer treatments should be received where state of the art is.

however, if this crap obamacare stays - we will fall in cancer research and help dramatically.
we are #1 in cancer treatments in the world exactly because the way our healthcare was set up.
Any change to that model will push it way back.
I'm not a democrat and didn't vote for Obama you guys. I'm just looking at this information objectively. (You may want to look that word, objectively' up in the dictionary)

I am a cancer patient and I know that the San Diego area has excellent care and access to care for cancer treatments.

Like I said before, maybe the article is leaving out some critical information that would make it clear why he travels so far for ongoing treatment.

But, the average cancer patient simply doesn't travel that far for ongoing treatment. The cost alone would be a real burden for someone chronically ill.
I'm not a democrat and didn't vote for Obama you guys. I'm just looking at this information objectively. (You may want to look that word, objectively' up in the dictionary)

I am a cancer patient and I know that the San Diego area has excellent care and access to care for cancer treatments.

Like I said before, maybe the article is leaving out some critical information that would make it clear why he travels so far for ongoing treatment.

But, the average cancer patient simply doesn't travel that far for ongoing treatment. The cost alone would be a real burden for someone chronically ill.

The author also states that she went to Houston for treatment. Stanford and Houston, with UCSD for the emergency needs.

Some people, not all but some, will travel and seek out the best possible care and the best possible doctors. I imagine that, during some consulltation or another, she was directed to the doctors at Stanford and Houston and chose to avail herself of their talents. A person with a strong desire to live and the ability will seek out the best care possible. Perhaps the doctors she saw at Stanford and in Houston specialized in gallblader cancer. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston is an exceptional facility.

So why the skepticism? (You may want to loook that word up in the dictionary...)
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I'm not a democrat and didn't vote for Obama you guys. I'm just looking at this information objectively. (You may want to look that word, objectively' up in the dictionary)

I am a cancer patient and I know that the San Diego area has excellent care and access to care for cancer treatments.

Like I said before, maybe the article is leaving out some critical information that would make it clear why he travels so far for ongoing treatment.

But, the average cancer patient simply doesn't travel that far for ongoing treatment. The cost alone would be a real burden for someone chronically ill.

you are a LIAR.

neither are you a cancer patient nor are you objective.

not to even mention that only the idiot leftards can defend this crap obamacare
Welcome to European style Healthcare...
WE tell you where to go.
WE tell you when to go.
We tell you how long the wait is before you can go.
This belongs to the Democrats. And because of that - I predict numerous loss seats and losing the White House - IF AND ONLY IF - the Republican candidate is not affiliated with the Tea Party. If Ted Cruz as an example was the candidate - Hillary will win by a landslide.
I'm not a democrat and didn't vote for Obama you guys. I'm just looking at this information objectively. (You may want to look that word, objectively' up in the dictionary)

I am a cancer patient and I know that the San Diego area has excellent care and access to care for cancer treatments.

Like I said before, maybe the article is leaving out some critical information that would make it clear why he travels so far for ongoing treatment.

But, the average cancer patient simply doesn't travel that far for ongoing treatment. The cost alone would be a real burden for someone chronically ill.

The author also states that she went to Houston for treatment. Stanford and Houston, with UCSD for the emergency needs.

Some people, not all but some, will travel and seek out the best possible care and the best possible doctors. I imagine that, during some consulltation or another, she was directed to the doctors at Stanford and Houston and chose to avail herself of their talents. A person with a strong desire to live and the ability will seek out the best care possible. Perhaps the doctors she saw at Stanford and in Houston specialized in gallbladder cancer. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston is an exceptional facility.

So why the skepticism? (You may want to loook that word up in the dictionary...)

you are responding to a LIAR.

she states she is a cancer patient.

only a liar would question a STAGE 4 cancer patient need to go ANYWHERE.

or somebody who has no idea what stage 4 is.
Welcome to European style Healthcare...
WE tell you where to go.
WE tell you when to go.
We tell you how long the wait is before you can go.
This belongs to the Democrats. And because of that - I predict numerous loss seats and losing the White House - IF AND ONLY IF - the Republican candidate is not affiliated with the Tea Party. If Ted Cruz as an example was the candidate - Hillary will win by a landslide.

It is NOT European style.

It is a Nazi -style - we tell where to go and what kind of treatment you may have and you have to pay us big bucks for that.
Don't know. My mother in law lived in West Virginia and was operated on in Mayo Clinic.
I don't see your point/what the problem is...

Yeah, I can see going to a major medical center for a specific operation or if that type if medical care is not available in the area close to where one lives. But, reading the article, it sounds like he is going to Stanford for regular, ongoing treatment. And it's not like San Diego lacks major medical centers.... They have excellent availability to good medical care there.

Either the article is leaving out some critical information as to why he gets treated at Stanford, or the guy is just trying to use his illness to bash the ACA.

You are not understanding the difference between state of the art medical care and state of the art medical care at a specialty facility with specialty doctors.
So much for evil insurance companies not paying for the medical care for sick people.
I'm not a democrat and didn't vote for Obama you guys. I'm just looking at this information objectively. (You may want to look that word, objectively' up in the dictionary)

I am a cancer patient and I know that the San Diego area has excellent care and access to care for cancer treatments.

Like I said before, maybe the article is leaving out some critical information that would make it clear why he travels so far for ongoing treatment.

But, the average cancer patient simply doesn't travel that far for ongoing treatment. The cost alone would be a real burden for someone chronically ill.

The author also states that she went to Houston for treatment. Stanford and Houston, with UCSD for the emergency needs.

Some people, not all but some, will travel and seek out the best possible care and the best possible doctors. I imagine that, during some consulltation or another, she was directed to the doctors at Stanford and Houston and chose to avail herself of their talents. A person with a strong desire to live and the ability will seek out the best care possible. Perhaps the doctors she saw at Stanford and in Houston specialized in gallbladder cancer. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston is an exceptional facility.

So why the skepticism? (You may want to loook that word up in the dictionary...)

I'm skeptical because every horror story I have heard about the ACA has been either an exaggeration, has omitted critical information, or been out right lies.

Just hard to believe everything, or anything for that matter, that comes from republicans or democrats.

Like I said earlier, I can understand going to Stanford or Houston or anywhere else for specific treatment.... But to travel from San Diego to Stanford for ongoing care just doesn't seem reasonable. The out of pocket costs would be prohibitive unless the guy is really wealthy.
ObamaCare does the opposite of promoting real market competition. Reforms should include removing state barriers for insurance and health care. Instead, not only does ObamaCare make the state barriers stronger, it actually creates COUNTY Barriers.

It's pretty clear that ObamaCare is intended to keep the "serfs" chained to their current tax masters.

The might as well have subtitled "Directive 10-289":

#1. All workers, wage earners, and employers of any kind whatsoever shall henceforth be attached to their jobs and shall not leave nor be dismissed nor change employment, under penalty of a term in jail. The penalty shall be determined by the Unification Board, such Board to be appointed by the Bureau of Economic Planning and National Resources. All persons reaching the age of 21 shall report to the Unification Board, which shall assign them to where, in its opinion, their services will best serve the interests of the nation.

#2. All industrial, commercial, manufacturing and business establishments of any nature whatsoever shall henceforth remain in operation, and the owners of such establishments shall not quit nor leave nor retire, nor close, sell or transfer their business, under penalty of the nationalization of their establishment and of any and all of their property.

#3. All patents and copyrights, pertaining to any devices, inventions, formulas, process and works of any nature whatsoever, shall be turned over to the nation as a patriotic emergency gift by means of Gift Certificates to me signed voluntarily by the owners of all such patents and copyrights. The Unification Board shall then license the use of such patents and copyrights to all applicants, equally and without discrimination, for the purpose of eliminating monopolistic practices, discarding obsolete products and making the best available to the whole nation. No trademarks, brand names or copyrighted titles shall be used. Every formerly patented product shall be known by a new name and sold by all manufactures under the same name, such name to be selected by the Unification Board. All private trademarks and brand names are hereby abolished.

#4. No new devices, inventions, products, or goods of any nature whatsoever, not now on the marker, shall be produced, invented, manufactured or sold after the date of this directive. The Office of Patents and Copyrights is hereby suspended.

#5. Every establishment, concern, corporation or person engaged in production of any nature whatsoever shall henceforth produce the same amount of goods per year as it, they or he produced during the Basic Year, no more and no less. The year to be known as the Basic or Yardstick Year is to be the year ending on the date of this directive. Over or under production shall be fines, such fines to be determined by the Unification Board.

#6. Every person of any age, sex, class, or income, shall henceforth spend the same amount of money on the purchase of goods per year as he or she spent during the Basic Year, no more and no less. Over or under purchasing shall be fined, such fines to be determined by the Unification Board.

#7. All wages, prices, salaries, dividends, profits, interest rates and forms of income of any nature whatsoever, shall be frozen at their present figures, as of the date of this directive.

#8. All cases arising from the rules not specifically provided for in this directive, shall be settled and determined by the Unification Board, whose decisions will be final.

William A. Manning: Directive 10-289 from "Atlas Shrugged"
Don't know. My mother in law lived in West Virginia and was operated on in Mayo Clinic.
I don't see your point/what the problem is...

Yeah, I can see going to a major medical center for a specific operation or if that type if medical care is not available in the area close to where one lives. But, reading the article, it sounds like he is going to Stanford for regular, ongoing treatment. And it's not like San Diego lacks major medical centers.... They have excellent availability to good medical care there.

Either the article is leaving out some critical information as to why he gets treated at Stanford, or the guy is just trying to use his illness to bash the ACA.

You are not understanding the difference between state of the art medical care and state of the art medical care at a specialty facility with specialty doctors.

You are wrong. I understand the difference quite well.
There are parts of this account that just don't sound right.

The guy lives in San Diego and goes to Stanford for medical treatment? That's an eight hour drive. They have state of the art medical in San Diego, so why travel so far?

Just doesn't make sense.

That is not contradictory. Many cancer patients are not near a hospital like Stanford. I, myself, drive 2 hours one way to Vanderbilt to get treatment for my pulmonary hypertension.
Don't know. My mother in law lived in West Virginia and was operated on in Mayo Clinic.
I don't see your point/what the problem is...

Exactly. I know people here who go to the Mayo Clinic. That newbie is all wet and has already earned a neg from me.

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